

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Hate. (2)

Sora's Perspective:

No matter how hard I cried, it seemed like nothing would bring Enzo back alive. My soul hurt as I realized that my friend was dying in front of me and that there was nothing I could do to save him. And for what purpose did I do this to myself? What was the point in betraying him when this was bound to happen eventually anyway? My heart shattered when I saw my companion cry out before his death. It was all going wrong. Nothing was supposed to happen this way, so why did it?

"Look at what you've done, Sora; even my own father could not save Enzo. He had to make sure he had no choice but to give up."

My tears turned bitter. "NO. THIS WAS MY MISTAKE." I screamed. "Please don't be too hard on yourself. There were certain events that were beyond your control." Rain's hand hovered near my face as if wanting to comfort me, but she hesitated and ultimately decided against touching me.

"Why are you trying to comfort me? I fucking loathe you more than anything in this world." I cursed my father bitterly. "I'm the only one who could sympathize with your actions and thoughts." Rain declared.

He gripped my hair tightly, twisting my head back to face him before glaring at me. "Don't speak anymore." I couldn't really speak if I wanted to; I was too shellshocked to be able to articulate any sentence. The only thing I could think about was that I really, really, REALLY WANTED TO FUCKING KILL RAIN RIGHT WHERE HE STOOD. "Sora Katayama." As Rain said my last name, my ears perked up immediately in response, while at the same time I found my face contorting into a furious snarl.

"Please stop using the last name 'Katayama.' I'm not your child, remember? I'm an orphan. You don't deserve any title related to being related with me. Because YOU'VE FUCKING ABANDONED ME AND LEFT ME TO DIE ON A GODDAMN STREET!"

Before he could respond, Enzo stood up. How the hell did he reattach his limbs? I swear, I saw him dead. He wasn't just a man-shaped mass of muscle; he possessed unique and terrifying abilities. The last thing that was going through his mind at the moment, however, was his imminent death; instead, he wanted revenge on my behalf.

I screamed to stop him, but it didn't seem like anyone heard me because he continued to advance until he was face-to-face with Rain. "Enzo is already dead. I'm what remains of him." Imonojin said. The entire room was lit up by bright white lights illuminating its entirety, blinding Rain, but Imonojin was unaffected. "Enough." Suddenly, I felt myself being dragged by my collar and pulled upwards towards him. My whole body was trembling from fear while he was saying those words. I knew what would happen next.

"We have unfinished business to finish here, son," Imonojin declared before landing a clean, crisp blow to Rain's gut. The air flew out of my father's lungs upon impact as his eyes widened with surprise.

"Such power..." He grunted before getting back up on his feet again and smiling faintly. "Now we can finish our business." I couldn't keep watching anymore; so, instead of continuing watching Rain, I turned my attention towards Imonojin, who remained unharmed but covered in cuts all over. His clothing hung loosely around him, looking like a torn rag.

I was about to help him until a sudden wave of intense pain surged through me unexpectedly, causing me to grit my teeth and wince as tears fell from my eyes involuntarily. All I could do was watch as blood spurted everywhere because there was nothing else that would help Imonojin anymore; our fate had already been sealed the moment we confronted Rain.

It took me longer than usual to stand up since every single joint in my body seemed frozen solid, but somehow I managed it after staggering a bit when first rising from the floor.

The battle between two gods was horrifying to witness. Imonojin attacked so fast, dodged so gracefully, and struck so smoothly that every blow Rain delivered back only increased the effectiveness of his attacks. Rain himself wasn't as weak either; while he lacked agility or dexterity in comparison, he was remarkably strong in both his offensive capabilities and defensive; not only did each punch seem heavier and hit harder than the previous, but the amount of damage received each time had also been reduced greatly since the beginning.

It appeared that Imonojin grew exhausted after constantly using his mana to strike out at Rain over and over again while avoiding being struck or slowed down significantly as a result of continuous fighting. "It seems this body has its limitations. Sora, my time in this body is coming to an end. I tried to do as much damage as I could, but it seems Rain is more powerful than I could imagine." Imonojin apologized and turned towards me.

I shook my head slowly. "This was a mistake—a horrible one. None of you deserved this fate." I replied sadly, as tears dripped from my eyes and fell to the ground below me. "I hope Enzo doesn't regret letting you have that opportunity," Imonojin answered, smiling slightly before taking a deep breath and sighing heavily once again. "Are you done, you fucking old hag?" Rain yelled, walking over to me nonchalantly without a care in the world, despite the fact that his clothes were torn to shreds and there was a noticeable amount of dried blood splattered on him.

"Arc Suicide." Imonojin's body began to glow brightly. Everything around me faded to a pure white as his mana leaked into the air. Suddenly, there was a sharp, burning sensation coursing through his veins. When I woke up after losing consciousness, I looked at the sight of Rain standing alone, covered in a sea of blood, and panting heavily.

"It looks like that was the old man's final stand." Rain remarked casually. "That damn Imonojin; his power was remarkable." I cried silently for him because he shouldn't have died like this, fighting someone far beyond his ability.

Before I could even stand up, I was teleported back to the real world. Just like that, I witnessed another one of my friends die, and I could do nothing about it. "SORA!" Remi exclaimed. "FUCK! WHY DID YOU TAKE ME OUT? THAT WAS MY ONE CHANCE TO KILL RAIN! HE EVEN FUCKING KILLED ENZO." I began shaking uncontrollably as Remi hugged me tightly in the process.