
Destiny Writer

-by Starring

About author

Well Well guess I am starting my writer career lol But yea I wanted to try writing lol and guess what I might be good at it too

if you guys are from my channel or my streams just thanks I guess. You guys are really helping me lol.

Well then now guess I'll introduce myself then,

My name is P.M.Mohit (most of the PPL know it but ) Famously known as Starring I Study in St Peter's University At Avadi Tamilnadu.

I have read a lot of Manhwa And manga an I loved how it was presented so I started searching for a idea to write lol. And I got one

so yea this is a cover page that explains about me I guess. Pls read this so you can know me more

Chapter 0 intro

It all started when I was born I was a great kid

I liked science and things was good at studying but why do I see this strings lol that connect to me am I a god no I shouldn't have god complex I am just a human being lol how can I be but why do I have my birthdate at Nov 6 2004 at 5.59pm there is no way that I am that lucky...wait now that I think about it

there is no way I am that unlucky lol

( writer comments: it might seem corny but yea my DOB is nov6 2004 at 5:59)

well I am just a person that's how can I explain ah two sides of same coin. Still that not bad lol there should be always be a equilibrium lol. well guess I have sort of power and I should use it for the better. Maybe there might be PPL who are like me lol

(Writers comments: this is partial fantasy story and partial science story with some tint of comedy lol so don't expect everything is real)

Meanwhile in the realm of god's

Shiva: hmm this iteration of the world is good we don't need to interfere I guess

Vishnu: yes yes you are right lol this iteration is different

Brahma: Well it should be because there is a lot of changes in the current timeline

Durga: But I don't understand why do I hear boss music.

Shiva: Well yea you wil--- wait what when did you get headphones.

Durga: it is good to hear music right

Vishnu: it is and I pretend that it is not

Vishnu in mind voice: (atleast she doesn't go Kali on me lol (w/n: lol means laugh on laughs))

*while this happens the red alarm starts ringing loudly.... loudly..... AUTHOR PLS START WRITING THE REST. (w/n: ok ok don't rage Reader)

Everyone in god's realm runs to the soul recycling section.

Vishnu: what do we have here

Shiva: looks like a beast form another mythology lol

Brahma: looks like it is wait why did this beast descent down a floor and how did it do that

Durga: let's check the soul recycling time with our powers.

Vishnu: yea we should or this poor soul might get abducted.

Brahma: I agree

Shiva: well guys there is a problem. it looks like this beast is pushing the Soul to a set of time corridinates. and the time corridinates is Nov6 2004 at 6.00

Durga: wait isn't that just devil number in demology

Vishnu: yea I guess but why did it descend down here on second floor lol.

Brahma: I think it wants a body to descend in the real world

Durga: wouldn't it cause chaos in real world

Brahma: it will but-

*durga rages and into kali

Vishnu mindvoice: (And it Fricking happened smh (w/n Smh means Shake my head ))

Kali: Argh 😤 you great gods why are you like this

Kali: I am gonna save this soul with my power Argh 😤

*Kali wants to save this soul at any means

will she succeed or will she fail

<gods arc first part end>



*= author talk

<gods arc second part start>

Kali: this soul what did it do I don't understand why this beast from another mythology is here 😤😡😡

Kali: I don't care I am going to give one of my title to him so he can save himself from that beast that is going to control.

*Kali takes a title and reads it

Kali: huh Godess of time huh ok

*she changes the title and