

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The War on The Xuidian Kingdom

Remi's Perspective:

The stench of burned flesh filled my nose as the rising sun cast rays upon the city of Xuidia. Smoke was rising from the wreckage as fires raged across the horizon and burned out of control. The palace tower stood in utter silence, its massive doors gaping wide open. I woke with a start, coughing and hacking violently while coughing and choking on the densely packed debris that filled the chamber where my friends lay lifeless before me.

"We had to carry you to safety; the kingdom is in ruins because of Sora." Reagan stated it with a hint of sadness. I lifted myself upward, rising unsteadily off the ground as a wave of nausea swept over me.

Everything came flooding back to me in an instant as my vision sharpened and cleared. Blood splattered the floors of the royal hall where the king sat, hunched over against his throne, his hand clenched tightly in front, fingers clawing deep furrows into his palms as droplets trickled from underneath. There was nothing left to save except the bodies of the elite 10 who surrounded the palace.

As I stood up, it seemed that every innocent civilian that got caught in the crossfire lived. I wonder if that was just a chance or not.


I shouted while turning away from my friends. If only I had gotten stronger. I am no different than anyone else, though. If he keeps taking innocent lives from people who do not deserve death, he'll bring doom to his head and those of others. If I can't protect those around me, I will die in their stead. The pain and suffering I felt during our time as friends still lingers hauntingly and painfully inside me. The Elite 10 did not have to suffer this fate; they did not deserve this fate, yet Sora still took them away from us. I swear on Leo's name, and when I see Sora again, I'll kill him with my bare hands if I have to, even if that's not my main focus on the mission anymore.

"That isn't my problem right now. The only thing I should concern myself with is protecting this place. I have to do something."

A new resolve entered my mind. I will defeat this creature, no matter the cost. My kingdom is destroyed because of my weakness, and I'll sacrifice anything to achieve victory. I must be strong enough to bring victory. With an unknown feeling filling me, my chest filled with dread, and the pit in my gut sinking ever deeper, I left with Reagan by my side, hoping to find something that could make me stronger.

Sora's Perspective:

Once I returned, everything felt calmer. There wasn't a hint of turmoil or any of the anger that caused these recent events, yet I couldn't help noticing the profound emptiness that engulfed me. I am not meant to feel any sadness or remorse for this decision; however, part of me does ache deep down, knowing I had played my hand and done everything I could in my power to prevent their inevitable demise. That feeling spread like an infection and grew into an insatiable lust, begging me to end their suffering quickly by ending my life instead.

"Xavier, it's time to head to the Dreaburg Kingdom." I said with a grimace on my face as I teleported through to him, meeting him at my castle entrance.

"It is late in the day, young one; rest before we move out at first light tomorrow," he responded coldly without turning away from the mirror and stared blankly ahead. He paused for a few seconds, keeping his sight forward, as I stepped past and sat next to him, taking a spot opposite him by the fireplace.

"Xavier, do you dare oppose my orders?" I inquired, slowly raising my gaze from the ground and locking eyes with his dull-green pupils.

He just let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "No... Master." Xavier's tone carried the edge of steel but softened as he lowered himself in one fluid motion, kneeling down and bowing his head. "I apologize deeply, master." His words sounded hollow. 

"Let's get going; there is a promise that I need to fulfill."

I murmured the words, thinking through the last battle as the flames illuminated the surrounding area. I lifted a hand in front of me, igniting small purple flames across my fingertips and watching as they danced before my eyes before extinguishing them after several seconds. My strength had significantly improved compared to the old days. Although it seems I still require some improvement,.

Xavier and I got ready to head out to the Dreaburg Kingdom under cloaks to keep away any onlookers. 

"Are you ready now?" I whispered in a low tone, nodding slightly in his direction as he offered his arm in response. Xavier took the hint, locking arms with mine in his. He still hesitated, not looking very sure and conflicted even as we made contact, as if the air he inhaled choked him down every time he attempted to breathe normally.

I opened up the portal to the kingdom; however, after only walking a few feet, we ended up outside of Dreaburg. Nothing but the sound of crickets chirping resounded. Even the trees around here weren't swaying back and forth in the breeze or rustling among one another, which was unusual in these forests, where normally everything rustled and blew around wildly during the night. There didn't seem to be anyone guarding the entryway; no patrols of soldiers roamed or marched by, not even any noise to give away their presence.

I grabbed Xavier's arm and teleported into the castle without a second thought in my mind. We arrived in the garden, where flowers grew wildly across the open space in front of me, covering overgrown bushes in thick patches of crimson reds and blues. Their scent carried a faint odor of sweetness with hints of spices, though it smelled strong and pleasant, almost like a drug addict would enjoy if they could have just one whiff.

"We are here for the sister of a man that I fought." I turned to Xavier. I knew that it was futile, but I still hoped to avoid conflict. Cronus told me that I needed to protect her; it's a shame that such a pure heart had to die by my hand. The only thing that I can feel is sorrow and regret.

Xavier scanned the area to eventually locate the girl he sought within the confines of her bedchamber. "I believe she sleeps there," he stated flatly.

"You are free to join in whatever way you like, but please remember the request I made regarding her. Try to keep this peaceful if we can manage to do so." He simply nodded once more.

I knocked on her door as Xavier hung back and watched her closely as the sound of soft footsteps drifted into the corridor behind him and around the corner from where the hallway ended, its shadow darkening with each passing second, shrouded in deep silence. As the steps reached her door, I waited a moment for them to cease before opening the entrance softly.

"Who are you?" The girl asked with wide-eyed surprise etched upon her youthful features.