
Chapter 233: Prevented a big war.

"You're going to pay for this, Lucifer!" Freyja said as she held her voice down and grabbed Brisingamen from Odin's hand.

All the Valkyries readied their shields, spears, and swords as they protected Freyja and Odin from Lucifer. Half of them flew toward him while the rest of them stayed to protect Freyja who tried to lift Gungnir from his stomach.

"Baldur! Help me!" Freyja yelled as she stared at Baldur who was ready to join the Valkyries to fight Lucifer.

Baldur ran toward Odin and grabbed Gungnir with both hands, but the two of them couldn't lift it up. They looked at Odin, he was struggling to survive from his own weapon and couldn't help them lift it up.

The Valkyries were pointing their swords and spears at Lucifer, but then Luciel flew past Lucifer and swung her long sword at them all at once. The Valkyries were overwhelmed by Luciel's power and got knocked back by her sword.