
Detective Devil

nk_2 · Action
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7 Chs

introduction A Devil

It was night time, around 1 o'clock. A young 25 year old boy, whose height was 5.5 feet, fair complexion, had a strange evil smile on his face, was sitting in a lab wearing black colored clothes where there was darkness on all sides. But there were many LED screens installed in front on which the boy was watching the people of his state because he was watching all the CCTV footages. While watching, there was such a smile on his face that the soul of the people would tremble while smiling. He picked up his mobile and called someone!

The boy said, "Hello Rahim, I found out something about him."

Rahim said, "Sorry Mr SHADOW, I haven't been able to find anything about him yet."

The boy said, "Rahim, I had given you a task, that too you could not do in the last 4 years, now I will have to do everything, I had made you my partner without thinking anything. Do you know who I am, Detective Shadow?"

That boy was none other than Detective Shadow, in whose name all the criminals are caught because people can be forgiven if the case goes to the court, but whatever case Detective Shadow takes, it never reaches the court because Shadow is not a criminal. Doesn't give a second chance!

Shadow was sitting there when suddenly he got a call, seeing which he was surprised because it was not from anyone else but from a CBI officer, seeing which his anger turned into a smile.

Shadow picked up the call and said, "Hello officer, how did you remember me after so long?"

The officer said, "What, how long has it been, we met only two days ago, leave it, I called you for some very important work."

Shadow said, "Officer, don't solve these riddles, tell me now in which case do you need my help?"

The officer said, "I just want your advice, not help, because like last time, while helping me, you got me into a lot of trouble."

Shadow said, "What are you talking about, I was just protecting you from him, now you. Do you know what would have happened if I had not told you like this, BOLO officer?"

Officer Ha Ha I know that in that case, as usual, you had given drugs to about 5 criminals and two of them had done the same and three people had died immediately after the interrogation during CBI.

Shadow said, "SORRY Officer, but do you know that they used to kidnap small children and sell their body parts and by the time you reached them, they had killed more than 100 people."

The officer said, "Will you tell me the complete details? There were only about 20 children in our investigation and out of which we had saved 18 people."

Shadow got angry and said, "You and your team only know about those people who were reported missing when you gave me the case."

The case said "children under the age of 10 years were being kidnapped.

When Officer Shadow was given the case that they had kidnapped about 20 people, as soon as Shadow heard this, his anger reached its peak and he started researching about that case.

And after seeing all the investigation done by Officer Naina and her team, Shadow started watching through his system,

And after watching the CCTV for a long time, he saw something that shocked him that an ambulance which always went from Mushidganj city towards a forest. Shadow was sure that something was definitely wrong because the route by which that ambulance used to go. There was neither any city, village nor hospital there, so why was the ambulance going towards the forest?

The next day, when Shadow followed that ambulance from exactly 5 pm, he was even more surprised. His anger skyrocketed when he saw that this ambulance was carrying some children from the orphanage on the pretext of reuniting them with their parents. And after that they went straight from there towards the big forest outside the city.

They were unaware that someone was following them. They had crossed the city. Shadow was slowly following them. He was keeping an eye on them from a distance through a small camera, then suddenly the ambulance stopped behind them. Because of this Shadow was shocked!

She moved her mini camera forward and saw that the officer was already standing ahead with her team. Shadow did not understand what the people had done. I had not even told the officer that these people had come here before me. Shadow was far away. Standing up, I started thinking that after all the officer stole information from me yesterday in the hotel, I should have told him today as I did not want him to get into trouble later!

Shadow was sitting on his bike away from them and was thinking that what happened between him and the officer last night which he could not remember, he started putting pressure on his penis and he remembered.

Putting his hand on his head, Shadow said, "Oh no, then yesterday I lost something which perhaps should not have happened."

Yesterday we both came so close while drinking that I could not control myself and I started kissing the officer passionately.

After that, everything happened between us which was not expected. When Shadow opened his eyes, he saw that he was lying on the bed without any clothes. He was not surprised to see this because in the last 5 years all this had happened between them 50 times. But he was sad about this, Ruvi did not like all this, she had made him swear several times that he would stay away from the officer.

But ever since the officer came to know about the person hidden behind the shadow, she has always been in touch with the shadow and is attracted to the officer's beautiful eyes

Shadow also used to lose his temper after seeing the officer, due to which a lot of things happened between them, but Shadow was angry that she broke her promise. He was surprised that this time the officer had gone away after taking information from him. And maybe she didn't know how big a problem she was in?

Shadow looked ahead and saw the ambulance officer and his team sitting with him and started going towards their base. Thinking about the shadow officer, he said, what does she want? I know that just a few days ago, there was an arms deal in which There were high quality guns, laser technology based guns and many arms. Shadow knew that those arms dealers were going to do something big but as far as he knew, some similar high technology guns would be found here too and it was very It will be more dangerous for the officer

Shadow again started following them, after some distance he saw that the ambulance stopped near a ruin and was taking the officer driver and his gang members to their base with guns pointed at them. Shadow sent his mini camera which was They were as small as a fly but along with laser attack, they also had the most dangerous weapon of Shadow, the poison arrows which were so small but the poison contained in the arrows was not common. No matter how powerful the victim was, he Shadow would immediately get paralyzed and fall down. Shadow named that poison Drx 2.0 and after the death of the victim, the poison drugs would disappear.

Shadow was watching everything from a distance with the help of his camera and then suddenly he saw that about 10 more people came in front of the officer. They had Ak 47 guns in their hands and some had laser guns in their hands. They wanted to fire immediately. Shadow's two cameras were destroyed in the fire to save the officers and the officer was hit by a bullet in his hand. Shadow, who was still away, seeing all this, came running inside and towards the wall. He hid behind it and saw from there that the officer was hiding with her team in front of him, blood was coming out from her hands, two officers of her team were also injured.

The gang war was still going on, they were firing, Shadow immediately attacked them with the drone gun whose bullets were special which were made from special drugs. Within about 2 minutes of both the drones, all the people became unconscious and fell on the ground. After that Shadow immediately ran and caught hold of the officer's hand and sprinkled a powder on it which stopped the bleeding from his hands.

He handed the powder to one of the team officers and said, "Take this and apply it on your injury."

The officer was surprised to see Detective Shadow because till now no one had seen Shadow so closely except Officer Namrata. After that Shadow went inside from there and he was surprised when he saw that there were some people there who were selling the child's body parts.

And in front of him, three children were made unconscious and were made to lie on the bed, after which perhaps they were going to conduct an operation on them, seeing which Shadow immediately took out a gun from his side and attacked all three of them. He heard the sound of some people coming. ,

A strong man spoke and said, "Do a blood test of this girl and see what happens. Today for the first time we will sell the body parts of big people, we have many pending orders anyway!"


But as the man entered the room, he was surprised to see his three men lying on the ground, but as soon as he looked at Shadow, he immediately shouted, "No, you can't be here, Detective Shadow, officer, arrest me." And get out of here as quickly as possible, I will tell you everything! I will confess to all my crimes!"

Fear was visible on his face. Shadow laughed loudly and said, "How dare you do this to the children of my city, you will be punished for this!" After that he came towards them at full speed which Officer Namrata could see. She also got scared, she punched both the people one by one and was about to attack them with poison but suddenly the officer stopped her, after which she left from there.

The officer said, "Shadow, I already knew that I had stopped you from giving poison to those people, but still they died after interrogation and I found only 18 children from there."

Shadow said, "What's the hurry? I was telling you just now, you could have remained calm for a little longer, I was just telling you! No."

Officer, okay, what happened after that, tell me quickly, I also have to tell you something, what happened next? How did Shadow tell that there were 100 people there? So where were you? After all, how did both the victims die after investigation? After all, whom was Shadow searching for so desperately? what was the reason

Who was the man behind the Shadow? Who was Ruhi? Keep reading the further story on Devil Detective

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