

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

A Familiar Place

I woke up in a familiar place, somewhere that wasn't home but somewhere that felt familiar to me. Then I remembered, I've been here while I was in my coma, I met the God of Wrath here.

"Welcome back, Sora. You're looking good." Rain said.

"What the hell do you want, Rain?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see how you were doing." Rain replied.

"I'm fine, so you can go away."

Rain laughed and shook his head. "That's no way to talk to your God, Sora."

I glared at him and said, "I don't care, you're nothing to me."

"You're an interesting one, Sora. You're not afraid of me, most people are." Rain said.

"Why would I be afraid of you? You're just another power-hungry monster like the rest." I replied.

"Ouch, that hurt." Rain said as he put his hand over his heart.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't have time for this, I need to get back to the real world."

"You don't have to go back yet. You can stay here and train with me." Rain replied.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me, you can stay here and train with me. I can teach you how to use your magic properly." Rain replied.

"What is there for you to teach me?" I asked.

"A lot more than you think." Rain replied.

"Whatever, I have no interest in what a pathetic god has to say."

Rain grinned at me and said, "Pathetic huh, I see."

Then before my vision, a great green-skinned humanoid with four muscular arms wielding a huge axe appeared out of thin air. This monster was huge, standing around 6 foot 6 inches and covered head to toe in muscle.

"What is that?" I asked.

"A Demonkin, also called Asmodai by your world. He's from the Hells, and is the epitome of wrath. He uses his massive size to his advantage by crushing his opponent underneath him or swinging his massive axe with enough power to split them clean in half. And now he's your opponent!"

This is absurd, a fight like this wasn't my idea of a good fight. This seemed so unrealistic and if this thing was really a demon from hell, could this kill me? Could this thing even touch me? I wouldn't know until the first punch was thrown, and if what he says about its physical strength is true, it could seriously kill me in a few hits.

I drew a blade of energy with my left hand and kept my right arm relaxed. The moment that Demonkin got close, it began its swing, its attack was obvious, so obvious that I had the option to go low or dodge. There was a catch, its attack wasn't an ordinary swing it was infused with its spiritual energy and demonic power.

I ducked underneath the heavy axe blow, but it felt like a speeding train was heading straight for my neck, without hesitation or thinking, I conjured a sword made out of pure light magic. My energy blade swung forward and slashed open his left thigh, sending purple demonic blood flying all around the stage.

"Not bad," The Demon said as he glanced at his injury. He glared at me with those black soulless eyes, the look it gave me sent chills down my spine, causing me to step back in fear.

My heart was racing, I could barely hear anything other than my own breathing, the sound of his feet slamming into the ground as he walked closer was deafening. I had no idea how I was going to survive a fight against something like this.

"Your end is at hand, little mage," He said with a growl, baring his sharp fangs. I gulped and tightened the grip on my weapon, my muscles tensed up and my breathing became rapid. His movements were slow but very precise, he slowly stalked towards me, studying every possible movement I could make.

"What's your name, monster?" I asked as I backed away from the giant.

"I have many names, some of which would leave your mind scarred forever, others that would drive you mad, and some that would cause you to become a prisoner in your own body," He said as a toothy grin stretched across his face.

"Do any of these names matter when I am soon to send you to the Hells myself, oh no wait, you were created from it aren't you?" I retorted.

The monster simply ignored my insult and continued walking towards me, the aura around his body was oppressive, heavy, and suffocating, I had trouble staying upright as sweat trickled down my forehead.

He wasn't quick, but I didn't want him getting any closer so I had no choice, I sent out a quick shot of flames straight from the top of my right arm, aimed directly at his head. However, it dissipated in front of him, creating a flash of light and blinding smoke.

He used the smoke to his advantage as he appeared behind me, his massive fist colliding with my shoulder and throwing me across the ground.

I managed to stop myself with one foot and turned to face my enemy, sending out an array of wind blades at him, however, they didn't do a thing.

The demon rushed forward, charging past the barrage of attacks, throwing his axe at my stomach, I bent backward so that the tip of his axe struck me in the chest. My back slammed against the hard dirt floor below me and pain radiated all throughout my body.

I coughed up a mouthful of blood, splattering it against my black clothing, seeping through the cloth. My lungs burned, aching with agony. I clenched my teeth together and sent out a surge of light. This managed to catch him off guard.

The creature convulsed before crashing into the dirt. I stood up with a wince and gritted my teeth. "This is your end, beast," I said, glaring down at the Demon with hatred, "Your very existence disgusts me, it's an affront to everything that is good in this universe and I will make sure that you suffer."

The demon snarled as he forced himself into a kneeling position. "Such weak magic," he spat as his blood dripped from his jawline. He glanced up at me. "Don't look so cocky," he snarled. "You can barely hold my axe in your pitiful arms, let alone swing it properly. So if you're going to end me, hurry the hell up,"

I willed an ice shard to form in my free hand. Its coldness numbed my fingers and my breath steamed as the air crystallised around us, its magic enveloping the beast within a magical cocoon of frost. He was frozen in place, a large chunk missing from his gut as well.

I slowly raised the dagger high above him and plunged it towards the gaping hole, piercing through his flesh and organs, crimson blood bubbling to the surface and pooling in front of my feet, painting my shoes dark crimson. His skin was scorched and burned by the magic, his muscles twitching from the icy sting. He struggled to stay conscious as the light surrounding his body diminished and turned black.

"There are worse things than death," I whispered, wrapping my right hand around his throat and clenching his neck tight, letting my magic flow out from me and through the demon. The entire area lit up with my aura. I willed every single ounce of energy I possessed to pour into the demon's body.

Every part of him trembled with unbridled power. It flowed through his veins, coursed through his bones, coursed through his muscles. It was overwhelmingly intoxicating. All the hate that festered inside me was being forced onto him, flowing through him, amplifying everything that was within him, including the agony of my magic.

He screamed, his body convulsing. His voice carried far into the distance as he tried desperately to free himself from my clutches, but failed miserably. I smirked and leaned closer. "Let this be your punishment," I whispered harshly into the ear of the dying monster. "Let me watch the non-existent light leave your eyes. Let me know how powerless you were,"

The creature gasped and gurgled, its head thrashing around wildly. Its hands clawed frantically at the ground beneath it, desperately trying to find purchase to keep itself standing but failing. Blood ran thickly from the corners of its mouth, sputtering down the front of my tunic, coating everything with red. It choked and wheezed as it attempted to breathe while under my magical assault, and eventually, finally gave up on living.

I released my grip on the creature's neck and watched as its eyes dulled, rolling backwards, its body slumping forward in a lifeless heap. Then, suddenly, his skin cracked apart, exploding into a black cloud of ash that dissipated almost instantly, leaving behind only the bloodied remains of its former self.

"Is this truly who you are Sora?" Rain asked.

"Enough games, what the hell is this?" I asked.

"What I showed you, are the beginnings of you losing yourself." Rain said.

"I'm not afraid. I already told you I'm willing to do whatever it takes to kill The Voidwalker" I said.