
Chapter 326: Take my words seriously.

Mykel was smoking his cigarette in front of the Lucifer Tower. He watched Zherlthsh walk up the stairs into the tower on her own, in the middle of the night. It was the only tower that nobody dared to enter, and it was the most unwanted tower of them all.

"I just have to kill demons to raise my skill level, right?" Zherlthsh asked as she stared at the endless hallway in front of her. "But, why here?" Zherlthsh turned around to look at Mykel.

"Are you scared? Knowing that you're no longer immortal?" Mykel asked as he puffed the smoke.

"I don't fear death, I fear the ones who can kill me," Zherlthsh answered.

"I will make them occupied, just go," Mykel said as the chill night wind hit his face. "If you die, I will bring you back to life. There's nothing to be fear about," Mykel continued.