
Destiny; Ghosts, Blades and Roses

The two godly families have lived together for aeons, co-operating to create life,multiverses and galaxies. However, conflicts are ineluctable and scuffles began in most multiverses of which the celestials at the reins of power tookno notice,a mistake they would later regret. The Liht family was the family of light. They were generally troublesome gods,but still represented virtues in most multiverses. They lived in stars and other fabulous palaces of light, which they created. The Dars,on the other hand were the gods of darkness,and they dwelt in the shadows. They were the quiet and peaceful ones but once aroused,their rate of destruction and anger could never be controlled, except by their on legendary king,Azrah. They were also undoubtedly,the stronger ones. The elder celestials ruled over their families with iron handa, each taking almost no notice of the other's existence. But that was until Azrah-Dama ascended the throne of the Dar dynasty,and then chaos was born. Vagzille Kennedy and his friendly foe,Bathilda Stacy have been entrusted with the "destiny of Destinies"and will have to journey through pain, betrayal,hatred, perseverance and mystery to find the missing gaze of Death.War looms,and if it eventually breaks out,the fatality would involve both mortals and immortals,and may also herald the doom of Death. Lucidly,their chances of fulfilling their destiny is slim,but should they fail...all civilization...all creatures, gods, monsters...and even infinity will end.

DaoistBNULDe · Fantasy
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2 Chs

How it all began...

I strolled leisurely down the hallway,thinking that I was been followed by my closest friend, Phillip Smith whom I called Phil for short. Phil was a round faced boy with funny looking glasses and a babyish attitude. I looked back only to see Phil standing, mesmerized by-

"Come on, Phil"I called "You see Tilda almost every day"

"All these girls"he gestured to all the girls still lost in my cute face"They see you-Ouch!"

I had twisted his arm and was pulling him away. It was true; everyday girls reacted as though they have never seen me before. Even my principal,Sir Jefferson(who hated me since I was a ceremonial rule- breaker) admitted that I was too cute to be human.

Tilda was the new hype girl in school. She had long navy blue hair with black tendrils, golden eyes which twinkled oddly.She had a perfect figure,which compared to her height,made a fantastic combination. She rarely smiled,and when she did, it usually made boys do awkward and funny things.

Anyway, I reached my locker aware that Tilda was coming, because the hustle and bustle of guys aiming to get a perfect view grew louder. I sighed in disgust and put my forefinger on the fingerprint sensor. The locker clicked open.

The first thing I noticed was a colourful sign,or rather writing, it's green light glowing eerily around my locker.

I slammed the locker, looking around to see if anyone had seen the writing. Nobody was looking at me now,and I re-opened it cautiously.

Nothing happened. Promising myself to check it later,I brought out the sought notes and closed the locker again,as Tilda passed with her friend, Theresa and the usual bunch of admirers. Tilda was an introvert, and she hardly talked to anyone else apart from Theresa. Phil came over to stand beside me,as Tilda reached her own locker,and the guys stopped with her,each pretending to be doing something else. I sighed again this time in disbelief.

"Are you alright?"Phil asked, dropping his voice so that others won't hear."You look angry".I smiled lazily,that same sort of attitude that the rich always had; snobbish.

"Let's go back to class"I drawled, hitting Phil sharply at the back of his head. "Be fast with your books".

Phil hurried to his locker, almost tripping in his hurry. Phil worshipped me a lot,all his uncles and father worked for the Kennedys,and they always hoped to remain in our good books.

"I'm done, Vagzille",Phil said, zipping up his bag. I didn't wait,but started to walk away. Then-

"Hey Vaggy!"

I turned reluctantly as Bill ambled lazily towards me. Bill was a rich kid bully,(not richer than me though) who hated me for been cuter than him,and always tried to fight me on every possible occasion, always with a gang. "What?"I asked coolly as he reached me with his cronies.

"You've learnt man up,huh?",he asked guffawing loudly with his cronies. I,however glanced at my watch.

"You are wasting my valuable time. State whatever you have to say and get your butt outta here"I said rudely yet calmly.

"Alright then"he said loudly,then lowered his voice because the whole hallway was listening."I've told you to leave Tilda for me.Leave her and I shall leave you".

"I'm not holding her."I replied through clenched teeth."She's right there,go and talk to her", I finished coldly,and then turned to go but one of his cronies blocked me.

"You can't walk out on our boss!"

"Your boss is this slime?"I asked shaking my head."You all need help".

Suddenly, the dude who had blocked me punched me so hard in the teeth that I actually tasted blood.

Silence reigned in the hallway,as I looked up slowly at the bastard,who was now smiling with his gang. Bill however didn't speak;he knew that I had received special martial arts training since I was a kid,and had never meant to have a direct confrontation with me.Then, without warning,I punched the idiot in the neck, sending him to kiss the floor at my feet.The others made to rush but Bill held them back.

"Don't worry, let's get out of here". Just like that,he was gone leaving his guy lying at my feet. I only stumped his back once, generating murmurs in the hallway again as Bill returned.

"Leave him,what the hell is wrong with you?"

I stared murderously at Bill who stepped forward courageously, rolling up his sleeves.

"You want to fight?"I asked now amused."Anyway, thanks... I'm not interested."

I picked up my backpack and started for class, glancing at Phil,but his eyes were full of warning and I whirled but-


Tilda was standing, her eyes sparking as she stared daggers at Bill who looked stupefied.

"You slapped me,Tilda?"

"I will do it again"Tilda warned,"if you don't behave yourself. He spared your friend but you are still trying to attack him from behind. That's sheer cowardice."

Everyone in the hallway including I was surprised.Not knowing what to do,I picked up my backpack and began to dust it as the bell went on and the crowd dissipated as students hurried to class. I straightened up, hoping to see Phil,and opened my locker again to have a second look at that writing.

"Soleus"I read out wondering howand why I could decipher what it meant.

"Ever heard of the name, Soleus?"I asked closing the locker and expecting Phil to reply,but I heard Tilda's voice instead.

"What did you say?"

With a quick survey,I realized that Phil was no longer in sight,so I began to walk to class with Tilda, noticing that the usual bunch of admirers had gathered again,boys on her and girls on me,all chattering sheepishly,had gathered again. Luckily, I was listening to what Tilda was saying.

"-were asking me about something"she completed.


"I mean,you asked me a question I didn't hear quite clearly."

"Oh yeah,it was something about Soleus"

"Who's Soleus?"Tilda asked.

"I won't be asking you if I knew." I replied defensively.

"Remember Thomas Milano?"

Tilda asked, tapping her forehead slightly "I think he has mentioned that mame so many times. He says it's a celestial king with so much power and some other unnecessary stuff,but you get the point."

"I'd like to find out what the name of a forgotten and probably dead God is doing in my locker"I said, and Tilda giggled.

"What?"I asked affronted.

"You are very funny.Gods don't die."she replied still giggling slightly. Her laugh was infectious and I soon joined in.

We arrived at the class,late of course,and I caught sight of our Geography mistress,Mrs Heather. I quickly backtracked, not wanting to add up to my image as the bane of punctuality in school.

"Bathilda Stacy and..."Mrs Heather craned her neck to see me clearly".. Vagzille Kennedy. What an unlike pair. Where are you two coming from?"

"The janitor asked us to replace the school brooms I'm the closet after h he was done with them."I liked easily. It was a talent and a hobby.Mrs Heather allowed us to come inside the class. As I passed Milano's desk, I looked down at the chart and spotted the name Soleus instantly;it was written with a green board marker...lord over darkness...king of the Underworld...lord of Death. There were pretty other much titles,but I had to reach my seat before Mrs Heather got mad at me. With a jolt, I realized that I had left behind an assignment which was due today, because of my hassle with Bill. Distracted,I stood up.

"Excuse me, ma'am"

Mrs Heather glanced at me.

"I left my assignment in my locker back at the hallway. Can I go get it ..back?"

Mrs Heather glanced at me again as if trying to see the truth through me.I thought that she would refuse,but to my surprise,she agreed.

I sprinted towards the hallway,but halfway to it something distracted me again. A corridor was smelling suspicious and I entered it , sniffing before I saw it;the door leading outside was ajar and a darkish green aura was drifting in heavily. Curiously, I treaded the whole corridor on tiptoe;the aura was obviously not affecting me.As soon as I reached the door,it opened as if someone had been waiting on the other side and the aura burst into the corridor with so much force, blasting me to the wall. I felt my vision dulling as screams of students echoed in the distance.