
Determine to go to war

War are developed by man,war can also be avoided by man ,but all leaders wants the protection for their citizens a world where scientists were put to work engaging in a serious lab experiment wanting to produce the best weapons in human history,a killing machine capable of eradicating and getting down tanks when activated,jose was a 29 year old soldier working for his nation ,but his country went to war with another nation the battle was to dominate the other country, authority must be kepts only in the hands of the strong,,check out my new novel,determine to go to war,,where power and control is compelled,applying the most brutal massacre and killings of there adversaries

Ogirri_Liberty · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:base point

Meanwhile it was three weeks after Jose dad decided to take his son to a school, the school was governed by the military where anyone who is in the school wants to become a soldier or wants to work in the military intelligence, but it was a strict school where it's thought how to follow orders and be acquainted, Jose dad knows it will be best if his son Jose is in the school, they were on their way and Jose dad was telling Jose he is going to like it there if only he believes he is the best in the mist of those other kids and he should always obey orders from his seniors and superiors but still Jose still don't want to go there so Jose dad told his son not to let the situation he sees to get the most of him, so he gave Jose scopes on how problems are not to be avoided but to be faced that's the only way to understand that problem is to be solve not to run away from it , that it feels so sad when something you love is been taking away from you only because you are weak , he also says we humans create while other humans imitate he should always show good example, jose felt better and trusted his dad and was feeling confident cause he was a smart kid and wanted to be like his dad who was a hero,

It's been a long while the sun was set in the sky and they were out of the car walking in the compound of the school it was as big as ever, with Jose seeing more than 1,000 students doing different types of activities so they went into the office of the supervisor of the school he was delighted to see Jose dad once again so they had a hand shake and Jose dad handed Jose to the supervisor and he was admitted into a military academy so Jose dad stayed a little bit more having a conversation with the supervisor and director,so they had to tell Jose father to provide some stuffs Jose will be using while he is in the school so he he did all the payments needed before leaving,so he went back home to his wife,Jose superior took him to his room he shared a room with two other students named Patrick and Horace,Horace acted nicely to Jose but Patrick ignored his entire presence ,Patrick didn't like making friends with somebody he just meant but Horace was cool having Jose around so he didn't exhibited to show him were he could keep his stuffs and they had a little conversation but Patrick was acting like their conversation was disturbing his peace in the room

The next morning the morning bell was ringing everybody was jumbing out from bed getting ready for their morning work out Jose didn't understand the meaning of the bed so Horace was always putting Jose through on anything he didn't understand, first training is for them to go outside for jogging , which Jose went for after that they went on to put on their uniform so they could go to the training ground, their superior was instructing them to make a straight line of four , which they did and they were also instructed to make up six teams which they also did, jose was on the second team with Patrick while Horace was at the the last team (six) Jose was getting confused cause he had no idea of what they were about to do Patrick looks at Jose and smile at him Jose was getting confused the more and Horace said from the six line to Jose don't worry you will be alright so the first team so they asked them to take a toy gun and they were given a formation and procedures they should follow that they should eliminate their self using the toy gun which had colors if you were hit with the colors on the toy gun it's means you are eliminated you failed the mission, so they started at first Jose was losing his team, so he made up a plan with his team , Patrick was angry saying Jose knows nothing about plans or what ever but the team thinks that the plan might work so when they decided to try it out they eventually win using his method Patrick was amaze so they passed the test including Horace teams used the same method and they also passed the test so they were dismissed to the tall they are to eat their meal so they were all served the same food the six team and Jose team were cheering for Jose idea telling him how smart he is they all became Jose friends Patrick started liking Jose cause he was not a jealous person so they were sent to take water outside so Patrick took the opportunity to apologize to Jose for his recent behavior towards him but Jose was cool with it,getting to their station the supervisor ask one of the senior to go call Jose to his office which they did,so the supervisor said to Jose that his mother wanted to talk to him Jose was happy hearing the voice of his lovely mother so they had their normal conversation and Jose also told his mom not to forget her drugs that she should try and come see him at the school,so Jose mother also informed Jose that is father was on a mission so he is not around but his auntie is living with them at the house that when his father returns they will definitely come down to the school that he should always be a good boy and be nice to everyone so she hanged up the phone so Jose gave it back to the supervisor and he was dismissed to his room outside the supervisor office Horace and Patrick we're outside waiting for Jose to know what happened inside so Jose told them it was his mom calling