
Destiny: Way to You

Mang Dynasty is a risen dynasty after the new king sits on the throne. However, problems keep arising left and right, shaking the entire dynasty. Back to his homeland after 5 years, Mang We Jing, a war prince, thinks peace finally coming but unknown things keep bothering him which makes him dig up all the secrets to protect his country. Meanwhile, the ugly woman Mu Xinyi secretly holds many identities raising more suspicion. Unknown what destiny holds, they keep running into each other. Amid tangled secrets and mess, will the dynasty be able to hold its place? Or new ruler will announce himself?

Anthem_0x · History
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28 Chs

Meet again

Mu Xinyi sighed lightly, "Ah, it felt so long. I wonder how they're doing right now," she muttered slowly, feeling relief she finally arrived in Huáng (Yellow) city. The lively sound of the city, the clear air, the smell of various food. The things she had been missing for the past few weeks were finally around her fingertips.

Flap. Flap. She flipped her dark brown bamboo fan twice. Her green sleeve moves breezily as if it dancing together with the wind. Even though Mu Xinyi wore a set of plain-looking Daopao and not the beautiful Ruqun that suits a lady which can bring out a woman's confidence, she still felt energised. She walked confidently.

"Nothing can beat Huáng city." She looked around with a satisfied smile.

Throughout the road, there was various kind of shops—Antique, Clothing, Swords, Accessory and many more but there was only one that caught her attention; a small wooden food stall located on the side road.


"Ah, this petty one, you not even that big, but you do know your meal, huh?" Patted Mu Xinyi on her stomach that making the cute sound for a while now—from the moment she entered the city centre, Mǔdān (Peony) town; a famous town known for its prosperity in the economic well-being of the Mang Dynasty.

Excitedly, she rushed toward the food stall right away.

Bump! The sound was not too loud, but many pairs of eyes stopped at her when the stall owner spoke louder than usual.

"Oi, oi, young lad, how come you've been so rough, oy? I don't have too much money to buy new ones, oy."

Several chairs near her fall on the ground due to her hastiness. The owner, Tai, looked angry.


Clatter. I hurriedly put back the chairs as before.

The atmosphere becomes quiet as Tai raises his voice and seems irritated. I looked at Tai, then smiled a bit while scratching my face, making a guilty expression.

'Luckily, these chairs are pretty tough. If it's broke, maybe I can't ever come to eat here again, but honestly, it's not my fault. I've never intended to bump the chairs.'

"Aiyah...like usual oy?" asked Tai while cooling down his anger.

"Haha, sorry Tai." With the shaken smile on my lips, this time, I scratched my head wanting to appear guiltier that he will empathise with me and think it was purely unintentional – I don't want to lose my meal!

"Today give me double Tai."

"Okay oy...but you need to wait a bit, oy. "

I nodded immediately. Since I know there were many people has been cravings for Tai's cooking, it was inevitable.

His food stall is small, just to fit 20 people. Even so, it is always packed with more people – many customers that did not manage to get a chair, sit on the ground layered with a rugged mat right around the stall just to eat his cooking – Sometimes, some even bring their own piece of cloth.

Besides, Tai only has one worker, his young daughter – a six-year-old girl. Due to her age, she only helps Tai do the small chores; washing the dishes and sometimes cleaning the table – That makes Tai take longer time to cook and prepare the food since he is all alone; He needs to feed many mouths at the same time.

'My luck is quite good today…Tai opens his stall a bit early.'



"Shush!" Mang We Jing annoyingly shut off his servant while looking elsewhere.

"Bu-but pri#$@?!" Pap. During his talk, suddenly, his mouth was covered. Buchang was struggling to breathe. His pronunciation ended up coming out wrong.

Pak! Pak! He hit the hand that tightly covered not just his mouth but also his nose, 'Is it intentional?!'

He tried to pull it away, but it was futile. He even has a hard time moving both his hand because his body was squeezed from behind. His body that was smaller did not have the advantage to let himself out of the grip.

"It's no used Buchang. Your highness has been weird since we left Hépíng."

"It's no use!!!" Shout An Rong near Buchang's left ear out of the bored – Where actually, he just wants to find a place where he can let go of the feeling that makes him uncomfortable when being around the prince – he is irritated when the awkward atmosphere around his prince did not fade away even after they arrive at the city.

'Tsk! I thought he would back to normal… Now, from time to time, he gives a similar cringy feeling like Zen Ming…should I ask him to change my position?'

"#$#&@$#!" Buchang cursed him but that curse was not even spat out properly – What the f*ck?! – is the curse that supposes to come out in the abrupt moment.

"Right...I know you'd agree with me too. Right, Buchang? Damn, you should look at Your highness, Buchang. He didn't even listen to me shouting," An Rong sounds melancholic – he misses the cold and unshaken prince who only have fighting and war in his head which is similar to him.

However, he somehow understands Mang We Jing because An Rong is also not a slave of fighting. He is addicted to fighting because he enjoys it – he also had other things occupied in his head now that he is back. just, he felt like he will lose a fighting buddy that understands his passion and he was afraid Mang We Jing would fall into enemy traps.

Obviously being ignored by his friend, his thin lips thrust forward; pouting that the attention was not on him but, shortly after, he sighed, "Hah…" Genuinely, he worried about his friend's change, 'I hope it is a good change…'

While An Rong was immersed in his world, Buchang's inner self crying.

Pak! Pak! 'That's not important right now, sir! Please let me go and don't shout at my ear, sir!' He was struggling inside.

Snapped. An Rong realized he had bullied the servant for a long time now – He let go of his hand.

'Uhm?!' An Rong paused a moment. His hand was weirdly wet. He stares at it thinking why there is so much water on his palm.

'…Is it his sweats or…well, it's fine…' Admit that it was his fault, he let it go by wiping it on Buchang's back.

'Finally!' Buchang's tears of joy only manage to celebrate inside of himself. Huu. Haaah. Huuu. Hahh. Buchang desperately breathing. He bent his body. Somehow, his knee also feels weak as if there were no limbs, he massaged it a little.


"Argh?! why did you bite my hand?!"

Buchang paid no attention. He cannot blindly accept it – his anger toward An Rong cannot be gone by simply forgiving him without any payback.

'Hah, he deserved it! Lucky my hand is okay!' Buchang felt satisfied even though he still had a hard time breathing.

"Hah...I... thought...huh...you want...to...kill...hah...me...sir...huh..." His body was still bent.

An Rong averted his eyes. He noticed how pale Buchang is. His anger suddenly cools down, '…I'll let it go since it's you…'

"Ehem!!! Your Highness, I think we should leave right now." Spoke An Rong as to run away from the guilt.

"Yes, we should. I'm hungry. " lied Mang We Jing with a straight face while still looking at the same place unmoved.

An Rong is sharp. He noticed the prince had been focusing on one place. He followed him – looked at the same direction, he was curious, 'Hmm…what's he been looking at...that small stall?'

"...and don't call me Your Highness when we are outside," added him as a warning to his two subordinates about his identity.

"Serva—I understand Your High...mmm…Jing…Jing Wei."

"Then, how about we go to Three Star Restaurant, Jing Wei?" Suggested Buchang now that he is totally calm down and gets his breath back.

Nonetheless, Mang We Jing walked towards the food stall not far from them. He had been watching it since a while ago—since they got out from Wang Hua, a clothing store – because right at that moment, his eyes catch a glimpse of someone.

"Huh? Where are we going now? Three Star Restaurant is the other way." Buchang bewildered.

An Rong shook his head. He pities Buchang for being too slow to understand the situation. He put his hand around Buchang's shoulder and dragged him along, following their master's steps.