
Destroyer in Danmachi

You take a normal harmonal teen and you take a truck-kun, baaam!!.... You wait for few second, you freak out and then..... Isekaaaaaiiiiiii. Come on you know the drill. In short the MC is OP and an asshole. Might not be your cup of tea since he is not going to go around doing the right thing, No tragic backstory, no suffering childhood, no bullying in previous life, just your regular assholes. Being an assholes doesn't mean the same as being evil, kinda like bete loga. But not a tsundere.

Overlordfanboy · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

It was a joke for goodness sake.

The training from the orario's adventurers began, first other adventurers from the city who were there got the chance to fight the level 1s and 2s of hermes familia as well as zeus familia. Needless to say they didn't stand a chance against those dungeon made adventurers.

Then it was my turn and lo and behold, I am fighting a level 3 from hera familia. I could not win, not without buying B rank or above skills from the shop but I didn't want to, unlike Bell my stats did not go beyond S so there was no way I can overpower a level 3, plus I wanted to loss, to not draw anymore attention but as I step in front to fight, my body was burning asking for some action, wanting to fight and to win.

[preparing quest]

Oh here it is,

[quest (challenge your limit) :defeat the level 3 adventurer in front of you. Without any skills or magic.

Reward: 100,000 SP

Failure : defeat of the user.

Penalty : getting beat up by a pretty lady is a reward for many.]

What is he?, a masochist?. I had no idea. Well the Reward is great,

So no skills or magic, hence the only way to win is by using the titles, As the battle began [surviver] kicked in increasing my stats, the person in front of me was holding back, great. How that means [hero] will be working full force to improve my stats not quite bell level but with, near limitless stamina from [relentless] I can keep fight at my best while the person in front gets tired, she obviously not using any skill to attack, if she has any. The only problem was that my sword skill was at the level of "keep swing until you hit something or anything", so I improvised, went on defensive only since ria's, my opponent, skills with her spear was next level compared to mine,

Alright focus, as I tired to intercept the blows as well as to learn how she was doing that, around 10 minutes into the match of me getting absolutely dominated, my mind was working at full throttle to counter and read my opponents skills, since she was oh so graciously holding back, I was going to take full advantage of it, as I finally correctly predicted an attack and countered it pushed her back, there was no time to waste since she recovered almost instantly but now it wasn't completely one sided, a screen appeared in front of me,

[you have met the requirements for the title "sword saint(C)" :users skills with a sword will increase dramatically]

Not very specific as to how much it will increase or what exactly will increase, but with this I will be able to beat her. After 30 minutes or so of the fight I finally defeated her by disarming her. I was fast coupled with my small size I was able to out maneuver her,

I looked at my opponent, she was just stareing at me in disbelief, oh crap I think I broke her confidence, losing to a 5 year old is not easy. That is going to hurt, should I comfort her?, nah I am pretty sure that will make it worse. Alfia came out her daze and announced the end of match, as I thanked ria and walked back to my place and sat down, afterwards I watched others train, well more like watched a blur of it. They were still too fast for me to accurately see what they were doing,

hermes was still in thought as the train exercise between the 3 familia went on, his familias job was of reconnaissance and support in the fight against the disasters, so he wasn't very worried but the boy's identity bothered him. The boy's talent was once a millennia level, even at the level of the heroes of old, and the the look in his eyes when he was fighting, the struggle against an opponent he had no chance of winning but defying every odd he came out on top, it was the stuff of legends, fairy tale even. Just watching me defy the odds lit a fire inside his familia members.

It was no doubt that the boy was destined for greatness but the question was, which kind?. What will he do with his strength, he was young, very young, too young to be adventurer but the situation forced him to pick a weapon and he did, the result?, he defyed every odd and came out on the top. Shiva that lucky bastard, he picked such an interesting mortal.

He was currently smiling, no he was grinning, this was the sign, the beginning of a new age. Heroes were returning, zeus was right, after the defeat of the black dragon a new age will began.

They had lunch and went back to training, I came back and told my friend all about the training, we then played together with sticks, I was playing with a 5 year old, and I was enjoying it. Sometimes I confuse myself. Other day it was the same, they received a message that both the familias will arrive here in about 9 days, hence most of them started preparing for there arrival, apparently both zeus and hera will not come, good not for me. I have been avoiding every god here in the city after getting my memories back and then hermes came along who most definitely did not know what personal space meant. I so did not want to deal with zeus, and I am certain the moment he steps foot in the city my system will give me a stupid quest like punch him in the balls,

It was the third day of there arrival, It was evening and I was wondering around the city taking a break from my training I had over 300,000 SP now only 200,000 more and those juicy S class skill is mine. I looked around the town, it was the most lively it has been since the monster break, which was a good thing, people are actually celebrating. While strolling I arrived near the gates of the town when I heard noises from the woods, looks like some people are indulging themselves in adult stuff,

What will I do?, well as a good little 5 year old, I am going to let curiosity get the better of me, go there and ask them, what are you doing naked? With the most innocent voice and then burn there panicked reaction reaction in my mind. You say I am evil ( I died Virgin), no no I say it's there fault for doing this kind of stuff in open then again they may have some strange fetish. Alright let's just sneak up on them decide then.

As I arrived at the clearing, it was same one we use for training, it was some intimate actions but alfia training. I am kinda disappointed but this isn't all bad, she was using a sword to fit an imaginary opponent, wasn't she a mage, well if she fires her spells here I doubt the town will survive.

"how long are you planning on standing there" she said while continuing her training, of course she will notice, she was a high level 6 was crying out loud, and will later kill leviathan to level up to 7.

"sorry for disturbing you" I said as I came out for the bushes and stood at the corner of the clearing and bowed in apology.

"its alright but what are you doing here" she replied and asked she stopped training and looked at me.

"I heard noises here so I can to check" I said while she told me to leave stuff like this to the adults, to which I replied with an 'ok', she continued her training, I had nothing better thing to do so sat there watching, maybe watching her sword form will teach me something, but there I was staring at her admiring her beauty, the moment she stopped I picked the nearby towel and water jug and took both to her, she wiped her sweat with the towel and drank the water, thanked me and went right back to training, she wasn't that strong just because she was talented, she worked her butt off to where she is, even with her disease.

The sun had completely gone beyond the horizon as the sky was darkening, as she stopped training and sat near me. As we both looked at clear sky. Now that I think about it I never enjoyed the night sky like this before, there were so many trivial things I haven't done.

"did you need something?" she asked me looking me a little confused to why I was just wasting my evening here with no clear goal in mind, but there was something I wanted,

"can you... Can you please train me" I finally said it after stumbling a little,

"why me?"

"because you are strong and... And... You are very pretty" seriously that's the best you could come up with, my face was completely red right now. Please don't kill me.

As I was berating myself, I heard a chuckle, as I looked at her as she had an amused expression,

"seriously all boys are the same" you can't blame us for admiring the art that is your beauty.....Damn, my 20 year old virgin self is going full on poet, down boy, down. She can snap you like a twig.

"alright" she said with a smile as I looked at her in disbelief, I wasn't expecting her to agree so easily.

"but you have to promise me something" she said, oh there are strings attached huh? Let's hear them.

"you are talented, way more talented me, there is no doubt that soon you will surpass me and others. So, can you promise me that you will help my sister".... huh?. She looked... Weak. For the first time ever since I saw her, she looked defeated. She wanted me to help her sister with her disease. Wait let me confirm,

"help her with what?" I asked

"ever since she was born, she had a disease that weakens her, if not cured, she will die in few years" she said as I thought. What about her own condition?.

"ok I promise to help her" that was a lie. I had every intention to not help them but then again, nothing is written on stones.

"thank you" she said as she looked at me with a genuine smile. I feel like an asshole.

Helping bell's mother will change the story way to much. I will no longer be in complete understanding of the situation around me when I go to the dungeon... But then again do I need to be?.

After the training ended it was already night as I ran to my house and uncle Harry welcomed me, seems like he was back from his business trip to sell all the monster cores and drops to the major cities, he told us about how a few paths were closed due to behemoth, the monster was rightly named, behemoth. It was over 100 meters in height and breath and about 500 metres in length including his tail. It was extremely large, but also slow, but even that slow was comparing to it size, I will still not be able to out run it, plus with its size, one hit guaranteed everything inside will be become a mess if it's not outside already.

But most dangerous part about it is the poison it releases, the reason every monster didn't even get second thoughts about staying. Poking it will be interesting, hahahaha

[preparing quest]


[calculating risks and rewards]

Oi Oi Oi Oi, hold on, wait wait,

[quest(Iearn your place) : go poke behemoth's eye and come back to tell the tale.

Reward: any S class skill you chose.

Failure :death of user, behemoth comes to

Atlanta following you, behemoth is killed before you poke it.

Penalty: I won't punish you for not feeling suicidal]

What do you mean by learn your place, I know I will die instantly If I go there. Whose the one give me suicidal missions

It was a joke, for goodness sake.