
Detective Ghost Empress

Liu Hui Ying was a normal detective in the eyes of the others, one who can solve any case that was handed to her. But what they don’t know is that behind her success are three ghosts! Born in the family of the celestial masters, Liu Hui Ying had the ability to see ghosts and sign contracts with them. This was how she tied three ghosts to serve her, while Liu Hui Ying was slurping on a smoothie, the three ghosts were working hard to get clues for the case, in exchange for their hard work, Liu Hui Ying will take care of what they desired the most. Life was perfect but then one day she by a twist of fate ended up getting transmigrated as an Empress, one that was entangled in a messy case! Now, she needed to solve the case with the help of her three ghosts before she was forced to drink poisoned wine! Watch her escape the palace schemes and become one of the most prominent Empress of her dynasty! But what was with the Emperor why was he chasing her? Get away! Don’t touch her! She was allergic to men! “ My dear, what do you want, is it gold, silver or an Empire?” asked the Emperor who once hated her very existence with love brimming in his eyes. “ You get away from me, you are making my allergies flare up,” scolded a very red and itchy Liu Hui Ying. Can the Emperor heal her broken heart and find a way to heal her allergies? Will love prevail or will Liu Hui Ying be replaced by someone more beautiful?

fairytail72 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
555 Chs

I will shove her soul right back in

Liu Hui Ying said those words as calmly as possible with the intention of not making Qui Ai cry but the latter took a look at her and before Liu Hui Ying knew Qui Ai's lips were wobbling as big drops of tears started to fall from her eyes.

" Hey..Wh..why are you crying now?" It was safe to say that Liu Hui Ying was stunned as she looked at the young girl who was crying in front of her. " W..What did I say now huh? What's the matter with you?"

She didn't understand what was going on with Qui Ai but a second later as the young girl's hoarse voice echoed in the silent room she understood what exactly was going on in her head of this young girl.

" Uwaa! My missy can't even sleep because of heartache and that ..jer—-" she paused before hiccuping twice. " And that bad Emperor is sleeping with his concubine with ease, what a bad emperor!" She cried as she turned around and left the room causing Liu Hui Ying's lips to twitch as she shook her head and looked at the back of the sobbing maid.

" She really has some great imagination," commented Jia Li as she stared at Qui Ai who shut the door behind her, as soon as the door slid close, her cries became muffled returning to the calm of the night. " I have to say if she was born in the modern world, she could have directed a hell of a lot of melodramatic dramas and I am not even kidding when I say that they all would have been a hit."

Liu Hui Ying threw her head back and let out a heavy moan as she glared at the closed door and smacked her arm on the windowsill. " I just can't understand …exactly how much did this woman loved the Emperor for everyone to link every single thing I do with that dog of an Emperor! Like I just want to sit here and calmly stare at the beauty of the moon, what is there to cry about!" She threw her hands up in the air and moved her butt to continue looking at the moon, only to get stuck in the place because of the heavy skirt that she was wearing. Liu Hui Ying looked at the fabric that was twined around her legs and impatiently tore it away from her skin before snarling, " And what is this? What in the world is this? Do they want me to train my core or something, what is the meaning of making me wear this heavy skirt?"

She was angry, she was really angry and she really missed her comfy pants what exactly was this … she couldn't even take off the piece of cloth that was tied around her chest. What a stifling situation aargh!

Though she was angry she didn't show her temper as she would have when she was in the modern world, instead, she calmly turned around and looked at the moon with a scowl on her face. " I have to go back…there is no way I can stay here. My comfort, my delicious snacks, my beer and most importantly my promotion…" Liu Hui Ying dragged the last word with a cry as she smacked her head on the arm that was resting on the windowsill. " I need to go back, I have to go back! Or else that evil man Xue Jing will take away my hard-earned opportunity!"

The three ghosts were startled by her loud cry and they exchanged a look with each other before turning around and looking at Liu Hui Ying.

Li Gang was pushed to the front of the battle line by Jia Li and Grandma Lan Fen, he glared at the two of them before he summoned his courage and said, " Umm, I think this is not bad either, I mean …you are the Empress—— I am sorry…" he immediately changed his words when he saw Liu Hui Ying raise her head and glare at him. Mommy! He was a ghost but this woman was really scary!

" Yes this is amazing, I am an Empress that has a sword hanging at the back of my neck!" snapped Liu Hui Ying as she picked up a pillow that was resting on the small wooden cabinet-like sitting stool and threw it at Li gang. " Can't you see my life is in danger here! If I stay here, I am sure it wouldn't take long for those dog men to turn me into a ghost-like you three! No, I have to look for this woman's soul and catch her, since she was the one who brought me into this world then she will be the one who will send me back! There is no other choice!"

" But will that woman agree?" asked Jia Li with a confused expression on her face. " I mean she was the one who you know jumped off the cliff, you also heard what she said when she was preparing to jump, she said that there was nothing left for her. If the spirit doesn't have anything to hold on to wouldn't they just move on to the next life?"

" No, I felt a very heavy grudge emanating from her soul," Liu Hui Ying shook her head as she leaned her chin against the back of her hand. " She might have said those words but she had a very deep regret…she wouldn't have moved on..no, it's better to say that she can't move on…most probably she is somewhere around here, we just have to find her and shove her back in this body!"

" Can you do that? I mean if she isn't willing to return then how will you do it?" Li Gang arched a brow as he looked at Liu Hui Ying. " If she wanted to return then she would have returned by now, after all, we solved her predicament."

Liu Hui Ying squinted her eyes as she glared at Li Gang and said, "It's not up to her to decide whether she wants to come back in this body or not, I am a celestial master and if I want I can blow her soul into pieces with a snap of my fingers," and did she snap her finger. " I don't believe that shoving a spirit back into its original body is going to be that hard and even if it's hard, I will still do everything in my power to get her inside for the sake of my promotion!"