

DESTINY GAMES. It has been 85 years since Earth-11 became aligned with Yggdrasil and 73 years since Icon became the first demigod from Earth. Icon, as the first demigod, was privileged to weave the thread of fate for everyone. He was supposed to cut off Yggdrasil and free Earth-11 from the grasps of the other Earths and their god kings. That's why everyone helped him climb the tower of Destiny. But instead of ridding earth of Yggdrasil, he turned the destiny of mankind into seven rings of immortality.  The first ring was for the immortality of power. The second was for the immortality of the knowledge. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were for the immortality of the mind, energy, body, and soul. The last ring, the ring of the paragon, was made to rule them all.  Icon kept the ring of the paragon for himself and became a dictator. He ruled with an iron fist for many years. His was a reign of terror. But he was eventually vanquished by the collective effort of the world.  It has been 62 years since then. Icon is no more, but the damage he had done still remains. Earth-11 is still connected to Yggdrasil. The deadly games of the Tower of Destiny still remain, and the fight for the seven rings of immortality still continues.  Kelvin Thorn has just awakened his ability. It came at a good time too since he is running for his life. The ability he awakened saved him, but it came with a cost. He must climb the tower of destiny under the witness of the whole world and accumulate destiny, or he will die.  His situation is not unique. Everyone that awakens, which is mostly everyone, must climb the tower of destiny. It is one of the curses that Icon left behind before he died. But Thorn is different because the seventh ring found him.  The tower of destiny is where everyone granted power by destiny, be they humans, non-humans, or otherworlders, must fight in games of might, skill, and knowledge to gather the power of destiny. They will either die or eventually overcome death. Kelvin will be one of the latest in the line of billions of others in this struggle. DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/Ku2gqaHz

DMadLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
336 Chs

Client Reveal.

There were two guards at the door. Both of them were equipped with guns, but they didn't shoot him because he looked like one of them. 

He moved closer to them and then swiftly dispatched them. Then he picked up the communicator attached to one of the guards and said, "Boss, Lady Grava is here to see you."

He spoke with the tone he copied from one of the videos available for the mission. It worked enough to fool the boss. 

A voice came from the communicator, "What does she want?"

He replied, "Something about a new acquisition."

"Come in then."

The door leading to the office made a sound as its locks were removed. 

He didn't go through the door immediately. He changed into Lady Grava's figure first and changed into the dress of the prostitute.

Then he had WRATH go through the door to make sure that there wasn't an ambush on the other side. Only then did he open the door and go through it to the large office behind it. 

The boss was at the only table in the room. He looked busy with several documents. His presence made the boss look up briefly at him before returning to his work.

The boss asked gruffly, "What's this about a new acquisition?"

He said as he approached, "Can't I just come over to see you for some fun time?"

He approached with a sway of his hips to take attention from the fact that he was getting too close. 

The boss replied, "No, you can't. I'm busy."

Kelvin whined at him in a silky sultry voice, "But I miss you."

The boss sighed and was about to say something. But Kelvin cut him off when a needle entered his arm and injected him with anesthesia. 

The boss slumped just like everyone else. 

Kelvin was a little disappointed in the boss and suspicious of the tranquilizer. He said as he laid out the boss on the ground, "I expected some resistance. Are you sure this tranquilizer is not too strong?"

Wrath shrugged his shadowy shoulders. "I don't know. But better safe than sorry."

"I guess," he said as he patted the boss for anything that might interfere with his ability. 

He was mainly looking for anything organic. Those can interfere with his attempt to steal the man's destiny. 

Wrath spoke while he worked, "I was right, though. Tranquilizers can bring down most supers as long as they are unranked. You will need something more powerful for ranked supers. But even then, you will still be able to do a lot."

Kelvin finally finished his preparation. He said, "Here, I go."

He placed the palm of his hand on the man's open chest. He made sure that there was skin-in-skin contact because stealing destiny required that. Then he activated the ability. 

His eyes began to glow in response to the activation. The tattoos he had hidden with shapeshifting appeared against his will. He had activated them, so it wasn't exactly against his will. 

The golden light he was producing from his eyes, nostrils, mouth, and tattoos spilled over to the man he was touching. Soon the man was glowing from within too.

Small golden runes appeared all over his skin in large enough numbers to cover every inch of it. They roamed all over the body of the boss, searching for something. When they found what they were looking for, they jerked on it and pulled it to Kelvin. 

The golden runes receded like a tide into Kelvin's body. Their retreat caused the boss to stop glowing. They also caused him to lose a lot of weight. He had become thin and weak by the time Kelvin was done with him. 

The light show ended after he was done. It had only taken 12 seconds, but it has felt like forever for Kelvin. He had actually relived the moment the boss had awakened. The memories of that event tugged at his mind even after he was done. 

Wrath asked with impatience, "Well, how did it go?"

Kelvin exhaled heavily. He was exhausted, but he was happy. Instead of speaking, he decided to reply with actions. 

Three white bone claws came out of his fist. They were bloody, but then they hardened and turned metallic. He swung them at the table and watched as they sliced through it cleanly. 

Wrath nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad. Not bad at all. I am guessing that's steel."

Kelvin agreed. "It is bones of steel, but it can grow stronger. However, we have to leave soon. We'll talk about it later."

The boss was still alive after the ordeal he had gone through. His chest was still rising and falling slowly. 

"He slept through all of that. Just how powerful is this tranquilizer?" He said as he severed the man's head from his body. 

He took some of the man's blood and used it to write something on the wall. Then he left the office and made his way out of the establishment. No one appeared to have noticed anything out of place. That wasn't the case, actually. Someone had noticed. 

Lady Grava had noticed the obvious lack of guards patrolling the establishment. As the manager in charge of the prostitutes, it was her job to train them and watch out for their interests. She was always moving between the different sections of the floor to make sure that things were going well. So she noticed the missing guards, but she didn't raise an alarm. 

In fact, she did the opposite. She distracted anyone else who would have noticed. This included the guard in the surveillance room. But it turned out that she didn't need to have worried about him because all the guard was seeing was a repeat of the events that the cameras had captured a while ago. 

She thought to herself as she busied herself, "I hope it is the assassin that has created this much ruckus. I paid too much to have this flop because they were inept."