## DESTINY THE GAME, FANFIC## A dedicated Destiny player finishes the new Witch Queen dlc as a warlock. Ultimately he decides to make a new character, but play as a hunter this time.. Little does he know, he's pulled through the screen as he does. Now an NPC in the destiny world, he must survive the years until the game starts and the players come rushing in. How will he begin his journey, and what will become of him? # MC will be an npc within the destiny world, transmigrated a few years before the start of the year 1 game. Disclaimer: I do not own the front cover image, nor do I own any fraction of Destiny's characters or story lines, they all belong to Bungie.
A/N: Enjoy chapter.
[Sector 616]
Twelve guardians sat around a rustling camp fire, their eyes drifting towards the stars. Ever so often a stick was chucked into the pit, erupting flaring embers revealed their sullen faces.
Shaxx leaned against the wall, periodically he would glance towards a message he had sent. His eyes narrowed and brows furled, looking at the time, his hands shuffled while he waited listlessly.
His gaze washed over the crucible arena. Or as he liked to call it-The eternal battlefield. Where every hour of the day brought live skirmishes, duels and much more.
Shaxx heaved a breath, 'How long has it been since its been so quiet?' He pondered, his eyes caught sight of the guardians huddled around. It was a sight to see, and one he couldn't have imagined.
He'd spent months trying to instill discipline, camaraderie and more into those bastards, to no avail.
After all that effort, what brought them closer was a break? Perhaps, what they really needed was a moment of peace. Shaxx chortled softly. But his eyes grew dark, behind that faux veil of serenity, was a storm. Fiercer than they could ever imagine.
Soft whispers were passed around the circle, followed by languid chuckles and heavy sighs. The guardians reminisced about their battles, and made bold claims for the ones to come.
For an instant the sky seemed to grow brighter, a glimmering flash flickered, in its place a ship appeared, masked by the night sky, it hung above their head.
"Sorry I'm late, City patrol's quite strict right now." Void waved, his transmat triggered as a scattered light shuffled around his silhouette.
Warrod shot him a glance and raised a two finger salute, a very dignified and cool gesture-alas his other hand was still busy shoving marshmallows in his mouth.
"Glad you could finally make it." Shaxx nodded.
Void squeezed in between Warrod and Jason, "Please, I wouldn't've missed it."
"So, what's up with you guys? Never thought I'd see you all together." Void snatched a stick of marshmallows from the side, earning strict glares from the gunslinger.
Looking around, he could see a few familiar faces. His old crucible team, Edith, Jason and Warrod were naturally present. But so was Amos, and his team of misfits. Yet accounting for the newcomers in the circle, the crucible had certainly grown since he'd left.
Although it was a far cry from the Crucible it would one day become, the small growth was evidence that his tactics to change the Crucible were working.
"Yeah, Shaxx mixed up the squads once we got more members. We all got to know each other a bit more." Jason replied, sneakily stealing a glance at Edith.
Edith averted her gaze, she coughed, shifting in her place, "That aside, I heard you ripped the dragons a new one?"
"I also heard you pissed off the factions. Though to be honest those sneaky rats like to throw their weight around." Amos chimed in, a visible look of disgust lingered on his face.
"Suppose you've done quite well for yourself eh?" Warrod chuckled.
" Nah, I just got pulled into all of that. But hey, I guess the dragon hunt worked out for me." Void jerked his wrist and showed off the armor, earning hollers all around.
Shaxx calmly sauntered towards fire, a hum in his cadence, each step he took felt heavy to the ear, his boisterous voice now merely a fraction of itself, "I think you've all had enough time to catch up."
The bustling group of guardians were silenced by his words, their faces stiffened, knowing Shaxx, the warlord hadn't called them all to just 'catch up'.
Observing their immediate reactions, Shaxx knew he had raised a good bunch of guardians. "Good, since you're all so keen, I'll tell you, though some of you might already know it."
"The Lunar War"
The air tensed, any semblance of carefree banter was nowhere to be seen. Stern faces emerged from the ground, steeled for his next words.
"Word's not out yet, but its true. A week is all the city has to prepare its assault. Any longer, and the enemy might catch wind of our plan. Truth be told, the odds are stacked against us. The enemy is at every advantage, and its fully aware of that."
"I won't fool you with rash words. Guardians, its time to fulfill our duty. Win or Lose, I'll stand at the frontlines. All I ask, is you beside me. "
Shaxx peered ahead, his eyes filled with resolve. Following his declaration, the group shared a quick knowing glance. It was not in the nature of a guardian to decline such an invitation. They all swiftly agreed.
"Then let it be so."
"My ongoing negotiations with the Consensus has earned the Crucible the right to act as its own battalion. We will serve at the frontlines, each of you in a three man squad, and I will be your commander. Is that clear?"
Silent nods circled around the room. The opportunity to fight alongside the warlord Shaxx was not something the crucible would let go easily.
Shaxx's gaze settled on the hunters, his eyes seemed to narrow down as he reached Void.
"Void, I've been informed that your squad has needs of your skills. But truth be told, the crucible still needs your fire."
Hearing his concerns, Void frowned. 'Its impossible to be in two squads at once'
"I won't ask you to choose. Just know that the crucible will always have a place for you."
Void flashed a light smile as he snatched up a second marshmallow twig, raising it like a sword, "Don't think you're all gonna get rid of me that easily. I'm the reigning champ."
"If running around invisible was the competition you're definitely the winner." Amos muttered.
"Champ's a tall order for someone with less matches than Jason." Warrod slapped Void's stick.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jason raised a brow.
"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Edith chimed in, staring daggers.
Warrod flashed a cheeky grin, "Oh.... you know, you guys have been, busy lately."
Their bickering continued as Shaxx watched over them, his shoulders raised with pride, if one could sneak a peek under his helmet, the one-horned warlord was wearing a foolish smile on his face.
Shaxx cleared his throat and stomped on the ground, he reached over to grab a dry branch and dipped it into the fire. Like a halberd, he raised it towards the horizon.
"Guardians! Your light is the fire the crucible needs. A fire strong enough to burn away all our problems. Make sure you remember that!"
He bellowed, his mighty words followed by a boisterous laugh. Smitten by his charisma, everyone couldn't help but hold back a jovial chuckle.
So the night ended, with a promise of hope.
Beneath the toxic miasma, in the underdark of the badlands was the stone Cathedral. Carved out through a decade of toiling.
"Is it ready?" Kabr anxiously watched over Praedyth's shoulder. The warlock intensely focused on the rune he had imprinted on a small circuit.
His entire focus lay on the intricate magical patterns, as if he'd never heard a voice at all. Praedyth's entire being enveloped with traces of light. His fingers shivered as he held his hand gently over the runic engravings.
A faint light channeled through, and the rune filled up, dripping with light. Praedyth felt his lungs ease up. For what felt like a few hours, he heaved in a breath. His eyes filled with delight as he glanced at Kabr.
"Its done."
The titan gazed at his creation with awe, the light spilling from the runic circuit was pure, as Praedyth nestled it in his hands.
"Pahanin" Kabr whispered, afraid that his voice would somehow disturb the process.
At his call, a faint shadow appeared from within the workshop. Pahanin carried a spherical case, intricately constructed through decades of his research.
Pahanin configured the sphere construct and it hollowed out, which allowed Praedyth to place his rune circuit inside. Once the assembly was complete, the trio remained silent.
The silence lasted for a few minutes, Pahanin held the completed sphere in his hands. He looked towards Kabr and Praedyth, slightly uncertain.
"Try it." The warlock replied, intently.
Pahanin nodded subtly, pouring in light into the sphere. A tremor passed through him. The next instant, Pahanin took a step forward.
Yet when his foot landed, he had undoubtedly crossed the axis of space, in a refined manner.
A spatial dilator, their fireteam had finally achieved it. But Kabr wasn't quite sure of it yet, "Can it really get us through the door?"
Praedyth's eyes lingered on the sphere as he recalled the locked vault. His eyes lit up with understanding.
"We've spent decades. I've scanned every inch of its entrance. The vex can't stop us now, trust me."
Kabr and Pahanin shared a glance, satisfied with their work.
The titan wore an eager smile, "We'll leave soon. Block out communications, no distractions."
A/N: Aite have fun with this one, leave a review! Comment what you liked!
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