
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 38: Two cases?

Dongfangyuan Community.

Room 3-502.

The owner is Yu Hefeng, fifty years old this year, and he is the middle management of a company.

The income of the couple is good, and there is only one daughter, so there is no pressure in life.

With spare money in his hand, he also invested in an apartment.

After eating, Yu Hefeng sat on the sofa, flicking his teeth with a toothpick, while watching TV.

The daughter went back to the room, and the wife cleaned up in the kitchen alone.

Yu Hefeng's small life is very comfortable, but it is too plain and it will make people feel boring.

"Boom." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?"

"Check gas." A woman's voice sounded outside.

"Yu Wei open the door and go."

"Why don't you go?" A dissatisfied voice came from lying on the side.

"Because I am your father, haha."

"Talking about these old stalkers every day is unbearable." The bedroom door opened, and a girl of about 20 years old came out, opening the door reluctantly.

As soon as he opened the door, Yu Wei said in surprise: "Who are you?"


Tian Li was the first to enter the house, followed by Li Hui, Han Bin, Zeng Ping, Zhao Ming and others.

"What are you doing at my house?" Yu Hefeng stood up, the toothpick in his mouth fell to the ground.

"We belong to the Criminal Police Team." Zeng Ping took out his police officer ID and showed it: "Are you Yu Hefeng?"

"What is wrong with me?"

"We suspect that you are related to a blackmail case. Please go back and assist in the investigation." Zeng Ping said.

"Did you catch the wrong person? How could I blackmail others." Yu Hefeng defended.

"This is a warrant."

"I was wronged."

"We are just asking you to assist in the investigation. If you are really wronged, you should cooperate with us so that we can remove your suspicion as soon as possible." Han Bin said.


"Other people searched for me. Yu Hefeng's personal belongings, computers and mobile phones can't be spared."

"Why do you search my house?" Yu Wei said.

"This is a search warrant, please cooperate." Han Bin said.

"You must be mistaken. My husband was wronged. He cannot blackmail others." Yu Hefeng's wife, Yang Lin, guarded her husband.

"Yu Hefeng, what did you do in the apartment? Do you want me to tell your wife about your situation." Zeng Ping said.

"Don't, I am willing to cooperate with the investigation." Yu Hefeng's face changed instantly, and he lowered his head, afraid to look at his wife and daughter.

"Hefeng, what have you done?" Yang Lin asked.

The old husband and wife for decades, seeing her husband's demeanor, she feels something is wrong.

"Team Zeng, found a laptop in the study." Han Bin said.

"Whose is this?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Mine." Yu Hefeng said.

"Where is your phone?" Zeng Ping said.

"On the sofa."

Both Yu Hefeng's cell phone and computer were taken away by Han Bin.

The three of Li Hui found no other suspicious items.


Yu Hefeng was taken directly back to the branch for interrogation.

Zeng Ping leads the trial, and Zhao Ming is responsible for recording.

Han Bin, Tian Li, and Li Hui are in the observation room.

"Name, gender, age, hometown..."

"Yu Hefeng, male, fifty years old..."

"Yu Hefeng knows why we arrested you?" Zeng Ping said straightforwardly.

"I... don't know." Yu Hefeng hesitated.

"I tell you, since we arrested you, we have sufficient evidence. Don't be lucky. Failure to cooperate with the investigation will only add to your crime." Zeng Ping said.

"What are you referring to?" Yu Hefeng tentatively asked.

"Listen to what you mean, the crime is not good, one by one, I have time." Zeng Ping said.

"No, no, just one thing, I committed one thing." Yu Hefeng hurriedly changed his words.

"I installed surveillance in the rental apartment house."

"Where is Ann?"


"You are not young anymore, and you also have a decent job. What do you say you do?" Zeng Ping said.

"I am obsessed with ghosts for a while, I want to find some excitement, but I don't want to harm people." Yu Hefeng said.

"You secretly filmed other people's little girls' videos and used this to blackmail property. What are you doing harm?" Yu Hefeng questioned.

"Blackmailing property?" Yu Hefeng showed a look of surprise: "I don't have it. I just took a sneak shot and occasionally took it out to see. I really didn't blackmail anyone."

"Okay, your mouth is very hard, just play with me to avoid the weight." Zeng Ping said.

"Comrade police, what I said is true, and I am not short of money, why should I blackmail others?" Yu Hefeng said.

"Didn't you just say it, you just want to find excitement?" Zhao Ming said.

"I really didn't, I was wronged." Yu Hefeng said.

Zeng Ping walked over with the photo and said, "Have you seen this envelope?"


"Where is this USB flash drive?"

"Never saw it either."

Zeng Ping sneered and deceived: "I dare to lie. The fingerprints on this envelope are exactly the same as the fingerprints on the house lease contract. Whose is yours?"

"How is this possible, I have never seen this envelope!" Yu Hefeng said.

"I'll tell you again, we now have sufficient evidence, letting you explain it yourself is to create an opportunity for you to reduce your sentence, understand?" Zeng Ping said.

"Leader, I admit the secret shooting, but I really did not blackmail, I have not done it, how do you let me explain." Yu Hefeng said.

"Have you ever made a secret video for others to watch?" Zeng Ping said.


"Has anyone else used the computer?"


The interrogation lasted for more than two hours. Regardless of what Zeng Ping said, Yu Hefeng only admitted to secretly filming, not the extortion.

After the trial.

Zeng Ping and Zhao Ming left the interrogation room and met Han Bin in the office.

"Mother, I wasted my tongue for a long time, and I was so thirsty." Zeng Ping picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

"Yu Hefeng's mouth is hard enough. Team Zeng only opened half of the interrogation." Li Hui said.

"Don't worry about what I say, life and death will not admit the blackmail." Zeng Ping hummed.

"I guess that this Yu Hefeng should know some laws, know that the crime of sneak shooting is light, and the crime of blackmail is heavy, and with a fluke, he wants to get through it." Tian Li said.

"Is there any progress on the technical team?" Zeng Ping said.

"The computer has been checked, and there are sneak shots software and Chen Luyan's video. The evidence of the sneak shots is conclusive." Han Bin said.

"Binzi, your kid has always been cautious, and it sounds like there is something in the words." Zeng Ping said.

"I was in the observation room just now and saw your interrogation of Yu Hefeng. I don't feel that Yu Hefeng is lying." Han Bin said.

"Binzi, didn't you just say that the evidence for Yu Hefeng's sneak shots is conclusive?" Li Hui said.

"All the evidence now shows that Yu Hefeng is suspected of taking secret photos; but there is no evidence that Yu Hefeng was also the blackmailer; strictly speaking, these are two cases." Han Bin said.

"Is there any evidence?" Zeng Ping said.

Han Bin shook his head: "Personally."