
Destiny of the Chosen One: Journey of the Apprentice Witch

Monsters known as werewolves are scattered on this continent. They hang out in villages during the day and wait for opportunities to devour humans at night. Dill was an Oriental orphan bought from the port by the big witches with a dozen dill spices. As a trainee witch, she soon came to the first village and swore to find the werewolf and win the favor of humans' belief. But one night, the handsome guy who had been rejected during the day knocked on the door of his room with a cute and naughty smile. He blinked his golden vertical pupils, his canine teeth slightly exposed under his lips and asked, "Now, are you still saying no?" The handsome little wolf with chocolate fur is dedicated to taking away the little witch with the seasoning potion.

Daoist41JuTq · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 1 The Divine Witch

◎You think you are choosing the most popular mechanical engineering, but it is actually a magical major whose full name is agricultural machinery and bioengineering. ◎

Magic comes from inspiration, and inspiration comes from God's blessing.

Two bay leaves are used to cleanse the eyes, a touch of golden honey is used to moisturize the lips, and then the hands are soaked in the silver basin. In a shallow pool is the condensed essence of three days and nights, and there is a layer of clear water as you flick it. Moonlight.

Finally, seven suet candles were lit with these pure hands. The small space was slowly filled with warm fragrance, and at the same time, a noble and luxurious statue of the goddess was illuminated.

The cat's eye pupils absorbed the candles offered by believers. Dill watched her figure being cut into countless pieces. The goddess's bright eyes seemed to analyze her soul. The girl subconsciously held the palpitations in her chest, and her posture couldn't help but become more humble and pious.

The goddess is half-leaning on a throne decorated with laurel trees, wearing a moon crown woven with silver wire and pearls. Under the seat are carved forest birds and animals for her to drive.

The fat candles around the throne are glowing with sacred soft light. The goddess's eyes are bright and her appearance is beautiful, looking more and more lifelike. The fragrant air makes people hold their breath unconsciously, fearing that one mistake will tarnish this glorious moment.

The holy and flawless face also reflected the beautiful and pious face of the believer, but the man held his breath and concentrated for a long time, and the secret was revealed as soon as he opened his mouth:

"May God bless you, the faithful woman is on top, may you open the egg smoothly, and open the cauldron with good luck..."


The black shadow flashed, and one tube of suet was eaten up. The man was startled. Before she could check the situation, she saw the second and third tubes... There seemed to be an invisible hand all around, coming from a distance. As he got closer, the light of the candles was turned away one by one, and the darkness was approaching him step by step.

Diluo was so frightened that he couldn't care about anything. The holy light of Amitabha Hallelujah came. While searching for the few words left in his head, he searched for all the weapons around him that were easy to throw.

Just when she touched the heavy "Gift of Praise to Gods" and turned around to smash it as if she had found a treasure, a pair of clear green cat eyes faced her with a wink.

"...Miss Poppy." Dill gritted her teeth.

The candle was relit, illuminating another figure leaning against the wall.

At this time, the woman covered her mouth, ignoring her thick and beautiful blond hair, and bent over while holding back her laughter. Miss Bobby, the big green-eyed cat jumped easily and landed on the woman's shoulder. Even with a furry face, Dill could still see the look of disdain in it.

"I see that you are too nervous. I want you to relax. What weird things are you talking about again? Hahahahaha!"

Dill sometimes really suspected that she was cursed.

Dill's real name is not Dill. The woman named Amber in front of her bought her from an Oriental merchant ship; she was an abandoned baby waiting to be fed. But even an abandoned baby was a commodity on the ship. Amber and the shrewd Eastern merchants bargained till the end of the night, and finally settled on two dozen dill spices. The woman who was too lazy to name her called her dill from then on.

Under Amber's half-fun and half-serious upbringing, Dill grew up safely. Her fragmented memories made her mature earlier than any other girl of the same age, and she began to vaguely explore this strange world. Of course Amber didn't buy a baby to be a slave, but she didn't treat her as an adopted daughter either.

In fact, there are countless groups like them in the village. Older women will go out to adopt some smart girls, usually helpless orphans like Dill. Amber lets Dill call herself lady and teaches everything about the world to the ignorant girl.

Back to the present, Amber had laughed enough and finally remembered her responsibility as a teacher. Just listen to her tapping the board lightly, and a slight fluctuation swept through the air. The swaying candles stood up one by one like obedient soldiers, lined up and returned to the goddess's side to stand by.

Although she had seen it countless times since childhood, Dill was still amazed. There were no complicated rituals and prayers. For ladies like Amber, magic was as easy as breathing and drinking water. They could draw it from the breeze, moonlight, or even a drop of morning dew at will. Get inspired by magic.

Putting away her playful expression, Amber pulled up her skirt and moved lightly, as if she was not wearing wrinkled pajamas but a dressy evening dress. The serious woman is a dignified and mature blonde beauty.

At this time, she put down her beloved cat and leaned towards the statue of God. With a posture that was more exaggerated and humble than dill, she murmured her sins to the statue of God; just like everyone in this world, God is everything and God gives everything. Power, but beings like Amber who can use divine power at will are not serious nuns and priests.

Amber's village has been isolated from the world for many years. What they believe in is not the supreme and only true god of the entire continent, but an ancient moon goddess.

In this regard, Amber always raises her head and claims to be the favored one of God, but Dill knows what outsiders call them, a group of pagans who only have women - witches.

Dill, a helpless orphan, can be said to be very lucky to be chosen by Amber. The blond woman looked lazy, with a big fat cat in her arms, a patchwork of pajamas, and astonishing gadgets that could be taken out of the unclear pockets at any time. But in fact, Dill's ability to thrive in another world depends on her reliance.

Amber is the chief priest of the Moon Goddess. She is also the most powerful and arrogant witch in this witch village. In other words, she is the village bully.

Dill's few remaining memories still vaguely remember her childhood when she was waiting for a letter from an owl, so after realizing that this place was different, the girl who had lived her life over again did not feel uncomfortable at all, so she dived into this fantasy world. world.

However, she soon felt how malicious this other world was to the travelers.

After making sure that the goddess was not displeased, Amber sauntered over slowly. She took out a small bronze telescope with a long handle from a tattered pocket. According to her, the lenses were made from moonlight. Crystals can strengthen the witch's vision and see through all the interference of blessings and curses, as well as the truth of things.

Amber grabbed the long handle and carefully examined the potion at the bottom of the cauldron with telescopes, then raised her head and teased her apprentice:

"Alas, do you need to open a cauldron and praise me? My disciples are so unsure of themselves. They are just practicing a magic potion to induce birth..."

Dill didn't have time to stop her, so she subconsciously glanced at the window, and sure enough, there was a cat shadow flashing, and then a girl shouted sharply:

"Dill is going to practice potions again!!"

Immediately, there was a chaotic collision of pots, pans and pans outside, followed by footsteps coming in a hurry, which could be said to be a response to a hundred calls.

Amber, who was always heartless, understood and couldn't help showing a hint of apology on her face. She looked at the young apprentice with his face buried in his hands. He didn't need to imagine to know that all the women in the village were coming towards him with soup bowls at this moment.

Dill's magical dream did come true, but there was just a slight deviation.

This deviation is probably like you thinking you are choosing the most popular mechanical engineering, but in fact it is a magical major with the full name of agricultural machinery and bioengineering.

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