

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

Suspension (2)

I woke up to the gentle symphony of nature's melodies, as the sweet chirping of birds played like a lullaby in my ears. It felt like a distant memory from my childhood, a simpler time when the world wasn't plagued with stress and anxiety. I stretched my arms and legs, relishing in the sensation of my muscles slowly waking up.

As I made my way towards the door, I opened it to greet the morning sunshine and the scent of fresh grass. Reagan, a powerful spirit, stood in front of me. "Good Morning Reagan!" I greeted him warmly.

"How are you feeling this morning Sora?" he replied.

"I'm feeling much better," I said, feeling a new sense of vitality. "Say, how about we go do some training out in the fields?"

Reagan looked at me quizzically, scratching his head. "Training? What is there to train? I am capable of warding off any threat that stands in our way!"

Intrigued, I asked him, "What is your magic affinity?"

Reagan smiled. "Oh, that's right! You don't know what affinity I am. To put it bluntly, I can use all affinities of magic. I am a spirit with no limiters placed on me."

My jaw dropped in amazement. "No limiters? That means you have infinite potential?"

"Indeed," Reagan replied. "Unfortunately, even if I have no limiters, there are still restrictions placed on me in what I can do."

"So you do have limiters..." I said.

Reagan shook his head. "I do not have limiters, I just have restrictions placed on me by Headmaster Williams. If he decided to remove those restrictions off of me, the sheer pressure of my mana presence is enough to kill everyone in this building besides Williams."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear wash over me. Reagan was that powerful? He could wipe out everyone without even lifting a finger?

"How about this," Reagan said, breaking my thoughts. "I'll be your personal trainer for the week. How does that sound, Sora?"

Excitedly, I nodded my head in agreement. "That would be great, thank you!"

We enjoyed breakfast together, and though Reagan didn't need to eat, he watched me with a kind smile on his face. After we finished, we headed outside to the desolate plains with nothing but wide open spaces as far as the eye could see.

"Sora... I want you to come and attack me with all your might. Don't worry about hurting me," Reagan said, his voice filled with confidence.

I gulped, feeling a little intimidated. Nevertheless, I shifted into my fighting stance, ready to do my best. Reagan held his arm up, signaling for me to attack him.

"LIGHT ROOTS!" I shouted as roots began to emerge from the ground towards Reagan. However, he easily dodged them with grace and ease, slicing through the ones that got too close to him. His fighting style was like a beautiful dance, a form of art. The way he moved so elegantly, it was clear that he was a formidable opponent.

I concentrated on gathering light energy to use to close the distance between us. As I blasted towards him, Reagan looked at me with a smile. It was clear that he wasn't taking me seriously; to him, I was just a clown.

As I launched my attack, Reagan moved with an effortless grace, dodging my strike with a fluid motion that seemed to flow like water. I stumbled, my body struggling to keep up with the sudden burst of speed that I had unleashed. Before I could even regain my balance, Reagan was on top of me, his fist connecting with my face in a brutal blow that sent me crashing to the ground.

My vision swam, the world around me a blur of indistinct shapes and colors. Black spots danced before my eyes, while a loud ringing filled my ears, drowning out all other sound. Through the haze, I could hear Reagan calling out to me, his voice thick with concern and regret.

Slowly, my senses began to return, the world sharpening into focus once more. As I sat up, Reagan's expression was one of sorrow, his eyes filled with regret and guilt. But I knew that his actions were necessary. If I wanted to grow stronger, I needed to face opponents like him - those who could push me to my limits and beyond.

"Reagan, it's okay," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I need to be challenged if I want to improve."

He looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and remorse, clearly still struggling with what had just transpired. But I was determined to move forward, to learn from this experience and become even stronger.

"Let's take a break," I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "We can come back to this later."

Reagan seemed lost in thought, his eyes fixed on some distant point in the horizon. But then, he spoke up.

"How about I teach you some light magic techniques?"

I perked up at this, my interest piqued. I had always been fascinated by magic, and the idea of learning something new was too enticing to pass up.

As Reagan began to explain the basics of incantation-less magic, I lay back on the ground, gazing up at the sky. The clouds drifted lazily overhead, their white forms standing out against the blue expanse above.

Despite the bruises and soreness that I felt, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. This suspension, far from being a punishment, had given me the chance to spend time with Reagan and the others, to learn and grow in ways that I never could have imagined.

As Reagan continued to speak, I felt a surge of determination welling up inside me. I was ready to face any challenge, to become the strongest hero that I could be. And with Reagan by my side, I knew that anything was possible.