
Detective Ghost Empress

Liu Hui Ying was a normal detective in the eyes of the others, one who can solve any case that was handed to her. But what they don’t know is that behind her success are three ghosts! Born in the family of the celestial masters, Liu Hui Ying had the ability to see ghosts and sign contracts with them. This was how she tied three ghosts to serve her, while Liu Hui Ying was slurping on a smoothie, the three ghosts were working hard to get clues for the case, in exchange for their hard work, Liu Hui Ying will take care of what they desired the most. Life was perfect but then one day she by a twist of fate ended up getting transmigrated as an Empress, one that was entangled in a messy case! Now, she needed to solve the case with the help of her three ghosts before she was forced to drink poisoned wine! Watch her escape the palace schemes and become one of the most prominent Empress of her dynasty! But what was with the Emperor why was he chasing her? Get away! Don’t touch her! She was allergic to men! “ My dear, what do you want, is it gold, silver or an Empire?” asked the Emperor who once hated her very existence with love brimming in his eyes. “ You get away from me, you are making my allergies flare up,” scolded a very red and itchy Liu Hui Ying. Can the Emperor heal her broken heart and find a way to heal her allergies? Will love prevail or will Liu Hui Ying be replaced by someone more beautiful?

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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555 Chs

I caught you

"Your majesty, Your majesty please wake up."

Liu Hui Ying covered her face with the blanket ignoring the calls of the desperate maid as she tried to wake her up as gently as possible. However, no matter how many times Qui Ai called Liu Hui Ying, the latter simply ignored her before turning her head to the left and then ignoring what the little maid was saying.

Even though Liu Hui Ying was awake she didn't want to wake up, after all, who would want to wake up in this horrible nightmare?

Qui Ai looked at her missy who was bent on ignoring her and sighed with a bit of annoyance, really what happened to her mistress? Every day she was the one who woke up before everyone else and even lit incense for the Gods and her ancestors yet now she was still in bed even when dawn was approaching. " Your majesty, I know that you are tired but you really need to wake up now, if not you will be late for your greetings to the Grand Dowager Empress and she will have another chance to take jabs at you!"

This time Liu Hui Ying's eyes did snap open as she sat up straight on her bed and looked at Qui Ai in surprise. " What did you say? I am meeting whom?"

Seeing that her mistress was finally awake, Qui Ai smiled at her before answering her questions in a rapid-fire motion, "It's like this your majesty since you have newly married over, you need to go and greet the Grand dowager Empress before offering her tea."

Liu Hui Ying stared at Qui Ai's smile while her eyes flickered with shock and disbelief. These people! They were simply not human! She almost died yesterday…no, this woman whose body she was occupying was already dead yet instead of giving her a day to get over the shock, they wanted her to go over and greet them as if nothing happened? So heartless! So freaking heartless!

Why don't these crazy freaks ascend and rebel in the heavens?

" Do I really have to go?" asked Liu Hui Ying, if there was a chance for her to get out of this mess then she was very much willing to do so. Who wanted to greet that old hag from the opposition party? Surely, nothing good will come out of this stupid greeting!

Qui Ai thought that her miss was nervous about meeting the Grand Dowager Empress, so she smiled excitedly and said, "Don't be scared your majesty, this time the Emperor will be accompanying you, so there will be no problems at all."

Liu Hui Ying was still in a sort of daze but after hearing these words, all her sleepiness vanished as she looked at the smiling Qui Ai and asked, " What did you say? Who is accompanying who?"

Seriously, this place was really dangerous. She only stayed here for a night and already felt like her IQ was slowly going down.

" The Emperor!" Qui Ai saw the shocked look on the face of her miss and thought that she was shocked silly by the news that the Emperor was coming to see her and was even willing to accompany her to the palace of the Grand Dowager Empress. She clasped her hands and with eyes that were brimming with happiness and excitement, she gushed like a love-sick girl, " I bet the Emperor felt sorry for what he did yesterday that's why he is trying to make it up to you, your majesty!"

Liu Hui Ying turned her head to look at her three employee ghosts who looked just as stunned as her and realised that she didn't mishear anything. The emperor was really here and he was actually looking for her? That demonic, irrational only cares about his own skin murderer?


Qui Ai had expected a lot of reactions, from her miss getting angry to shyly scolding the Emperor but what she didn't expect was her missy to run away from the bedroom! And that too in her nightdress! What in the world was this? Even if her missy forgot about all her memories there was no way she would forget even her noble teaching and elegance that everyone praised her for. Right? Right?

But as Liu Hui Ying ran out of the main hall like an excellent runner, Qui Ai realised that her missy was no longer the same as she was before!

"Your majesty please stop! Someone catch her majesty!"

Will Liu Hui Ying listen to Qui Ai? No. Not even if the hell was to freeze here and now. Seeing that old hag was already bad enough but now she has to accompany that devil as well? Why not just ask her to jump off the cliff and chuck her life in a pit?

Running like an Olympic runner, Liu Hui Ying dodged the eunuchs and the maids who were running behind her, trying to catch her as per Qui Ai's orders. Fortunately for her, her courtyard was simple, maybe it was a small f*ck you to the Liu family by giving their daughter, the Empress of this country a simple courtyard like this but Liu Hui Ying was very glad about its simplicity.

Just a main hall with an aligned bedroom, bathroom and a dining room all, as for the rest of the courtyard it was nothing but corridors and empty rooms. Running through them was like running into a maze something that Liu Hui Ying was happy to do!

" Your majesty! Please stop and listen to what I have to say, if you run like that then you will surely be late for your meeting!" Qui Ai shouted behind Liu Hui Ying causing the latter to increase her pace even more.

Getting late? That's exactly what she wanted! Who wanted to accept this marriage certainly not her!

So, why should she serve that old hag tea and ask for her blessings? She was fine without those stupid blessings!

" Ah careful!" shouted Jia Li who was flying right beside her but she was a step too late as a pair of arms reached Liu Hui Ying's waist and hugged her.

" I have caught you, your majesty!"