

DESTINY GAMES. It has been 85 years since Earth-11 became aligned with Yggdrasil and 73 years since Icon became the first demigod from Earth. Icon, as the first demigod, was privileged to weave the thread of fate for everyone. He was supposed to cut off Yggdrasil and free Earth-11 from the grasps of the other Earths and their god kings. That's why everyone helped him climb the tower of Destiny. But instead of ridding earth of Yggdrasil, he turned the destiny of mankind into seven rings of immortality.  The first ring was for the immortality of power. The second was for the immortality of the knowledge. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were for the immortality of the mind, energy, body, and soul. The last ring, the ring of the paragon, was made to rule them all.  Icon kept the ring of the paragon for himself and became a dictator. He ruled with an iron fist for many years. His was a reign of terror. But he was eventually vanquished by the collective effort of the world.  It has been 62 years since then. Icon is no more, but the damage he had done still remains. Earth-11 is still connected to Yggdrasil. The deadly games of the Tower of Destiny still remain, and the fight for the seven rings of immortality still continues.  Kelvin Thorn has just awakened his ability. It came at a good time too since he is running for his life. The ability he awakened saved him, but it came with a cost. He must climb the tower of destiny under the witness of the whole world and accumulate destiny, or he will die.  His situation is not unique. Everyone that awakens, which is mostly everyone, must climb the tower of destiny. It is one of the curses that Icon left behind before he died. But Thorn is different because the seventh ring found him.  The tower of destiny is where everyone granted power by destiny, be they humans, non-humans, or otherworlders, must fight in games of might, skill, and knowledge to gather the power of destiny. They will either die or eventually overcome death. Kelvin will be one of the latest in the line of billions of others in this struggle. 

DMadLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The White Augustus.

He wasn't going to settle for survival. But far more than his disagreement with the plan is his disagreement with Alena. He can see someone who is aiming for more than survival in her. That means they will be enemies. And if she was speaking the truth about her ability, she would be a significant threat to him. 

While he was contemplating what to do, it got to his turn to introduce himself and his ability. 

He had already picked a name, so he spoke without missing a beat. "I am Augustus."

Someone snickered at that. It was the girl who claimed she only follows the strong. 

"What's so funny?" He asked her while stepping up to her face. 

They were about the same height, so his motion didn't come off as impressive as he wanted. But it served its purpose. She stepped back in fear with wide eyes. 

He took those actions as a sign of surrender, so he simply snorted and let her off. He continued, "My ability is super strength."

Alena asked, "You don't look like someone with super strength?" 

He explained curtly. "Looks can be deceiving."

He was right about that. Looks can indeed be decieving. You couldn't judge someone's ability and strength from how they looked. 

Maybe she believed him or not. He didn't care. It appeared she didn't care enough to force the issue. She simply shrugged and continued.

Kelvin listened with rapt attention as they made their plan. It didn't take long at all. The timer reached the last 10 seconds of its countdown, so they disbanded and went into a formation. 

Apparently the other team had also huddled up. They too were spreading out in preparation for the game. All of them picked up their balls in preparation for dodgeball. Tensions were high as they waited for the game to start.

It was as if a noose was being lowered around their neck or a guillotine was being raised above their heads. Kelvin, for one, felt his heart beating wildly. It was not out of fear. It was for the anticipation of the upcoming battle. 

The same couldn't be said about his teammates. Two of them were shaking like leaves in the wind. One of his opponents actually started crying. His face was in a grimace as tears fell down from his eyes. 

Then it was time, and all hell was let loose. Kelvin was like a catapult let loose. His two arms morphed into large bone blades, which he swung around him horizontally in a circle.

He was like a spinning top. Or, to be more accurate, the blades of a blender. His arms sliced through his teammates and shredded them to pieces. 

All of them were caught off guard, but only three of them died. Alena survived thanks to her speed. She managed to dodge at the last moment and create distance between them. 

She looked at him with eyes wide with horror. She wasn't the only one to. Everyone, including the opponents and spectators. He was covered head to toe in blood and gore. It made for a truly horrific sight. 

Alena shrieked, "What have you done?"

He spit out a piece of flesh that had entered his mouth to reply. "You are sheep. I am Augustus. We are different."

She didn't understand what he was saying, but he didn't truly care if she did. He only said that as a tryout for his catchphrase. Every iconic figure, be they hero or villain, has one. It is only prudent that he starts working on one now so that he too would become iconic. 

Alena lunged for him. She was fast. She was so fast he didn't see her approach him. But he saw her posture before she started running. It was for a punch with her right fist. 

His instincts warred within him. He wanted to dodge, but then he remembered he was fighting a normal person. So he swung his bladed arms around like he did before. 

It turned out that it was too late to avoid that punch. Her fist smashed into his face with so much force that his jaw cracked. 

Alena didn't come out unscathed either. Her arm had shattered, and his bladed arms had nicked her face. There was a cut that divided her nose. Blood was streaming down her face, and she was howling in pain. 

This time he spit out his teeth. It was accompained with a lot of blood too. But he didn't feel any pain. Instead, he felt refreshed. 

The bones and flesh of his broken jaw knitted themselves together so he was able to comment idly, "If only I had been a little quicker, I might have sliced your head in half."

Then he shrugged and said, "But this is good too."

"In fact, this is better than good."

The opponents were dumbstruck by the turn of events. They were supposed to be fighting, but their opponents were already at each other's throats. What's more, they were supposed to eliminate each other with the balls, not fists or other types of bodily weapons. 

But their expression changed from incredulous shock to dread when Kelvin turned his attention to them. That dread overwhelmed them when a bony layer began to grow all over his body. He was soon encased in an armor of bone and ready to do battle. 

The boy that was shedding silent tears earlier couldn't take it anymore. His legs caved him, and he began to bawl his eyes out. 

He called out pitifully, "My mommy!" 

All it took was for the white bone monster to take one step towards them for them to panic. One of them dropped the ball and turned tail. 

It was a stupid decision. Not only did he turn his back on a predator, he dropped the one weapon he could use to eliminate that predator. It was just too good an opportunity to pass over. 

Kelvin took another step towards them, but then the ball struck the boy, producing copious amounts of mucus from his face like a slime. That made all of them receive a notification. 

-End of Game. 


A/N: FYI Augustus means "The Greatest."