
Detective Satan

A 5 year old boy wakes up after having a weird dream. Remembering that he was going to meet someone, he heads out to the streets of New York. He arrives at an old cafe, which had glass doors and windows. He stood outside the cafe, waiting for the person he was supposed to meet. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw a girl wave towards him while running towards him. He was standing close to the cafe and as the girl got closer to the cafe, the doors and windows of the cafe exploded, sending a shockwave and heat wave. It was enough to send both their tiny bodies flying. The boy, who was supposed to start crying like any other kid, looked around to find his friend. He dragged himself towards her, ignoring the pain from the bruises and the cuts from the glass shards. As he crawled through the cafe, he felt his pain slowly decrease and his body started gaining strength. By the time he got closer to the girl, he could already stand. He looked down at his wounds, that healed at a visible rate. Although he had many questions in his head, he dismissed all those thoughts as he had an unconscious girl before him. So, he looked around, to find someone to ask for help, among the panicked crowd that was running from the cafe. That's when he saw them for the first time, dressed in black suit, a black coat, a black hat and black glasses. They looked like men, with a very skinny body. (If you still don't feel interested to read it, go ahead and read 2-3 chapters to give it a try.) Note:- 1. There are different worlds he will travel to, but the ones I have in my mind are MHA, One Piece and Naruto. He is currently in the world of Detective Conan. 2. I wanted to write about a multiverse traveller that doesn't know the future through manga or shows. They became very boring. I don't know if anyone has tried this before, but I think it might be great. 3. MC has powers, which he will slowly discover and harvest. My MC looks like Shallott from DBL. I needed a character with black hair and decided to go with him. 4. This will be a harem and it cannot be avoided with his powers. Those who don't like it, can leave before. 5. I will be writing the whole story in the MC's POV.

komega · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

I was in a silent space when all of a sudden I heard people scream

"I don't want to die"

"Save me, my child will become an orphan"

"I can't die a virgin"

"I can't die, I still have to ask her out on a date"

The screams were uncomfortable. They were splitting my head, trying to shatter my brain.

Then I heard a voice say in a respectful time "They are just voices and emotions of the dead. You are not someone who can be controlled by these pathetic emotions. Command your will, control them, make them obey."

I didn't understand a single word he said, but I still couldn't bear the noise. So I shouted "Quiet" and surprisingly the voices all stopped.

I also felt that I had something in me that i could feel. Something I didn't have before. It just flowed all over my body and I felt energized.

Then, I felt something warm in my hands. I was able to feel things, which meant that was going back to reality.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling, which I wasn't familiar with. I looked around and found out that I was in a hospital, which perfectly made sense.

I looked down, to see what woke me up, and found my mom sleeping while sitting on a stool beside the bed.

She was holding my hand and it felt comfortable. My fingers twitched a bit, which was enough to wake her up.

She saw me awake and immediately hugged me. I just smiled and said "Sorry mom"

She pulled back, with tears on her face, and said "You better be. Do you know how worried I was when I got a call from the police about you. Luckily you informed them about me before fainting."

I immediately asked "Mom, what happened to Luna?" and she replied "She is also fine and she just woke up an hour before you did, but she doesn't look like she might want to see you."

"What happened to her?" I asked in a panicked voice and she replied "I think you should see it yourself after you recover." but I didn't let her finish.

I immediately jumped down from the bed and ran towards her room, which he didn't know. So he kept running around while asking nurses roaming outside.

I finally found her room, from her mother waiting outside. I burst inside her room and found her face wrapped in bandages.

Her mom said while crying "She was too close to the explosion that the heat burnt her face."

I shouted "You are lying. I was near her when she was taken to the ambulance. She was just unconscious."

My mother entered the room and said "There was another explosion near the ambulance. So, when she was being sent to the ambulance, she got caught up in that explosion. Her burns might heal of she is lucky, or else...."

Luna, who couldn't see, but could hear, shouted "Why are you here Itsuki? Leave from here. I don't want to see you."

My mom looked at me and walked out of the room with Luna' mother. She closed the door while walking out.

When I looked at Luna, there were many emotions in me. We were friends for a year and got along pretty quickly.

She was always around me, but till yesterday, I only thought of her as a very good friend, but only now did I realise that she was much more important to me than just a close friend.

So, I walked up to her bed and sat on her bed. I held her hand, which she felt and shouted "Itsuki, didn't you leave. Why are you still here? You were the reason we ended up in an explosion. I don't want to see your face."

I just held her hand tighter and said "I know it's my fault and I should have protected you after the first explosion, instead of just fainting. I am really pathetic."

Luna also held my hand tightly and said "You fool, don't apologise. You weren't at fault."

Although I couldn't see her face, I knew she was crying. She said "My face is burnt and no one would want to even look at me. You will also start hating me."

I just held her hand and said "I didn't know this unil yesterday, but I think I ended up falling in love with you. And not the beautiful Luna, but the Luna who was always by side and scolded me when I did something stupid like painting on Peter's house. I don't care how you look."

She didn't say anything for a few seconds and just jumped at me. She didn't say anything, only kept hugging me tightly.

That's when I looked at my hands and remembered when my wounds healed on its own. That was right after I felt something flow inside.

Is it possible to use it to heal Luna? What if I get exposed and they take me to do experiments? Will I become a lab rat?

I had many thoughts, but I felt that it was a risk worth taking for Luna. So, I patted her back and said "Luna, I still haven't received your thoughts about me. Do you also like me?"

She hugged me tighter and said "Do you even have to ask? Ofcourse I love you."

I then patted her back and whispered near her ears "Luna, I have a secret technique that might help heal your burn, but I don't know if it will work, and I also want you to keep this a secret. I don't want anyone to know."

She didn't even hesitate and said "Try whatever you want. I don't care even if it becomes worse, I believe that you won't leave me. As for keeping it a secret, I will not let even a single soul know about it, even if I die."

I then closed my eyes and concentrated completely on the feeling I felt when I was on my bed. I didn't have immediate success, but I slowly could feel something in my stomach.

I tried to move that thing in my stomach towards Luna, but I couldn't. Then I heard the same polite voice in my head say "Please relax your body. Don't try to make it flow to her. You have to control it and command it to do as you want."

This time, I decided to follow the voice in my head, as it worked out last time. I just commanded in my head to flow into Luna and it did.

Luna's body suddenly jerked and she asked "Itsuki, what did you do? I feel something pleasant flowing into me. It is feels good. I feel all relaxed."

Then, she said that, she felt some tingle between her legs, as she just uncomfortably moved in my arms.

She then said "Itsuki, I feel something weird on my face" and I slowly started to remove her bandages to see if it worked.

As I kept removing the bandages, I could see how horribly her face was burnt due to the explosion. I mentally noted to deal with the terrorist personally.

Luna, with her eyes still closed, said "Itsuki, it's fine if it didn't work." because I didn't say anything.

She then slowly opened her eyes thinking that I didn't speak to her just because I was disgusted at her face. She looked at my face, which didn't have any disgust, but just a smile, and asked "What are you happy about?"

I brought her a mirror and she had her eyes wide open when she saw that her burns were healing. In just two minutes, she returned back to normal.

She cried and jumped at me again. She pinned me down on the bed and said "I don't know how to thank you. I only have one thing to give you." and kissed me on my lips.

It was just a peck on my lips, but for my first time, that was surprising. I asked in shock "Where did you hear all these?"

"The neighbours that stay beside our home are a newly wed couple. I heard all these from their room." she replied.

I then got up and said "Luna, we need to act like you still haven't recovered. We can't let anyone know about my techniques. Or else, I will be hunted for them."

When Luna heard this, she smiled brightly and said "Anything for you babe."

I just had a deadpan look and said "You seriously need to move to a new home."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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