
First Encounter

''This can't be happening. I was so close getting away.'' A woman was murmuring to herself while sitting in the corner of a small poorly lit dungeon. Her blue robe, long dark hair was all dirty, and muddy, yet her face could still make anyone want to take a closer look. Especially at her greyish eyes. They were like stars in a moonless night.

However these eyes had no fire in them.

She was all alone on the floor which was so quiet that she heard her own heartbeat, not even the birds sang for her on this afternoon.

I always knew that my kind heart will be my end, but I shouldn't be ungrateful. I managed to run for more than two years. It was only a matter of time when someone would come for me. I guess It is better to die as a witch and be burnt rather than... Well It is better to know when that day comes, rather than trembling with fear every time I close my eyes.

I had a good life and even when I became a witch I managed to elude everyone who suspected me. Although some of my colleagues came surprisingly close in King's City. I still miss being an apprentice, but what I miss even more is the smell of the burning candle and the attitude of Chief alchemist Acher. I must be some sort of weirdo. At least I still have my robes. Maybe one day they will find out why I left the Alchemy Workshop.

''I hope that day never comes''.

Suddenly sounds of footsteps were coming from the entrance, not much later two guards appeared in front of her cell. Both of them had God's Stone of Retaliation on them.

It's Time. She fought then she stood up and went to meet her fate but the guard hastily came forward and said:

''Lord Machiavelli is willing to hold a trial in the castle, if you manage to prove your innocence you are free to go whenever you like.''

''Wait! A trial?'' If this is true then I might be able to...

''Yes we are going to take you there, but we still prepared a pyre for you.'' The guard said with a smirk on his face. He put the chains on her wrist and a God's Stone of Retaliation around her neck, then the two guards began to escort her out of the dungeon into the castle.

I can't stop but wonder why a lord would hold a trial for a witch. This doesn't make any sense! it might even make his subjects hate him even more, because people in the Eastern Regions were the most devout followers of the Church in Greycastle. Maybe Roland Wimbledon's reach is far bigger than I anticipated. This is one more reason to prove my innocence as soon as possible and get out of the kingdom.

''Hey! Can't we move faster? I am afraid that the snails might catch up to us!''

The two guards looked at each other with a shocked expression on their faces. The 'smirky' guard then spoke: ''Why are you so eager to be sentenced? Live a little while you can, but if you insist.''

The guards then hastily made it to the castle. Even the gatekeepers were shocked at the scene. They never saw a prisoner walk so in rhythm with the guards. For outsiders it seemed like an exercise.

The castle was a small one, but it looked intimidating at first glance, even if its condition was questionable. On Its front there was the banner of Lakefall . On the banner there was a lake.

Well who would have thought? What is more surprising is that, there were quite a few guards stationed everywhere. I guess Lord Machiavelli doesn't have friendly relations with the local Lords.

Not long after they reached the second floor of the castle. There was only one floor above them but there were quite a few holes in the roof, also some of the walls were... missing. When they arrived the escort knocked on the closed bulky wooden door. The guard then took off the chains and even the God's Stone.

I don't understand. Why don't they leave the God's stone on me? Are they not afraid of me? Well unfortunately for me I am not a combat witch, but if I were...

All of the sudden the door started to crack open with a terrible sound and after it completely opened, the guards gestured her to go in.

According to the etiquette one must not make any eye contact, glance or raise her head, only after she made the proper formalities and even then, only if the lord allows. It is better not to anger him, and I am just a commoner. I have no right to disagree, but I am also an alchemist even if I am just an apprentice, and I am also running for my life, and in a trial that might determine my fate...

She bit her lips and walked into the room according to the etiquette.

When she arrived in the middle of the room she made a deep bow and shortly after heard a man saying:

''Stand up.''

His voice was full of authority yet it was neither demanding nor threatening. It sounded completely natural even if it was anything but natural. It was the tone of an experienced ruler. I know this only because I used to live in King's City. It's just like the tone of King Wimbledon III.

She raised her head and looked in the direction of the source. She saw a frail looking man with short brown hair, deep black eyes sitting on the throne. His face was full of freckles and on his wrist there was a golden wristband. On the wristband there was a big M, but the letter was made out of snakes biting each other.

We are about the same age. Even though I am just more than 20 I can certainly say that. ''My Lord. How can I be at your service?'' Even if it's obvious you must follow up the bow with this question.

''You have been convicted of using magic, but I am willing to test your innocence. If you manage to fulfil the tasks that I give. You will be freed from all charges. However if you fail even one task you will be regarded as a witch, and the outcome of trial will be pointless.''

Tests ? What type of trial involves tests ? ''What do you want me to do my lord ?'' I may or may not regret this in the future.

''First you should introduce yourself , ever since you arrived in Lakefall you did not tell anyone your name or where you came from. Is there a specific reason to it ?''

I am running for my life, is that counts? ''No my lord. I am more than happy to comply. My name is Morrigan, I am from King's City. I came here on behalf of the Alchemist Workshop. I received an order that I have to gather specific herbs from the surrounding wilderness.'' This is my real name and birthplace but all the rest is a lie. It is always better to make a half true statement rather than a complete lie, so I can answer the follow up questions and there will be documents about me if they want to search me.

''Really ?'' Said with a surprised tone. ''Why would the Alchemist Workshop of the old King's City sent you all the way here? When they can just send a letter with the names of the specific plants and hire any merchant who can read it ? I heard that the Alchemists have no problem with monetary funding. Actually it's quite the opposite.' said with a smile on his face.

That little smug, why that? Why not about my life? That is what most people lie about! ''I am an apprentice I lack experience, and I have bad relationship with my superior, so it is most likely a punishment.''

He remained quiet then turned to one of his advisors and said: ''I accept that answer'' But that advisor is somewhat familiar to me, I don't know why. Fortunately he has no other advisor. Does this mean that he does everything by himself? No that thought is just scary. There must be more around but they are not interested in this trial. That must be the case.

''What exactly happened today, before noon near the Town Square?''

My kind heart almost got me killed, is that a satisfying answer? ''When I was about to leave I saw a boy suffering from a strange illness. I recognized that illness because that was the same as the scourge that terrorized King's City more than a year ago. I happened to have an elixir that can cure the disease and gave it to the boy.''

''But many witnesses claim that the elixir is actually made by you. When you rushed over you picked up a bucket and pretended that you put the elixir into that bucket but the elixir flask was dry.

I don't like where this is going. ''The-There is no other way to explain it,nmaybe the flask was dry only when it was found!''

''There is another problem with this elixir you talked about'' Suddenly he started to grin ''There is an expiration date on every single elixir. It is never more than 48 to 53 hours. So tell me, where did you buy it?''

I am not a native English speaker, so if you find mistakes please give me examples. I take any criticism if it means I can improve. I will not ask for your best score just give me your honesty opinion in a cultured manner. That is all I care about.

Thank you, and have fun reading.

InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts