

Intro: all my life I felt like an outcast because of the way I look, the ideology I possessed, and the things I been through. I feel like everyday is a fight in a never ending war, whether it’s to survive or get the will to want to survive. For everyone fighting, understand you will never be fighting alone. I left a lot out for personal reasons that I might add but my goal was to shed some light on mental health, I also always wanted to be an anime character cause growing up and watching them go through so much and still have the strength to fight inspired and motivated me to do the same but a lot of them didn’t show the emotional trauma that comes from all of those fights that you win or lose and so this is about how I’ve been fighting mental health. I also want to point out that I didn’t overcome these battles alone, I had help but I didn’t mention it a lot because I felt alone, and to put it into perspective of those who are actually alone, and sorry I’m bad at story telling, I’m still figuring everything out just like avante is.

BlackRikudo · Realistic
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14 Chs

Avante and self love: first encounter

I always knew I was funny and that I played too much, and my confidence in myself was mainly for internal features, but I didn't realize how important these things are until I needed an escape. Laughing was my way of coping, and self love gave me the strength to continue laughing.

Self love: you're so forgiving to everyone, why don't you give yourself that same level of forgiveness? You deserve it just as much

Avante: wow maybe I am too hard on myself

Self love: you're still growing, give yourself time to become your best, a caterpillar shouldn't be compared to the butterfly.

Sense of humor: even if you're the size of both

Self love: remember there's somebody for everybody, someone will look at you and see everything they've ever wanted, every part of life is a journey worth experiencing, don't rush your life, you only get one.

Avante: I feel different now, like I can achieve anything, my mental illnesses don't feel as strong as they did, they haven't gone away but I can fight them better than before.

Self love: when you love yourself, you don't need anyone else to do it for you, and those thoughts That weighed so heavily on your mind don't have power if you don't give it to them. Now smile wide and bright and don't hide it no matter how down you feel.

Avante: thank you, I can now see my own light that shines through my darkness.

Self love: don't thank me, thank yourself, you're the only one who needs to love you.

Sense of humor: awww this is so sweet but now you got some ass to beat so let's go.