
Destiny: unkown frontier

The collapse devastated humanity and hope although dwindling still remains as it always does during dark times. We follow the building of a risen to the top of the food chain one piece at a time while gathering the fragments of a slowly eroding past. *The cover art is not mine, all credit goes to the original artist* *updates will be random*

Shady_BorB · Video Games
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Ch.1 good times

A/N: ~ are thoughts, " " is dialogue

Earth 2013

My eyes shot open as I found myself laying in bed taking labored breaths continuously. My shirt stuck to my sweaty back to such a degree that it drew Chile. I tried taking it off only for a cramp to hit right when I was about to pull the shirt off.

I laid there unable to move and in so much pain that it might just be the best day I've ever had so I knew I had to thank for it. Old sailors would've cried tears of joy if they could hear my opera level performance dedicated solely to god.

Though after a while of singing great praise to god my throat started feeling a little parched so I stopped cursing him out for now and simply waited the for the cramp to go away in silence.

Soon as it was finally over and relief washed over me, I left my bed to head to the kitchen after tossing the shirt into a laundry basket. My legs were a bit wobbly and felt very weak but I continued onward as I knew that after moving for a little bit they would hopefully wake up on their own.

Yet they were still a bit sleepy so upon reaching the kitchen I leaned against the wall and calmly slapped my sleepy legs to try and wake them up which sadly didn't work. Nevertheless I kept on moving and grabbed a cup out of a poorly built wooden cabinet, I glanced at the edge of the cabinet which put the thought of my legs giving out in my head alongside put some good'ol fear. Just imagining my legs giving out and tumbling onto the edge of something in slow motion before finally bleeding out on the floor like someone's grandma. Luckily it's never happened but I've had some close calls before.

I wobbly walked to the refrigerator and quickly placed my cup under an exposed nozzle before pressing on a button behind the cup with a wire out.

~hopefully I won't lose my voice, it would be a real shame if I did~ I though to myself as the water fell and slowly filled up the cup.

I took a sip while glancing at a cheap plastic clock that I had on the counter. It wasn't even plugged, it was just sitting there collecting dust and making my kitchen look somewhat full. Just like that one neighbor with a dirt yard and a couple flamingo decorations sitting on his lawn.

~Looking back, I don't think I've even touched this damn clock ever since I first got it~ I thought to myself as I walked over to it and plugged it in. Red light slowly crawled through the number outlined before finally settling on 9 am.

The clock let out a soft buzzing sound that felt comforting yet weird at the same time as it slowly started lowering its volume despite not having moved anything. It then switched to 9:01 with a click which is when I felt my eyes widen as I stopped zoning out which brought me the unfortunate realization that I wasn't in the lonely woods of the Mexican countryside but in a apartment complex with plenty of neighbors who were practically jumping at the chance to complain to Manuel who ran the place and also seemed to want to kick me out.

~well shit, guess I'm gonna have to be homeless for a bit~ I admitted to myself dejectedly as I scratched the back of my head with a bit of regret.

Manuel had a three strike policy and always took the side of others especially a cranky ass Karen next door named Martha. Some people say that a person isn't innately evil but I'm that is pure evil. After all she gave me two strikes in the first month I moved in, all because she couldn't get a "proper sleep" even though I was barely making any noise. ~Maybe she's blackmailing Manuel, after all she got the guy that was across the hall from me kicked out. She's definitely got too much power~ I thought to myself as I watched the clock change while i held my hand beneath my jaw in deep thought about the power trip miss Martha must be having right now.

I held my train of thought in place as I hear my phone alarm go off in my bedroom. ~why did I set that up?~ I pondered as the gears in my head began turning, my eyes widened as it finally hit me. I got an Interview at 11 for a job that was paying a whole lot of mula and it was now 10. I didn't even notice how much time I spent complaining, I gotta get ready fast if I want a roof made of money over my head.

"Breakfast, quick shower, then grab the keys which will leave me with enough time to do something else in case there's no traffic" I planned aloud as I opened my fridge and prayed hard that I still had some leftovers. I took a look inside and find a pack of already opened Oreos along with a half empty gallon of milk that was going to expire next Friday, "thank god I still have something to eat" I say with a smile. I could have sworn I had a lot more food yesterday. I should also get something to bribe Martha so that she lets my cursing slide. ~what do I get her though?~ I pondered as I ate an Oreo that I dunked in a glass of milk. After eating I took a quick shower and wore the clothes I laid out the day prior which consisted of a white collared dress shirt, black dress slacks, a belt, underwear, and a pair of socks.

I hurriedly walked through the living where I glanced at a poster I had on my wall otherwise barren walls. The poster depicted of a beautiful field on mars with the traveler towering over the field. The traveler looked like the moon during the day but a bit closer. I grabbed my keys from the coffee table before heading out the door. Upon opening It I saw my neighbor Frank who lives across the hall from me. "Are you alright Adam? I heard some… uh.. unfriendly words coming from your room" Frank asked clearly concerned for my wellbeing.

I locked my door before slowly turning around as I scrambled to find an appropriate response that won't get me sent to a mental hospital. After all I can't exactly tell him I was cursing out god last night for the shits and giggles. "No, I just..uh.. stubbed my toe last night when I went for a glass of water." I half truthfully said as I speed walked to the elevator. Soon as I was in the elevator, I quickly told its AI "garage" before saying to frank "thanks for asking frank" I said aloud as I waved good bye just as the elevator door begun to slowly closed.


As the doors finally closed frank let out a sigh of relief before walking to a lonely potted plant at the end of the hallway. He looked around before sliding his hand behind the plant and pulling out a metal briefcase which he quickly and quietly took to his room.


The elevator definitely needed maintenance as it shook a little bit from time to time which always made me feel like the cables were about to snap. After waiting a couple seconds with some less than groovy elevator music playing the doors finally opened revealing the almost empty lot.

I could see my car in the back next to franks old f-670. ~doesn't sound like anyone else is here that's pretty rare~ i thought as I rushed to get to my car only to have to hide behind a concrete Pilar to avoid getting run over by my other neighbor Lana and her white suv. Just by looking at her you would think she ruined a guys life to get some child support.

"WATCH IT ASSHOLE!" she shouted before driving off without a care in the world as she moved her fat hands to the music she was loudly playing. I just sigh at the near death experience as I finally get to my beat up Honda ~ahhh good old reliable~ I tell myself mentally before trying to unlock it with my key only for it to not work. ~fffuuuck!~ i tell myself as I walk around to the passenger side which thankfully did unlock. I scoot into the drivers seat and try to unlock the driver side door which all of a sudden now works.

I fasten my seatbelt before turning it on and driving towards the exit gate. I grabbed the old clicker from my pocket that Manuel gave out for the gate and clicked it. I quickly drove onto the street before a few cars came and headed towards Walmart as I was ahead of schedule. Not to mention there was a good donut shop right next to It called granols donut shop. They made freshly baked donuts and not those nasty mass produced vegan donuts filled with air from the neko corps.

Upon entering the Walmart parking lot I immediately spotted Roberto casano standing beside his open trunk. He's a good friend of mine who runs a little cd shop out of the trunk of his car. A pretty chill guy to hang out with even though his shady looks sometimes rub people the wrong way.

"looks like someone got a date, so who's the lucky girl that got you up this early." He says jokingly.

"Sadly no girl, I'm just here to get some groceries before a job interview later." I try to correct.

"Sure bud" he says with a cheeky smile

I roll my eyes at him "anyway what's the special today" I ask before turning to his open trunk as he proceeds to give me some recommendations. I look around flipping through his cases which were full to the brim. I was looking through the third cd case when out of the corner of my eye I see a cd outside it's case which immediately caught my attention with its dark green color which I've never seen on a movie cd. I proceeded to point "you left one out of its case man."

"Oh that one, it's not mine some fucker left it in my car alongside a disk full of coupons. Fucken coupons, they could've at least gave me some coupons for the window they broke." He stopped to take a deep breath before going at it again. "Cherry on top of the steaming pile of shit they left behind was a brand spanking new copy of morbius that can barely play in 144p. Don't know how they did it but they did it." I immediately started cracking up at his misfortune until eventually he started laughing alongside me which gave me some goosebumps and made me calm down. *note to self don't hang around him for too long*

His laughter was slowly dying down until he noticed my expression and started laughing hysterically. He tried to apologize but couldn't manage as he could barely say a couple of words before bursting with laughter. After some time he finally calmed down and I decided to get a movie that had just been released marlo 2. I whistled and passed him 8 units. I then said my goodbyes and rushed to the donut shop to make sure I get could get some before they're sold out.

You would be surprised at the amount of Effort some people put in to get some donuts nowadays as hardly anyone has been making them due to the inflation fucking over almost everyone in the business which when put into perspective really makes it seem like the country's beginning to collapse.

After waiting in line for 20 minutes behind a guy with a sleeping bag on his back. I finally got to the front and asked for a dozen glazed donuts. It came to a total of 55 units which made both my bank account and I cry as the cashier gave my receipt.~ I'm gonna have to hunt my food for the rest of the week~ the news did say something about a population boom in the woods outside town.