

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Leo's Backstory (2)

-----------------------------------------------Leo's Perspective--------------------------------------------

As I watched my father struggle against The Voidwalker's overwhelming power, tears filled my eyes and sadness consumed me. Amidst the chaos, my sister pulled me away from the scene. My screams still echoed in the air. The Voidwalker suddenly appeared before us, interrupting our escape.

"Nihilistic Nova," his voice echoed, releasing a malevolent energy that threatened to engulf us. My sister grabbed me, sacrificing her arm to protect me. The wave of destruction wiped out everything in its path.

"Leo, you have to run," Emily said with a fleeting smile, her words heavy with impending tragedy. Her determination to protect me never wavered, even in the face of death.

I was speechless this time, overwhelmed by the moment. Driven by desperation and the hope for my sister's survival, I ran away.

But The Voidwalker's eyes locked onto Emily with disdain. He sneered, "Why do you save the weak, Emily? Your brother is nothing but an annoyance."

Emily's confident voice retorted, "My brother will surpass all in our family. I swear, he'll defeat you when destiny calls."

The Voidwalker's response was swift and cruel. In an instant, he sliced my sister's head off with his dark power.

All I could do was flee, my small legs carrying me as far as possible. Between sobs, I gasped for air, struggling to breathe. "Emily... Daddy... they're gone," I said through my tears.

But The Voidwalker's presence lingered behind me, his chilling words piercing my grief. "Child, give up. Emily and Sion would have wanted it. You're a mere annoyance, purposeless here."

Fear and tears mixed together, and I kept crying. Yet, his venomous words pushed me to say something I could hardly understand myself. "I'll kill you."

The Voidwalker's cruel laughter cut through the air. "You know what? Live on. Grow strong. So that one day, when you're worth the trouble, I can enjoy the satisfaction of ending you."

And just like that, he disappeared, leaving me in a daze. Overwhelmed, I let the flood of emotions take over, my cries blending with the fading sound of his laughter. Despair carried me home, and as I stumbled through the door, my mother embraced me, our tears mingling as we mourned the loss of my father and sister.

5 Years Later...

Following everything that happened, I found myself without any real friends. I'd always been the quiet type, avoiding conflicts and keeping to myself. But then came Sora, and he showed me a whole new way to live.

It all kicked off when a bunch of kids decided to make me their target. One of the bullies sneered, "Check out the loner over here," and he shoved me hard into a locker.

I stuck to my usual poker face, refusing to let them see that I was affected. And that's when Sora stepped in, changing the game for me.

"Alright, that's enough!" Sora declared as he lunged at the bully, landing a solid punch and then giving him a good stomp.

The bully, though, grabbed Sora's leg, tripped him, and Sora's head smacked the ground, leaving a nasty gash. It was at that moment that I saw a whole new side of Sora – wild and unpredictable. He got back on his feet and started pummeling the bully, not stopping until three teachers managed to pull him away, and the bully was rushed to the hospital.

After the dust settled, Sora and I were sitting in the principal's office, trying to explain ourselves. "Sora, care to explain why you felt the need to beat that kid senseless?" the principal asked.

Sora smirked, chuckling a bit. "He was picking on my friend here. Somebody had to teach him a lesson, and it sure wasn't going to be anyone else in this dump of a school."

The principal began to respond, but Sora cut him off. "Let's be real, you guys wouldn't have done anything about it. This place is a joke."

The principal sighed. "Well, I guess suspension is the only option left. There's not much else I can do."

Sora shrugged like it was no big deal and walked out of the office. I excused myself and managed to catch up with him. For the first time in a long while, I felt genuinely curious about someone. "Why did you step in for me?" I asked.

Sora glanced at me, that mysterious half-smile on his face. "You needed help, and I was right there to offer it. No big philosophical reasons." He shrugged again. And that was the start of Sora and me becoming friends. He was the first real friend I had since my father and sister passed away.

Present Day...

"Reagan... I can't let myself fall behind. I have to be better, so I can kill him," I said, my fist clenched tightly, the determination palpable in my words.

Reagan's laughter caught me off guard, a mixture of amusement and sincerity. "Leo, you might not realize it, but you've already outshined Sora. Trust me, that's a big deal."

I shook my head, a bit unsure of myself. "Come on, Reagan. Sora's in a coma. It's not right to compare myself to him right now," I said, downplaying my own achievements. But deep down, I hoped to believe in my progress.

Reagan's expression softened, his words carrying encouragement. "Leo, give yourself credit. You've worked hard to get where you are. And it's time to visit Sora anyway."

I left Reagan behind, my thoughts a mix of contemplation and determination. When I arrived at the hospital, I stepped into the sterile room, the steady hum of machines forming the backdrop. Talking to Sora about my day had become a routine, a way to share even though he couldn't respond. But today, there was something different in the air. It was as if the room held a subtle energy, a hint of change.

As I spoke, I noticed a faint movement in Sora's fingers. My heart raced, hope blossoming within me. And then, to my astonishment, his eyelids twitched, and his eyes started to open. "Sora...?" I said, my voice catching with emotion.

His voice was raspy, but it was undeniably his. "Leo...?" he managed, a weak smile playing on his lips as he tried to lift his arm. "You think it's time to catch up?"