
Revelation Of The 120/3239 Code (Day 2)

ou stared at the wall, looking at it for clues. The image of the code kept on running in your head. 'Hieroglyphs on both sides of the bar.... ' you remembered. 'Both sides... both sides?!'

"Wait... don't tell me, Boss? Is that hieroglyph picture supposed to be treated... as a fraction?!"

"Presumably so, my friend. You got it the first step in one shot."

"Wait! Fractions... Egyptian fractions! You're right! The answer was right in front of me the entire time! 120/3239... 120/3239... only two?"

You hurriedly pulled your phone out. "There's no way I can figure this out by hand!" You quickly went on an Egyptian calculator website, and typed in 120/3239. You received this answer: 120/3239 = 1/41 + 1/79.

"Detective W, I found the fraction!" you showed it to him. Detective W smiled. "That's also what I got too. Now, go for the third requirement."

"Uh... okay, let's check... consider bottom. So, he means to consider the denominator? That would be 41 and 79."

"Mm hmm..." Detective W nodded. "What's the final requirement?"

"Bigger second. So, 79 is second. But, what does all of this mean?"

Detective W stroked his goatee again. "If I'm right, those could be the set of coordinates. The coordinate of his final heirloom money. I need you to check the possible combinations of the coordinates, my friend. Please do so now."

You hurriedly searched on your phone. Ha-Eun, twirling her long, silky hair with her index finger, offered, "Grandpa always liked to say, 'Keep your treasures close. That way, you can find them whenever you can.'"

"I got the coordinates, boss! One of them is smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvania! The other one is in Xinjiang Province, China! Right next to the border! The final two are all in the ocean..."

"We can definitely disregard the ocean. There's no way he would waste 5 million dollars in the ocean," Detective W deduced. "And Xinjiang? That's unlikely... Ha-Eun did say Professor Cho likes to keep his treasures close."

"So, it's just in the middle of Pennsylvania!" Ha-Eun exclaimed. "How far is it from here?!"

"About 110 miles... just two hours of driving! We can get there! You want to go now?!" Detective W exclaimed. "You aunt seems like she will be up to no good!"

"Definitely! We got to go there now!"


BZZT!! Ji-young heard a loud, piercing sound in her ears. She quickly took the earbuds off. "Argh... did the troublesome one find out about the bug?" she grumbled, annoyed with the situation. "But, at least, I got the most important part. 41,79, right in the middle of Pennsylvania."

There were still heavy traffic on the highway. She took the opportunity to take her phone out and looked at the coordinates. "Huh... a small, wooden cabin... Dad thinks that he can hide the 5 million dollars here? Impossible!"

"Now, how far is it from here? Hmm... about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I am just in luck!" she gleefully cackled. "A happier life... a happier life..." she sang.

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Hyun-woo, her disappointment of a husband. "Yes?" she snapped. "What happened?"

"When are you coming back home? Chae-won wants you!" Hyun-woo pleaded.

"I will be back around 6 PM! Calm down, Hyun-woo! Can't you do anything by yourself?"

"Uh.. of course, Ji-young, I can," Hyun-woo replied meekly.

"Good! Cook some food for Chae-won! I still have important business! Catch you later!" she loudly snapped and dropped the call. She took some deep breaths, and sang, "A happier life... a happier life..."

Her phone rang again. She snapped, "Hey! Why are you calling me again?!"

A deep, baritone voice drawled, "Oh, Signora Ji-young? Something on your mind?"

Ji-young's face instantly paled, and her tone changed 180 degrees. "Oh, nothing, Signor Bartolo. Nothing at all," she said sweetly. "I just found the coordinates to the 5 million dollars! Those unsuspecting kids and that annoying detective didn't know any better! Ha ha!"

"Congratulations, Signora Ji-young. Welcome to the happier life. Wait... you said... the annoying detective? Which detective are you referring to?"

"The one who pretentiously call himself Detective W! W? Is that even a name?! Huh?!"

The deep, baritone voice suddenly sounded troubled. His voice trembled a bit. "Detective W? That detective?!"

"Yeah! Isn't he just an annoying bug?!"

The deep, baritone bug sighed. "No, he isn't, Signora. You're gravely mistaken. He is the man who took out my entire lower level of pesces. He even landed my second in command, Giovanni, in jail!"

Ji-young gulped. "Did I... just awaken a sleeping dragon?"

"You did! Now, get to the location fast before he does! And make it quick! Your comfortable future is in my hands, Signora!" This was the first time Ji-young ever heard Signor Bartolo so disturbed.

"I... I got it, sir," Ji-young meekly replied, and hung off. "Unbelievable... now I have a monster to look out for..."

Day 2, to be continued.....