
Spikes and Strikes; Final Date With Chelsey!

Day: Sunday

Location: My House

Time: Afternoon

"Come on, Champ! Just two more girls!" Lustie floated around me.

"You know. Going into this, I thought I'd ha e girls duking it out for me. You know at least meet one yandere girl who tries to kill me if she finds out I fucked another girl. Nope, I'm just a fuckboy who probably has mental instability.." I sighed and looked at Lustie.

[Your Motivation has dropped to 49%]

Lustie wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek then smiled. "Shiro. Trust me...the first 11 Girls is just a test. Trust me after these last two girls you'll have that one yandere bitch who tries to slaughter you. You'll have a real harem, no clown shit. It'll be a harem from here on out. Sadly these last two girls will be a challenge because one is Conservative and the other is so focused on being a basketball player. Honestly I'd go for Chelsey first since she's closer than Faith."

[Boyhood Completion: 81%]

"You're at the home stretch...come on.." Lustie smiled.

"Right.." I sighed then stood up.

"I knew you still had it in you." Lustie smiled.

Day: Sunday

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Afternoon

I knocked on the door of her house then heard some hip hop music going on inside the house. Caroline answered the door and smiled at me.

"Chelsey! Your boyfriend is here!" Caroline called out to Chelsey.

"Shiro? Shit he's here already?" Chelsey said. "Let me finish my shower! I just got in!"

Caroline laughed a bit and moved aside. "Come in, you and Red are here!"

"Hello! Been crossing any ankles recently?" Lustie asked.

"Only Mark's, he's in the living room if you wanna say hi." Caroline smiled and watched us enter the house before closing the door.

I nodded then walked to the living room seeing Mark, Whitney, and Adriana. "Hey everyone."

"Hey, Shi-" Whitney looked at me and noticed I had on an eye patch and looked worried. "Shiro..? What happened to your eye?"

Mark looked at me and saw how drained I looked, mentally. He stood up and walked to me. He reached for my eye patch then I quickly closed my eye. "Open it..."

"I can't...If I do.." I said slightly afraid.

"Shiro." Mark looked at me seriously.

I sighed and opened my eye. Mark looked at my gold eye and nothing happened. Lustie sighed in relief and everyone looked at her.

"Hey I didn't say anything!" Lustie raised her hands.

"There's nothing to be afraid of other than the beauty of your golden eye." Mark smiled.

Whitney stood up and walked to me then looked in my eye and she grunted, blushing madly. "M-Mmph!~ My body! Uughh!~"

"What the hell?" Mark looked at me surprised.

I walked to Whitney, grabbing her shoulder and kissed her neck, draining her energy. Whitney felt weak and fell to her knees. I lowered my eye patch. "At this point, you should know I'm not human anymore. My gold eye is called the Eye of Lust. For females, just looking into my eye with drive them into a state of pure lust and ecstasy."

"I think we can see that..." Mark said and looked at Whitney on the floor. "Hopefully...you know how to control it?"

"It's always on involuntarily. I can't turn it off, unfortunately. Honestly I liked it better when I was bullied by you. I didn't have to worry about magic or girls." I sighed.

Mark pat my shoulder and smiled at me. "It's gonna get better man, trust. I believe you're gonna get through it."

"I was hoping that Goddess who followed me was going to kill me, but instead she ended up taking an interest to me. Things aren't working out as I thought they were." I sighed and turned around seeing Chelsey walk to me.

"Hey dude, didn't expect you to come so early! Ready for our Sport Date?" Chelsey smiled at me then noticed my eye patch. "Eh? Something wrong with your eye?"

"A lot." I smiled and walked past her. "Are we gonna have fun or stand around worrying about my eye."

"Right!" Chelsey smiled and followed me.

Day: Sunday

Location: Dawn Volleyball Court

Time: Afternoon

We walked onto a court and I noticed Talenta sitting on a bench alone and watching others play. I walked to her and ruffled her head. She looked up at me and smiled. Lustie sat beside her.

"What are you doing sitting alone?" I asked.

"No one wants to play with me." Talenta shook her head.

"She can play with us!" Chelsey smiled and looked at me.

I nodded then Talenta stood up and smiled. We walked to a free area then Talenta rolled the ball to our side. Chelsey looked at me excitedly and bounced up and down. I tossed the ball in the air then jogged forward and jumped up. I smacked the ball and the ball sped to Lustie's side of the court then she flipped on one hand and kicked the ball in the air. Talenta spiked the ball down, but Chelsey hit the ball in the air. I ran forward and saw an open area and slammed the ball to the ground.

"One point goes to us!" I chuckled and landed on my feet.

"Let's go, Shiro!" Chelsey cheered.

Talenta rolled the ball to me and I crouched down and grabbed it. I served the ball and Talenta tossed the ball in the air then Lustie went for a spike. I palmed the ball into the air and Chelsey hit the ball and Talenta spiked the ball. Chelsey dived for the ball, but missed it.

[Chelsey's Competitiveness rose to 60%]

"Sorry I should've been faster." Chelsey stood up.

"Nah it's fine! We got the next one." I smiled and picked up the ball and rolled it to Talenta.

Talenta tossed the ball into the air and ran forward then hit the ball and it floated over the net.

"I got it! I got it!" Chelsey cupped her hands and tried to hit the ball then once it made contact with her arm, she grunted. "What the..?"

"Fufufu~ The Floating Brick Technique~" Talenta giggled and covered her mouth.

The ball bounced off the ground and rolled to the wall. I looked at Talenta then chuckled. I went to get the ball then rolled the ball to them. Lustie picked up the ball and went to serve it. She tossed the ball up and ran forward and jumped in the air then summersaulted and palmed the ball.

I hit the ball in the air and Chelsey jumped up and spiked the ball to the ground. Talenta hit the ball and it floated over the net.

"Not this time!" I yelled and smacked the ball to their side, scoring a point.

"Yes!" Chelsey smiled at me.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 70%]

Lustie picked up the ball and rolled it to our side. We continued to play Volleyball for a while. We managed to attract a crowd of people to watch the game as well. Chelsey seemed to enjoy the attention she was receiving from the game.

Lustie looked at me and smiled. I looked at her and gave her a smile as well.


In the end, we lost the game. It's to be expected from playing against two demons, but overall...I really enjoyed it.

Chelsey giggled and hugged me. I looked at her then hugged back. She pulled away and smiled. "That was really fun..we have to do that again like soon, super soon!"

"Definitely. We got some time to kill as well. How about we go bowling?" I smiled.

"Yes! Let's go!" Chelsey said happily.

Lustie and Talenta looked at each other then followed us. We all got in my car and I started it and drove off.

Day: Sunday

Location: Destiny Bowling Alley

Time: Evening

I parked my car at the alley and turned off the car. We got out and entered the bowling alley. I paid for all four of us. We went to Alley 15 and sat in the chairs, putting on our bowling shoes.

"These shoes are tacky..ugh." Lustie shook her head.

"I agree, but they have a good grip on the floor." Talenta smiled.

"Ready to lose, Shiro?" Chelsey smiled.

"Whatever." I chuckled.

The order went like this: Chelsey, me, Lustie, and Talenta. Chelsey grabbed a ball and prepared to bowl. She walked forward then rolled the ball down the lane, knocking down six pins.

"Nice! But I'm just warming up!" Chelsey smiled, waiting for her ball to return.

She grabbed her ball then did the same process, only to knock down a whopping two pins.

"Niiiice~" I teased and chuckled.

"Shut up." Chelsey laughed and walked back to sit down.

"Let me show you how a pro bowls." I chuckled and stood up.

"Yes yes, show us your magic." Chelsey smiled.

I stood up and grabbed a ball. I aimed then walked forward then....

"Nice gutter ball, Pro Bowler!" Chelsey laughed.

"It's the eye patch I swear!" I blushed.

I grabbed my ball again then rolled it down the lane, landing a spare.

"Whoa!" all three girls said and clapped.

"My turn!" Lustie stood up and skipped over to get a ball.

Lustie picked up a ball and just rolled it down the lane, getting a strike. She hurried to me and pointed.

"I did it! I got a strike!" She said happily and hopped to Talenta. "Didya see that sis?"

"She's an energetic one." Chelsey laughed.

"Yeah trust me, she's even worse at home." I sighed.

Chelsey giggled then Talenta stood up and went to get a ball. She closed her eyes and exhaled. She rolled the ball slowly down the lane then watched the ball intensely. The ball collided with the pins and somehow she got a strike..

"Too easy!" Talenta turned around and smirked.

"Yeah yeah, you totally weren't gonna piss yourself." I scoffed.

"Shut up, human!" Talenta scoffed.

Chelsey laughed at us then stood up to bowl. She grabbed her ball and rolled it down the lane and got a strike.

"Yes! See I told you I was just warming up!" Chelsey looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah yeah." I chuckled.

She went to sit back down and I got up to bowl as well. I picked up my ball and rolled it down the lane, hitting a strike as well. I looked back at Chelsey and teased. She rolled her eyes and smiled.


We bowled all 10 frames with occasional banter in between. Chelsey came out the winner with 257 points. I was in second with 247. Talenta got third place with 225 points. Lustie fumbled the bag the last couple frames and came in last getting 207 points.

"You fumbled, Red." I chuckled.

"I did not! The pins just cheated me!" Lustie huffed.

"Riiiight." I laughed a bit.


Day: Sunday

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Evening

I stopped in front of Chelsey's house and she looked at me then kissed my lips. I kissed back and she began to kiss a bit deeper before pulling away.

"Mmm...next time we go out, I'll have to tell Whitney that I'm not coming home for the night." Chelsey bit her bottom lip and gave me one last kiss before getting out. "Night."

"Night." I smiled and watched her enter her house before driving off.

Day: Sunday

Location: My House

Time: Evening

I walked in my house and Lustie floated behind me. I walked to the living room and took my eye patch off. I sat on the couch and sighed.

[Date Successful!]

"I know, you're kinda late." I said.

Lustie giggled and sat beside me and cuddled up against me. "I had a blast and Talenta did as well. Chelsey had the most fun. All there's left is Faith then we can focus on my sister's!"

"Yeah, but that requires fighting...my eye is useless because of the fact I'll be fighting dudes." I sighed.

"Well your eye works on females, my sister's aren't immune to lust and you can seduce them. It won't work on them as well as it does for me, but it'll work!" Lustie smiled.

"Well...that's all we have so far. Gotta work with what we have. After I'm done with everyone here, I'm moving from Destiny Islands to a new location. Don't know where, but I'm getting out of here." I said.

"Shit honestly I wanna be away from here too. Let's plan our next move, but tonight, it's you and me~" Lustie laid back and pulled me on top of her. "I'll make you the strongest male and make you feel much better~"

"Hmph...you're lucky I like doing it with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Good, you better like it~" She giggled and smiled and pulled me down for a kiss.