
The Professor's Undecipherable Will (Day 2-Continued)

Ha-Eun instantly ran to the museum once Detective W parked his car. You and Ha-joon chased after her. Detective W closed the door, and looked at the surroundings. In front of the museum was a small, green park with many street vendors and food trucks. The street was filled with cars. "As expected on a Sunday," Detective W mused to himself.

He quickly caught up to his group at the museum entrance. Hiding behind a tree, Ji-young observed them with a binocular. "So, they're in..." Ji-young angrily muttered. "Tailing them should be a good idea..."

It was a long time since you went to the museum. The museum was bigger than you have remembered. The long set of stairs led to the tall, spectacular Corinthian pillars that held the building up. Several banners rolled down from the ceiling, each displaying a picture of the exhibits inside.

You and the team went in the museum through the side entrance. Detective W paid the admission fees, and you guys enjoyed the exhibits. Ha-Eun, however, kept on reminding you, "We're here for the treasure. Don't forget about it!"

"Yes, ma'am," you replied in monotone.

"Come on, Ha-Eun, don't be such a killjoy," Ha-joon told her. "This is our first time here. Try to have some fun."

Ha-Eun pouted. You guys went to the first exhibit-the computer exhibits. Ha-Eun grumbled, "What's so interesting about computers, anyways?"

"Says the girl who use them all the time," Ha-joon retorted. "Please, sis."


You suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if someone was watching you. You turned around, but you found nothing. You checked one more time.

There was nothing wrong still. You took a deep breath, and continued on with the exhibit. Your eyes were glued to the exhibit. The exhibit showcased the evolution of the computer-from the big, bulky monstrosity to the sleek design of today. You carelessly walked forward, and bumped to an old, wrinkly man.

"Ho god, my bad, sir," you hurriedly apologized.

"No need to apologize, young one. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying science. Isn't science amazing?"

You nodded. The old man saw Ha-joon and Ha-Eun. "Ha-joon, Ha-Eun... is that you?" he hoarsely asked.

"Who are you, old man?" Ha-Eun snapped.

"I am... Cho Young-sik. Youngho's younger brother." the old man propped his cane on the floor, and stood as straight as he could.

"Grandpa's younger brother?!" Ha-joon exclaimed. "Grandpa never told us about you, granduncle!"

"Guess so. Your great-grandma always ordered the family to not contact me. Something about me being a shame to the family..." Young-sik sighed. "But, Youngho always contacted me. He was the only good brother I had... he always sent pictures of you two... "

"So, what did Grandpa tell you?" Ha-Eun's voice was noticeably softer. Cho Young-sik chuckled. "You two are here for his will, am I right?"

Ha-Eun nodded. "Good. I believe I have the final hint to his five million dollars," Cho Young-sik searched in his pockets, and found a scrolled-up paper. He handed it to Ha-Eun, and you four grouped together and looked at the paper.

On the picture were Egyptian hieroglyphs, one each above and below a black bar. Besides it was a number: 120/3239. Finally, six words were inscribed below the hieroglyphs and the numbers. "Only two. Consider bottom, bigger second."

Ha-Eun seemed like she wanted to tear her long, silky hair out in frustration. "Grandpa, what do you even mean by this?!" she quietly cried out.

You, who had been with Detective W for quite a while now, instantly asked, "Mr. Cho... is there an Egyptian exhibit here?"

"Check the map for yourself, young one. Don't ask questions when there is an answer in front of you."

Grumbling, you checked the museum map. There was indeed an Egyptian exhibit. "But, why would a science and technology museum have a permanent Egyptian history section? That seems to be totally missing the point of this museum?" you asked.

Detective W facepalmed himself. "Oh, goodness, I forgot to tell you. Piero Taranto was a huge Egyptian history nerd. In fact, you can consider it as his second career."

"Oh, so that exhibit is basically a tribute to him?" Ha-joon asked. Detective W nodded.

"That exhibit is on the second floor. Wanna go there now and see?" you offered.

"Sure. That would be a good use of our time," Detective W agreed.

You instinctively felt something uncomfortable on your back again. You turned around to see what it was, but you saw nothing out of the ordinary. The group of children were still playing around.

You decided to ignore the feeling. "Mr. Cho, you want to come with us?" you asked.

"No, sorry. My knees are in bad shape..." Mr. Cho declined.

"No worries. Thank you, granduncle," Ha-Eun assured Mr. Cho, and bowed. "Now, let's go, guys! It's waiting for us!"

You looked back one more time before you ran to the second floor. 'No one there...' you observed.

It took around a good five minutes for you and the team to get to the exhibit by running. Surprisingly, there was also a lot of people in the exhibit. Excited screams could be heard everywhere.

"Mom! Did you see that? A huge mummy!" A kid squealed. "All the wraps around him!"

"Yes, darling, yes." the mom answered while looking at her phone.

You guys took the free part of the exhibit that didn't have a lot of people in it. On the wall wrote, "The Egyptian Fractions: Ingenuity of The Past."

The wall showed the Eye of Horus, some Egyptian hieroglyphs, and the explanation. In big words, the explanation was:

'Egyptian fractions. A way to decompose any fraction into smaller, unique fractions with numerator 1. The Egyptians were the first to figure this method of dividing the fractions. There are many ways to calculate Egyptian fractions. For example, 2/3 can be written as 1/2 + 1/6, and it can be also written as 1/2+1/7+1/42.'

There were also pieces of toy sliced pizza and blocks on the tiled ground, presumably to introduce the kids to fractions. Detective W sat on the ground and played with them for a while.

"Boss," you said, embarrassed, "Aren't these toys for kids? Why are you playing with them?"

"Trying to figure out Professor Cho's code, my friend." Detective W laid down and looked at the toy pizza intensely.

"But, don't play with the sliced pizza while you do it!"

Detective W sighed, and ignored you. He then sat up and played with the blue blocks. "If 2/3 can be represented like that... what about 3/4?" he muttered to himself while he kept on playing with the blocks.

You suddenly felt another tang of uncomfortableness on your back. This time, you snapped your head around and saw Ji-young rushing toward Detective W. She shoved you aside and kicked Detective W in the head.

"Give that to me, you interloper!" she snarled. She quickly snatched the paper from Detective W's hands. "Non-family and kids should stay away from adult matters!" she snarled. Detective W was gingerly touching his head.

"Not if I can help it!" you bravely blocked her path. You guys exchanged several blows. A few guests watched, and recorded it. "Are they filming some sort of movie?" a kid asked.

You dodged several blows, and shifted your position. Her left side was open, and you decided to deliver a heavy hook to her face. But, with blinding speed, she parried the hook with her delicate arm, and sharply front kicked you in the solar plexus. You sharply exhaled as she left you winded. 'How can a slender woman deliver this much power?' you thought.

Ha-joon quickly came to your side. "Yo, are you okay? Can you stand?"

Ji-young quickly made one final harsh remark. "Ha-Eun, my sneaky little niece. You will never win in life!" She quickly left the museum, gripping the final clue as she ran out.

Detective W coughed. "Oh, that lady sure hits hard. Sorry, guys. I got caught by surprise. That won't happen again."

Ha-Eun helped Detective W back up. "Are you fine, W?" she asked worriedly. "Damn that bitch! Once a bitch, always a bitch!"

Detective W chuckled. "At least we know that she's also in for the money, too. She will be a thorn to our side. "

"Speaking about the money," you slowly recovered your breathing. "Have we figured out the code yet?"

"Oh! The code!" Detective W exclaimed. He thought about it for a while, and his eyes sparkled. "Oh! I figured it out now! There's no need for us to do this by hand! I'm an idiot!"

"What do you mean, Boss?" you asked. "I know I sound like a broken recorder, but I'm bad at this."

"The answer is right in front of you. I even gave you a hint. Don't tell me you can't piece two and two together." Now, it was Detective W's turn looking super disappointed.

"What was the code again?" you asked sheepishly.

"The Egyptian hieroglyphs on top and bottom of the bar, 120/3239, and Only two. Consider bottom, bigger second," Ha-joon recalled clearly.

You sighed, about to resign yourself to another round of a mental workout. "The answer is right in front of me...? What could all of this mean?"

What could the code mean?

Day 2, To Be Continued...