
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 31: trial

At this moment, Zheng Kaixuan also rushed to the scene with two team members.

"Team Zheng, has the search warrant come down?" Zeng Ping asked.

"I have brought both the search warrant and the arrest warrant. I am afraid that you will not have enough manpower, so I have transferred two groups of people." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"It's still thoughtful for Team Zheng." Zeng Ping said.

Zheng Kaixuan walked to Liu Zhixin and said, "Are you Liu Zhixin?"

"it's me."

"Do you know why I caught you?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"do not know."

"The mouth is hard enough." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"You caught the wrong person, I will be a cook." Liu Zhixin said.

"Comrade police, you must have caught the wrong person. My husband's duty, how could it be possible to kill." Liu Zhixin's wife shouted.

"Team Zheng, without further ado, just search." Zeng Ping said.

"Where does Liu Zhixin usually live?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Just live in the store." Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and said, "Han Bin, you and Li Hui, take the suspect back for interrogation."

"Tian Li, you take Liu Zhixin's wife back to the police station to assist in the investigation."

"Other people search for me!"

"Yes." Everyone agreed and went on separate things.


Back to the branch.

Han Bin collected Liu Zhixin's DNA and sent it for comparison.

Subsequently, Liu Zhixin was taken to the interrogation room.

Han Bin presides over and Li Hui takes the record.

"Name, gender, age, hometown..."

"Liu Zhixin, male, 36 years old..."

"Liu Zhixin, at 11 o'clock in the evening on July 22nd, where are you?" Han Bin said.

"In the store." Liu Zhixin rubbed his nose.

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife."

"Anyone else?"


"Why didn't the noodle shop open on July 23?" Han Bin said.

"I didn't feel well that day and I took a day off." Liu Zhixin said.

"Do you know Sun Qifeng?" Han Bin said.


"What is your relationship?"


"Do you know that he is dead?" Han Bin said.

"I don't know, when did it happen!" Liu Zhixin showed a surprised look on his face.

Surprise emotions are very short-lived, fleeting.

The duration will not be very long. Unless something surprising comes one after another, after the surprised expression appears, the original expression will be restored or other expressions will appear immediately, instead of lasting on the surprised expression.

Liu Zhixin's surprised look remained on his face.

Han Bin used the micro-expression analysis method to see that the other party was acting.

"Liu Zhixin, since we have arrested you, we have enough evidence. I hope you will cooperate." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, if you ask one sentence, I answer one sentence, is it not considered cooperation?" Liu Zhixin said.

"From the beginning of the interrogation, you have been lying. Is this cooperation?" Han Bin said coldly.

"Say I lied, do you have any evidence?" Liu Zhixin asked, staring at him.

"Boom." There was a knock on the door outside the interrogation room.

Afterwards, the door opened, and Zeng Ping stood at the door and motioned for Han Bin to pass.

"Look at him." Han Bin said, leaving the interrogation room.

"Team Zeng, has the noodle shop found it?" Han Bin asked, if he could find the stolen money and criminal tools, Liu Zhixin would not be able to deny it.

"No." Zeng Ping sighed, and asked, "How about you here?"

"He refused to explain, his mouth was very stiff." Han Bin said.

"Liu Zhixin's wife is also unwilling to explain anything." Zeng Ping said.

"What we can count on now is that the dander extracted from Sun Qifeng's nails can be successfully compared with Liu Zhixin's DNA." Han Bin said.

The identification of footprints in accordance with regulations can only be used as the basis for the direction of the investigation, and shall not be used as evidence for the verdict.

"If there is no result, don't disclose it yet." Zeng Ping warned.


After speaking, Han Bin returned to the interrogation room again...

The interrogation continued for several hours. No matter what Han Bin and Li Hui said, Liu Zhixin still refused to explain.

The interrogation was terminated more than 11 o'clock in the evening.

Han Bin and Li Hui went home to rest.


The next morning.

Criminal investigation team three, in the second team office.

Zeng Ping called the crowd and held a morning meeting.

"Han Bin, is there any progress in the interrogation last night?" Zeng Ping said.

"No, I was bitten to death, and refused to explain." Han Bin said.

Zeng Ping smiled: "Liu Zhixin has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability. He thinks that the case is seamless. If he is willing to confess easily, it will be abnormal."

"Then put it aside and wait for the DNA comparison results to come out before interrogation." Han Bin said.

"Where is Liu Zhixin's wife?" Zeng Ping said.

"The same bite to death and refused to say." Tian Li said helplessly.

"Liu Zhixin's wife must be aware of it, at least it is a crime of shelter and perjury." Li Hui said.

Zeng Ping got up and said, "I'll report to Team Zheng. The superiors are very serious about this matter. If someone is caught, you can't let your guard down."



At three o'clock in the afternoon, the technical team sent the DNA comparison results.

Liu Zhixin's DNA is completely consistent with the dander in Sun Qifeng's nails.

Han Bin and Li Hui arraigned Liu Zhixin again.

"Liu Zhixin, how was your rest last night?" Han Bin said.

"Very good." Liu Zhixin said.

"I hope you can sleep tonight." Li Hui hummed.

"Comrade police, you arrested me yesterday evening. It will be 24 hours immediately. Should I be released?"

Liu Zhixin smiled and said, "Don't tell me, my noodle shop is not good, but I didn't see it for a day, so I felt so worried."

"Liu Zhixin, what is your relationship with Sun Qifeng?"

"Didn't I say it yesterday, fellow."

"How is the relationship?"

"It's okay. He occasionally comes to my noodle restaurant to eat. They are all folks from the village. I will also be cheaper."

"Have you seen him on the night of July 23?" Han Bin said.


"Are you two contradictory."


"Have there been a conflict?"


"Have you ever fought?"


"I have video as evidence, you can think about it before you go." Han Bin said.

"I have no conflict with him." Liu Zhixin insisted.

Han Bin got up, walked to Liu Zhixin's side, grabbed his arm, and said, "Where did the scratch on your right wrist come from?"

"Oh, this was caught by my wife." Liu Zhixin used his left hand to cover it seemingly unintentionally.

"We found Sun Qifeng's body, extracted the suspect's dander between his nails, and after a technical comparison, it matched your DNA. How would you explain it?" Han Bin said.

Liu Zhixin showed a startled face at first, then quickly converged, and said, "You don't need to deceive me."

"Fraud you?" Han Bin sneered, picked up a document from the table, put it in front of Liu Zhixin, and said, "See it for yourself."

Liu Zhixin's hands trembled slightly, picked up the document and read it again, and said, "He is a guest of my noodle restaurant. He often comes to eat. He may have caught me by accident."

"The dandruff in the nail gap is not as simple as scratching it, but a fight, and the skin is scratched, just like the scar on your right wrist." Han Bin said.

"Maybe...I..." Liu Zhixin's forehead was covered with sweat.

"I just asked you, you said that there was no contradiction, no conflict, no fight with Sun Qifeng; and the DNA comparison proved that you were lying." Han Bin said.