

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

Suspension (4)

"Sora! Stay with me, please!" Reagan's voice echoes through my ears, filled with fear and desperation. His hands grip onto mine tightly, as if he's trying to anchor me to this world. But I can feel myself slipping away, my body weakening with each passing moment.

I glance up at Reagan, tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. His face crumples in anguish, his lips quivering with emotion. The world around me spins and blurs, like a painting being smudged and distorted.

My head pounds with pain, the sound of my own heartbeat thundering in my ears. I try to speak, but my words come out in broken fragments, my breaths shallow and labored.

"What's going on...?" I manage to whisper, my voice barely audible.

Reagan's grip on my hands tightens even more, his voice cracking with emotion as he replies, "Sora... what's happening to you?"

"Reagan... get... Headmaster Williams... now..." I gasp out, my body wracked with pain.


As I sit in class, listening to the lesson, my mind still reeling from the events that just transpired, Leo, Rayne, Enzo and I are suddenly summoned to the office. I wonder why we're being called down, a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

As the four of us exit the classroom, we're met by Scarlett, the school nurse. The distress etched on her face sends chills down my spine. Rayne's concern is palpable as she asks, "Scarlett, what's going on?"

"Sora is in critical condition," Scarlett replies, her voice laced with worry.

My heart drops as the words register in my mind. How could this happen to Sora? Leo's rage boils over as he demands, "What the hell happened to Sora?!" His fists clench so tightly, I fear he may break something.

"It was from his own doings, he ran out of mana and now there's some exterior force that is sapping his mana, preventing him from recovering," Scarlett explains.

"We have to see him this instant," I plead with Scarlett, my expression etched with worry and fear.

She nods and leads us to the school hospital, where we see Sora hooked up to at least five different machines, his body frail and lifeless. I look over at Rayne and see that she's on the verge of vomiting, her legs trembling so much that she can barely stand. "Rayne... are you okay?" I ask, my concern for her growing.

"Sora... he's being consumed by a violent violet aura, it's surrounded him..." Rayne's voice trembled with fear, her eyes fixated on Sora. I turned my gaze towards him, and my heart sank at the sight. Sora was writhing in pain, his body arched and contorted, as if he was battling an invisible force. The air around him shimmered with an ominous glow, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was at play.

"What do you mean violet aura?" Scarlett's confusion was palpable.

"It's like a dark cloud that's taken over his entire being. I can feel his mana being drained away," Rayne's words came out in a rush, her eyes unfocused as if she was seeing something beyond our realm. "If we don't do something, he'll be lost to it forever."

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Williams appeared, breathless and agitated. "Scarlett, what's going on? Why is Sora in critical condition?" His eyes scanned the room, and then landed on Sora, his face turning pale with shock.

"He did this to himself by using up too much mana," Scarlett explained, her voice low.

Williams' face contorted with anger. "I need to know how this happened. Who was with him?"

"Reagan," Scarlett replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

The air grew heavy with tension, and Reagan stepped forward, his shiny silver armor clinking with each step. "I'm sorry, Williams. I should have stopped the fight when I saw that Sora was using too much mana," he said, his voice laced with regret.

Williams' fury burned like molten lava, boiling over and spilling out in a violent strike across Reagan's face. "Useless!" he spat, his eyes wild with anger. "Sora gave you a name? Reagan of all names... pathetic."

Reagan stood firm, refusing to cower under the weight of Williams' wrath. His eyes remained locked onto Williams, a fierce determination etched into his features. "With all due respect, sir, I am quite content with the name Sora gave me. As for what's so special about Sora, I think you already know the answer to that."

Williams' voice grew lower, filled with a warning tone. "That is something that I am unable to tell you, not even Sora knows why he is given such special treatment by every organization around him... Listen to me Reagan, Sora gets special treatment from the federal government, there is something that this boy has that many people want, therefore in order to keep those people away, he was given special privileges."

Reagan's eyes narrowed, his gaze unwavering. "Williams, what do you gain by protecting this boy, do you sought for what he has? Is that what your goal is?"

Williams' response was immediate and forceful. "I've already explained this to Sora, NO. I see everyone here as my child and it would be agonizing seeing one of them die, I know the circumstances of Sora's situation before he was even enrolled in this school, the government was kind enough to release classified documents to me about Sora. Let's say I did kill you, what would you think Sora does?"

Reagan's thoughts swirled with uncertainty as he struggled to come up with an answer. "I would hope it's not to seek out revenge... I would want him to move on."

Williams leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let me tell you, this entire world would cease to exist, if I killed any of Sora's close friends or anyone he remotely cares about, that would be the trigger for him and unleash an ability that will wreak devastation on not only the city itself, but the world. He has the world at his fingers without him even realizing."

Reagan felt a chill race down his spine at Williams' words, his mind struggling to comprehend the full implications of what he was hearing. It seemed that Williams knew far more about Sora than anyone had ever suspected, and the sheer power he wielded was beyond imagination. How could one person hold so much influence?

"Remi, Rayne, we need to stay by Sora's side for now. Wait for him to wake up then ask him what happened and how this exactly happened to him." With those words, Williams turned and strode away, his anger barely contained.

Rayne and I shared a glance, both of us feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on them. we settled down beside Sora, waiting for him to awaken and hoping that he could shed some light on the mysteries that surrounded him.