
Season 1 Finale: Defeat Felola, Save The Universe!

Day: New Years Day

Location: Faith's House

Time: Morning

"Come back soon okay?~" Faith smiled.

"I will..~" I smiled then kissed her one last time before walking to my car then looked serious. "It's just me and you now Felola."

I put my luggage in the backseat and got in the car then drove off back home to prepare for the final challenge to save myself and possibly everyone else.

Day: New Years Day

Location: My House

Time: Morning

"I'm home!" I called out as I walked in the house and made my way in the living room. I froze as I noticed a figure I never hoped to see in my house. "It's time you prepare for your final test, Shiro Moji...You have successfully dated, fucked, and 100% every beautiful woman in Destiny Island. Now if you wish to stay on Earth and keep living your life...you must please me, without the help of these two.."

"Shiro!" Lustie called out as she was tied up.

"Shi-i r-o-o-o-O-i-I-oooo.." Lust-E said in a glitched manner.

I looked at them and glared at Felola. I noticed an interface appear in front of me.

[Felola's Information Acquired!]

Name: Felola

Age: 15,000 (Appears 28 years old)

Birthday: October 31

Sex: Female

Species: Demon

Race: Demon

Height: 5 Feet 5 Inches

Weight: 120 lbs

Bond Percentage: 0%

Status: Adversary

Education: N/A

Occupation: Goddess of Demons, A Goddess of Love

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust

Least Desirable Trait(s): Empathy

Libido: Uncontrollable

Favorite Food: Desserts, Breakfast Foods, Devil's Fruit

Favorite Drink: Whiskey, Vodka, Devil's Lava

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys, Gemstones, Black Roses

I looked back at Felola and closed my eyes then smirked. I walked ahead and headed upstairs. "Allow me to get prepared. I'll give you a date you'll never forget."

Felola watched me and smirked. "A mortal who's that confident in his abilities. This will be interesting."

I began to take a shower and prepare myself for the upcoming date with Felola. As I showered I reviewed the information Lust-E sent me.

[Felola loves the moonlight, She loves flowers Eden's Garden will be a perfect spot for a date, she has a soft spot for...animals? Fugigami Market Place might be perfect for that.]

[Felola's Unique Traits Acquired]

The Goddess of Lust: She is the most lascivious person you'll ever meet. She loves being lustful no matter the setting she's in. Partake in lustful activities to please her more and more.

Not Easily Pleased: Similar to Hard Mode, but it takes longer to increase both her Affection Meter and Bond Percentage to 100% unless you do certain things she absolutely loves...keep this in mind. You need the Affection Meter to be 90% or above to complete the date.

Demon Time: She's very dishonest and reckless and doesn't care about how anyone feels about what she does or says. She can't be stopped if this is 100%. Don't take any bullshit from her!

Unspeakably Horny: If engaging sexual intercourse with Felola, she won't stop having sex until she's completely satisfied or until you die from her Death by Sex ability.

Cold and Callous: She will laugh at your failure and rejoice over your inevitable defeat. Felola is Arrogant, Derogatory, Mocking, and Brash.

[She actually believes you can not please her, but I know you can prove her wrong by showing off how much you've learned over these last one in a half, two months! This will be your chance to prove your worth! Do whatever you can, just win! Lustie and I believe in you!]

I closed the interface and finished freshing up then dried off and put on my clothes. I fixed my hair and put on my jewelry then looked at myself in the mirror. I closed my eyes and smacked my face with both hands then opened my eyes again. "I've got the Mark of Lust and the Eye of Lust...I have to read upon this though so I can understand how to use my power.."

Eye of Lust: Bestows the user with Indomitable Lust, Indomitable Libido, Lust Inducement, Lust Empowerment, and becomes the Embodiment of Lust.

Indomitable Lust: The user has indomitably strong lust which acts as their source of power. It fuels on the Sins of Gluttony, Greed, Rage, and of course Lust (Sexual, and Bloodlust). This allows them to be empowered by their own lust or lust from others at a price they may be corrupted and become Malevolent.

Indomitable Libido: the user has inexhaustible libido which works for an unending source of power. The users Sex Drive can act as self-augmented power and can empower them. Since Libido leads to Lust, the user can tap into both of these abilities but Lust will take over and soon cancel out the boosts from Libido.

Lust Inducement: The user can induce lust upon their targets and depending on how powerful the user is, the target will either simply be strongly infatuated with the user or have such a powerful lust for the user to the point they will want the user completely to themselves. This will induce only dark and twisted love which leads to the target betraying their loved ones for the user or becoming Yandere.

Lust Empowerment: The user becomes more powerful based on how much lust they feed off of or how much lust they hold within themselves. The user can become faster, stronger, more durable, etc. just by the lust of oneself or others. The user can become so powerful off Lust to where they unlock new abilities or break limits, enhance existing abilities, may stop aging, and draw sustenance.

Embodiment of Lust: The user becomes the Embodiment of all things lust and gains the ability to gain power off lust of oneself and others around them. User can convert lust into energy and use it to extend their life span or as a weapon. The user has perfect beauty and can never age, some cases become immortal.

"Wow...Just from some special eyes, I get all of this. This could be enough to beat Felola, but she's also a Goddess and the Embodiment of Lust. I just need to play my cards correct. Okay let's go." I said then walked out of the bathroom.

Felola heard me walking down the stairs and smirked. "Took you long enough. I was starting to think you were hiding away which would've been a much smarter choice."

"I can't hide knowing my life and the universe is at stake! I will date you and will please you. I will be the first mortal to ever please you, Felola!" I said then activated my Eye of Lust.

Felola looked into my eyes and smirked. She closed her eyes and walked off. "Let's get this over with so I can watch you fail, mortal."

I looked at Lustie and Lust-E. They both nodded at me and I nodded back. I walked off then Felola and I went to my car, got in then I drove off to the first location. I used my GPS to find a perfect first location to take Felola.

Day: New Years Day

Location: Twilight Pet Land

Time: Morning

I parked my car and Felola looked around then we got out. She rose an eyebrow and wondered where we were. I walked ahead and placed my hands in my pockets.

"Mortal, where are we..?" Felola asked. .

"Welcome to Twilight Pet Land." I said then led her to the front and we walked in together.

[Felola's Affection rose to 8%]

'Dammit..! I can't hide my love for these cute fluffy beings..!' Felola thought to herself.

I grabbed Felola's hand then dragged her through the gates. Felola gasped at all of the dogs and cats in the area. She quickly let go of my hand and hurried to each dog and cat. She began petting them, gushing over them.

[Felola's Affection rose to 12%]

"Look at your fur! So soft so clean! And you! Your mewl is so beautiful! I can't believe animals like these exist on a pitiful place like Earth..! I want-" Felola paused and looked at me. She noticed my smirk and I shrugged then closed my eyes and walked off.

'Fuck...He knows my weaknesses...He can read straight through me...That's fine...this is only one thing. He won't succeed in this at all...he is bound to fail..' Felola thought to herself.

We spent another hour in Pet Land and I could tell how happy Felola was. We made our way out of the building and I stopped her. She looked at me then looked surprised when I held out a husky plushie to her. She blushed a bit and grabbed it out of my hands. She grunted and resisted the urge to like it.

"Ha! You think a simple fucking plush would make me happy? Ha! Try harder." She said then tossed the plushie aside.

[Felola's Demon Time rose to 20%]

"Interesting.." I smirked and walked to my car. We got in and drove off to the next location.

Day: New Years Day

Location: Eden's Garden

Time: Noon

I parked my car and we got out. I led Felola inside then took her to the Secret Garden section that Akira told me about in our text messages. Felola was curious and followed me.

"And here we are. The Secret Area that only the VIPs have access to. Since I know Akira, I get a free pass here." I said.

"Akira Okabe huh? That depressed bitch who always gambles her life away huh? Let's she if she actually has some good taste." Felola said.

We walked in then Felola's eyes widened. She looked around in awe and noticed the type of flowers a normal human wouldn't be able to grow.

[Felola's Affection rose to 16%]

"What the hell..?" She said then walked around the garden in complete awe. She noticed certain flowers that could only be found in other planets. "Humans can not produce or grow these kinds of flowers. This is the work of someone out of the planet."

I walked back to Felola then she looked at me and wondered what was behind my back. I held out a bouquet of black roses to her.

[Felola's Affection drastically rose to 30%]

She took them out my hand. She couldn't hide her appreciation for them. She grunted and scoffed. "It's gonna take more than these kinds of gifts to win me over, but I appreciate this." She said then transported them back to her home.

I smirked and walked off. "Come on, there's more over here."

Felola followed me and felt her heart slightly beating faster. She held her hand over her chest. 'Why..? This shouldn't be possible...a mortal like him should not please me like this..!' Felola thought to herself in annoyance.

We strolled around the Secret Garden together. The more we stayed around this area, the more I felt Felola's emotions and got a clear read on her emotions. She was still resisting my Empathy a bit so I had to do more to completely break through her shell.

"I am getting rather hungry, mortal. We won't be doing anything else until I get something to eat!" Felola demanded.

"Right, right. Let us set off." I said.

We left the garden and went back out to my car then got in and I drove off to a nearby restaurant that sells desserts destined to fill anyone up. I went through the drive thru and ordered both of us a cheesecake. After getting the cheesecake and paying for it, I drove off. Felola took the cheesecake and opened it.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Cheesecake." I said.

"A cake made out of cheese? Who on Earth would eat this shit?" Felola asked.

"No no." I laughed then parked my car in a secluded spot. "Try it."

She took a fork and took it out of the plastic then cut a piece then ate it. Her eyes shined and she felt herself getting wet.

[Felola's Affection rose to 40%]

'Fuck..! It's so good and I can't even fake it..! How does he fucking do this..?! Why can't I fake my emotions?! Wait it isn't the food making me wet...what is this..? What is he doing..?' Felola thought to herself.

"I can sense your lust..~ Allow me to fix that.." I said.

"You're gonna...try to please a Goddess like me in a sexual manner..?! Ludacris!" Felola said then set the cheesecake down. She reclined the seat and slouched down a bit in her seat. "Do your fucking worst.."

"I'm pretty good at this..~" I said then reached over to her and slit my hand inside of her panties. I felt her wetness and began to rub her clit. She blushed lightly and allowed me to rub her clit.

"I-Is this the best you can do..? I've had better from my assistant and she's not even remotely good at pleasing m- M-Mmph..~" She started and grunted when I slipped my fingers inside of her womanhood. She softly moaned as I fingered her. "This...this is just a start..! You...ahh~ W-Wait no..! Dammit you're...using your Eye of Lust!"

Felola's moaning became louder and she began to feel pleasure that she's never felt before. I noticed her Affection Meter constantly rising, but she finally was able to resist me then stopped me before she came.

[Felola's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 79%]

She really enjoyed me pleasing her sexually, and it angered her. I took my hand from her panties and smirked. She looked at me then her blood boiled. "No mortal...should EVER have been able to please me! Who do you think you are?!"

"I am Shiro Moji...my Goddess. If you believe you can resist me and my abilities to woo women then you've got a loose screw in your head." I smirked.

"That's it! We've only been on a date for two hours and I'm already annoyed of you! You're mine Shiro Moji!" She said then tried to grab me, but I got out of the car before she had the chance.

"If you want me, you're gonna have to catch me!" I said then ran off.

Felola let out a roar and blew my car up then flew after me. She appeared in front of me and summoned her scythe. "I'm killing you and reviving you as my slave!" She yelled and slashed at me, but a barrier blocked the attack. She looked surprised.

I backflipped away from her then crouched down and unsheathed my sword. "I don't have any issue on fighting you, but I'm wooing you whether you fucking like it or not!"

[Shiro..! I'm communicating with you from home. I hacked into your contacts so I can see what you see! Get her to calm down and I will use my Data Warping. By using Data Warping, I can temporarily grant you defensive, speed, and strength powers. It will run out within five minutes so please do as much as you can in five minutes!]

I nodded and stood up then looked at Felola. I noticed data particles surrounding my body and my body felt more durable and powerful. "Felola, I'm gonna end this with a kiss on your beautiful lips!"

"HA! As if I'll let you do so! You'll die by my hands before you get a chance to kiss me!" Felola yelled and dashed to me.

I ran to her and blocked her attack then my Crest of Lust shined and I pushed her back. Felola looked surprised and grunted when I kicked her away. I ran after her and tackled her then used a burst of speed to get out of the highway. Felola yelled and blew me away with her demonic aura. She kicked me down to the ground and I groaned as I hit the ground. She looked down at me then held her hand out at me then unleashed a demonic beam at me. I tanked the beam then ran off then jumped from building to building to reach her.

"You won't win! There's no hope for you!" Felola bellowed then blocked my attack.

I used my Eye of Lust to induce Felola and she grunted then felt herself becoming more horny by the second. "I won't become your...Slave!"

I broke through her defense and kicked her to the ground and she crashed into the Trail of Destiny. She groaned and stood up. She looked up at me and noticed I was descending to the ground. I dashed after her and went for a barrage of attacks. She went to block the attacks, but she grunted and closed her legs. I struck her with my katana multiple times and noticed the aura around my katana. I slashed in a circle and hit her with it. She groaned and was blown away.

[One minute remaining!]

"She's induced with a lot of lust, but I don't know what to do with it! She's gonna become empowered by it soon!" I said.

[Shit...you don't actually know magic, but you can use Alchemy because of Ruby! Just allow your energy to flow through your body and release that energy into one massive beam attack! It will for sure tired Felola just enough to where she will be vulnerable to a kiss!]

I nodded and used a burst of speed to hurry to Felola. I slid down the mountain and began to let the lust energy flow around my body. I had only fourty seconds left. Felola looked at me and noticed me jump into the air. I was higher than I've ever been. I bellowed and the Crest of Lust shined brightly on my hand then I unleashed a massive beam at her. She grunted and shot her own beam at her.


"Come on, body! Hold off for longer and overpower her!" I bellowed.


"There's no way you're winning this! You can't even use your power properly!" Felola laughed as she began to overpower me.


I grunted as the beam struggle became one sided. Felola began to overpower me, and my body was starting to give out.


I let go of the beam and began to descend to the ground and ran to Felola.


Felola looked at me and aimed the beam at me. I slid under the beam and rolled forward then got up and immediately ran to Felola. She grunted and dashed to me and readied her scythe to kill me.

[Five! Four! Three! Two!]

I dodged Felola's attack then grabbed her shoulder and kissed her lips. Felola looked surprised and her demonic aura disappeared. No mortal has ever known her embrace nor ever known the taste or feel of her lips. I was the first to steal a kiss from her and soon she kissed back.


[Felola's Affection rose to 86%]

I pulled away and checked the Affection Meter then my eyes widened. I stepped away from Felola and heard her laugh. She smirked at me and pointed her scythe at me.

"You foolish, ignorant mortal! You were so close, we so far away. I resisted you and therefore, decreased the amount of Affection you earned, but you think you're the only one with a System?! I saved this for this moment! Lust-Z my own personal system!" Felola laughed and held up her phone.

[No! How?! Her system also has Data Warping?!]

"You lose Shiro Moji.." Felola said then took a step forward and grunted. She fell to her knees and panted. "Fuck...the effects haven't wore off..? Why can't I make this lust my own..? There's no way I actually WANT this fucker!"

I looked at Felola and noticed my Eye of Lust was still active.

[It seems the Eye of Lust's effect doesn't end until you deactivate the Eye of Lust, drain the lust aura from her, or die. You still have a shot! Do anything to finish this off!]

My body was pretty tired, but I had to push throughm I walked towards Felola and crouched down in front of her and deactivated my Eye of Lust. She looked at me and felt me touch her shoulder.

"Fel...I know how much you want me to go with you, but I can't...so I will leave you with this..." I said then kissed her forehead.

Felola blushed gently and she screamed then pushed me away.

[Felola's Affection rose to 91%]

She panted and felt actual love for me then punched the ground and cracked it. "A mortal...that knows my embrace. The touch of my lips...the feel of my Divine Genitals! I can't accept this loss! Shiro Moji! I will make you mine, no matter what I have to do to complete that task! Heed my words carefully...watch your back constantly because I will be back. Enjoy your victory for now...but just know I was holding back. Next time, it won't end the same.." Felola said then stood up. She teleported away and her presence was no longer known on Earth.

I laid on the ground and looked at the sky. I defeated Felola. I actually won...I saved myself and everyone else, but why doesn't this feel like a certain victory. In fact it felt like the start of a war.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "Damn..." That was all I could say. I sat up and sensed Lustie and she hugged me from behind.

"Are you okay Shiro..? Are you hurt too badly? I can heal you!" Lustie said as she embraced me.

"I'm...alright for the most part...I have Lust-E to thank for granting me those powers for five minutes. We did it...Felola is gone." I smiled.

"Yeah...I never doubted you for a second. I knew you were able to beat her. I just knew when everyone else didn't! I'm so glad...you're alive. I'm so glad I was able to spend time with you...I'm happy to be your wife." Lustie smiled and kept embracing me.

I stood up and she held onto me. "You know what we should do for a celebration?"

"What?" She asked.

"Go home and have sex because shit I'm not leaving my house anymore today." I laughed.

"I'm glad we are locked in because I was thinking about getting some wicked good dick because you know how hard it's been to be patient and wait for you to finish fucking these other women? It's ME time now! But let's have a threesome, me, you, and Lust-E! We both deserve it from you!" Lustie said.

I chuckled and began to carry her. "Yeah I suppose. It's been a wild one in a half, two months and I'm glad...it's over.."

"Me too..~ Oh! Can we go to the store to get some snacks? I kinda got the munchies while you were away." Lustie laughed.

"Well my car was blown up by your bitch ass boss, but I suppose I can carry the bags home." I chuckled.

"Yay!" Lustie said happily. "Onward to the store!"

And with that, Lustie and I were back together and I was able to freely do whatever I wanted. Things were back to normal for the most part and all 11 women that I've been dating were satisfied and happy. This was a start to an amazing year for me.


"So Felola lost to a mortal..? Interesting...if she was able to be pleased by a Mortal then it seems we have a real charmer on our hands. Let's see how he does...against not only Felola, but against me now. I can't wait to see what he's truly made of~" A woman laughed and her red eyes shined.

A knight entered the woman's chambers and saluted to her. "Lady Ardour! Felola has returned to the castle. I believe she wants to speak with you..."

"Alright...Tell her I will be on my way." Ardour said. The nodded affirmed and walked away. "And so the fun...begins...now.."

End of Season 1.

It's been a long ride but Season 1 is finally done! I hope you enjoyed the book thus far because Shiro's story isn't over just yet! There's still more beautiful women to date and new routes to explore! Stay tuned for Destiny Harem Remastered Season 2, A Man Who Rules The World!

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