

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


I clutched my side as my body trembled uncontrollably, and I tried to stop myself from falling to my knees in agony. My entire body ached tremendously. It felt like something heavy rested on my shoulders, pushing me forward and backward at the same time.

Even though I had the ability to heal wounds instantly, I chose not to and let the wound continue to bleed. Instead, I kept it a secret from the people I saved and acted like nothing had ever happened. After all, I mustn't give up. They must be saved and protected at all costs. Even though they were being saved already, they still needed some more help from their newfound ally, especially when their savior had to return immediately or risk facing death.

Now, I'm feeling immense pain coursing throughout every part of my body as I struggle to stand on my legs. My muscles ache, I struggle to breathe, I can't even stand properly, my head is pounding every time I move, and my skin tingles and stings as well. Everything just feels overwhelming and overwhelmingly painful as I stare at the world through glassy eyes.

So this must be what the pain of living through hellfire—being forced to relive one's personal trauma—feels like—enduring it even though it is tormenting and agonizing—being afraid of hurting oneself without anything to shield them.

"SORA!" Enzo cried out as he ran towards me.

"Ugh..." A small whimper escaped my lips, a shiver running up my spine as his presence sent another rush of intense pain through me, causing my head to spin violently. My chest tightens in fear that someone is going to see the evidence of the carnage around me.

The next few minutes pass in a haze as I watch as Enzo approaches slowly and gently, stopping mere inches from my face. Tears stream down his cheeks as he looks down into my blood-smeared face, seeing my wounds and trying to think of something, anything, to help calm his emotions.

God, I thought you died back then... I'm sorry... This is all my fault, Sora! If I weren't so useless and had been with you, then none of this would have happened. Now we're both probably fucked forever because of this one stupid mistake!" He choked, his voice thick and ragged. His whole body shivered like a child.

"Damn it, Sora, how could I have let this happen to us both?" He whispered weakly.

My throat became dry at the thought. So much pain. It hurt to move. It hurts to think about it. Everything just hurts right now, and the mere sight of the destroyed buildings brought tears to my eyes.

"Enzo, I need you to help me up; let's get the hell out of here."

With no choice but to comply, he held my trembling form firmly by the arm. Using both hands, I leaned against Enzo's back and forced myself to straighten, forcing a grin as I steadied myself on him.

"Guys," a faint feminine voice said into the night, piercing through the wall of silence between us. My heart leaped when I caught sight of who was approaching.

"Remi?! What the hell are you doing here?" I was confused.

"Did you help save people during the disaster?" I questioned her, earning a short, embarrassed giggle.

"I did, yeah. It was quite hard since there were so many injured civilians and no place to escape. Thankfully, I was able to use my barrier spell to protect everyone. A lot of the locals wanted to stay behind to save everyone else. So they used all their remaining strength and gave the last bit of their magic powers to me. I used them all, unfortunately, and still had no luck, but I still did save people in the process," Remi informed, her eyes never leaving mine.

We've got to head back; I need to recover and return ASAP, and I'm not sure we should take these guys back either. Maybe send them somewhere safe. What do you guys think?" Enzo inquired.

"We will let the national guard deal with this problem; we did all we could, Enzo." I said.

"Please, can someone just tell me how these men even manage to cross such dangerous lands?" Remi pleaded.

I hesitated. Remi was only ten when I left; she shouldn't have been seeing this kind of carnage at all.

"That I really don't know. I don't think even these guys here can give a proper explanation either. But what does matter is that these kinds of occurrences should never be tolerated. If I were you, Remi, I wouldn't be asking those questions. People need protection against evil; there must be no mistakes." I reassured.

Remi nodded quickly in agreement, gazing off into the distance. I took a quick step, grabbed hold of the hood, and dragged the guy's body away before he started bleeding too much. I glanced up at the beautiful night sky, seeing nothing but darkness with no sign of stars except the large black ball with its edge barely touching the horizon.

"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Enzo questioned me hesitantly, gazing worriedly in my direction. I smiled broadly and reached over, patting his shoulder affectionately.

Yeah, I'll be alright; you guys can go on without me. I'm going to question this goon before bringing him back to the capital." I said

"Okay, Sora, just don't forget to eat and drink a lot when you have a chance," Remi replied.

"Sure, I'll do that. Just take good care of yourselves."

"Then we're all set; Remi and I will be going." Enzo stated.

They both walked away from my sight, eventually disappearing down the road.

Now, what do I do about you? I thought, directing a cold glare at the man who had lost consciousness in the middle of his own mess, the dark blood covering his skin and dripping steadily onto the floor. I walked up to him and slapped him awake. He began struggling and groaning in pain again. As his vision blurred, he could still see the face of the person staring down at him: a young, attractive boy with pitch black hair wearing a black cap, a gray hoodie, and matching gray sweatpants, staring down with eyes filled with nothing but pure hate and disdain for his entire existence, wanting nothing more than to have the entire planet erupt into flames in the exact instant he ends his pathetic life once and for all, wishing to send this entire planet straight to hell.

"W-What? Where am I?" He croaked softly, rubbing his head gently with his hand, only to be pushed away harshly when he placed too much pressure on his injured body, a small whimper leaving his mouth and blood continuing to ooze.

"I was waiting for you to ask that," I replied, a cold grin spreading across my lips.

"Tell me, what kind of sick monster are you, huh?!" He said this as he looked at me with contempt.

"I'm the monster? Tell me what is your name?" I asked with curiosity in my voice, gripping the collar of his cloak tighter, earning a slight groan from him.

"We do not want our names mentioned." He grunted out while he spat, blood pooling on the floor beneath me.

"Come on! Even a monster deserves a little respect."

"Just kill me already." He retorted with a glint of steel in his tone. His black eyes flashed dangerously as the man glared up at me with disgust, unable to find it in himself to hide the intense hatred, hostility, and revulsion burning deep within.

"I'll make you suffer more than you already have if you don't start talking." I responded without even hesitating an ounce. I proceeded to smash my right elbow into the right side of his neck causing him to wheeze painfully before pushing his face into a puddle of his own urine and feces, forcing him to swallow mouthfuls while laughing, mocking him.

"Fuck you! I'll never talk, no matter what."

"Why did The Voidwalker hire you?" I inquired calmly while holding his collar tightly, seeing as his lips sealed shut. "Tell me, and I might spare your worthless life," I hissed as I smashed the back of my right knee against his skull, cracking the bone underneath. 

He laughed derisively, his tone brittle. "You're pathetic!" His dark eyes flickered dangerously as the black orbs glistened menacingly under the sunlight; his pupils narrowed into tiny slits.

I grinned wickedly and smashed a fist into his nose with all the strength in my body, snapping the bones and cartilages clean in half, shattering his nasal cavity into nothing. I broke each and every finger as he gasped loudly for air, trying desperately to regain the broken pieces of his once-strong will. But the blood loss and shock took over, turning my knuckles white under their weight.

"Start talking," I whispered threateningly. "Or else I will do unimaginable things to your body." I continued threatening. The guy didn't say a single word even after hearing this threat. In fact, he seemed more amused by it all, which angered me even further.

I slammed a fist into his jaw, causing his teeth to shatter in the back and sending cracks spider webbing down the sides of his face as his cheekbone shattered like glass. "Damn, this guy's jaw is thick." I cursed as I kicked him in his chest.

His breath came in short gasps and he struggled to get oxygen into his lungs. Each time he sucked in enough air, the veins on his forehead would expand and veins would pulse visibly underneath his skin.

Suddenly he lunged forward and stabbed me with the knife hidden underneath his cloak causing a gasp of pain, a burst of fire shooting up from my chest.

"If... You weren't so... Pathetic, I would've enjoyed... Killing you myself instead." He panted, giving me a cruel smile that was filled with bloodstained fangs.