
Destiny Forgers

In a tumultuous world, plagued by militarization, and impending conflicts, a mysterious girl who possessed mystery power and a small group of individuals decided to fight against the chaos. These unlikely comrades, band together to forge a path as the world teeters on the brink of destruction from war. The story is set in a fictional world. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this light novel are fictitious.

TsukasaFrier · War
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73 Chs

A Close Encounter

They left the residence and made their way to the city square, being cautious not to attract the attention of patrolling soldiers until they could escape the ghetto.

"Once we cross this street, we'll be out of the slum area. We can walk openly on the street," Lyon explained to Vermilion.

"Got it," Vermilion replied, her nerves slightly on edge.

They weaved back and forth through narrow alleyways, trying their best to remain unseen by the soldiers. In a moment of carelessness, Vermilion accidentally kicked a trash can, causing a loud noise that echoed through the alley. The sound caught the attention of patrolling soldiers, who started closing in on them.

"Oh damn..." Vermilion cursed, feeling helpless.

Lyon quickly reached out to help her up. "Hang on a second, let me get you up."


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's hurry! I can hear the soldiers coming towards us!"

"Don't worry, I'm used to throwing them off. Follow me!"

But their efforts were in vain as the soldiers spotted them.

"Hey! You two! Stop right there!" one of the soldiers shouted, their voices filled with authority.

"This is bad! What will happen if we get caught? Will they tear us apart?" Vermilion whispered in panic as she ran alongside Lyon.

"Don't you know there are things you shouldn't say?!"

"Sorry... (Déjà vu?)"

Another group of soldiers appeared, blocking their way in the alley.

"We need to turn back!" Lyon urged.

"There's nowhere to run!" the soldiers taunted, closing in on them.

They continued running down the narrow alley, only to find themselves trapped in a dead end.

"A dead end, damn it!"

"They're closing in!"

"We're screwed..."

"Don't give up just yet, there has to be a way out!"

"I hope so, but with these towering buildings surrounding us, I can't see an escape route from here."

The soldiers reached the dead end, their faces determined as they attempted to corner Vermilion and Lyon. In fear, the two held each other's hands tightly, Vermilion too terrified to speak.

"Hands up, or we'll shoot!" the soldiers demanded, their voices stern.

"I repeat, hands...? Where did they go?" one soldier questioned in confusion.

"I'm sure they ran into this dead end, Sir!" another soldier affirmed.

"Yes, I saw it too. They are definitely suspicious. They might be one of the exiled," the senior officer declared.

"What do we do now, Sir?"

"Find them! They're not ghosts. Search the area thoroughly! Don't let any exiled individuals enter our city!" the senior officer ordered his troops.

"Yes, Sir!"

Vermilion and Lyon exchanged baffled glances, stunned by the soldiers' conversation and their sudden change of action.

"What just happened? Is this some kind of twisted joke? We were right in front of them!" Lyon remarked, unable to comprehend the situation.

"It's strange... we were simply ignored," Vermilion added, her voice filled with bewilderment.

"Could it be a trap? Are they trying to lure us into surrendering ourselves?"

"Or perhaps they realized we're just teenagers and decided to let us go?"

"Considering their actions just now, they were definitely after us, even willing to kill. This is the strangest encounter I've ever had in my life," Lyon pondered.

"I've had similar encounters before..."

"Similar encounters? Like what you mentioned earlier today? The door to another universe?"

"Yes, it feels so real. I can assure you it's not a dream or an illusion."

"Could it be that you possess some sort of superpower or supernatural ability?"

"I don't think so... but I can't find the right words to explain all of this either."

"Anyway, let me go take a look and see if they're still around."

"I'll go with you."

After cautiously surveying their surroundings, they discovered that the soldiers had indeed vanished.

"They're really gone."

"I can't believe we managed to escape."

"We were incredibly lucky. My heart is still pounding."

"I'm sorry for getting you caught up in all this madness. I was so nervous and lost my sense of direction."

"You don't have to apologize. Instead, I'm grateful for this. Promise me you won't apologize for anything anymore, just like I promised I won't cry anymore."

"...Alright, I promise. Let's take this opportunity and keep moving quickly."

Finally, they managed to exit the alley safely, entering the main district of the city as they made their way toward the square.

"We can finally stop hiding and ignore those patrolling soldiers from now on," Lyon remarked with relief.

"I have many doubts and questions about all of this, but I'll try to figure them out one by one on my own," Vermilion said, her curiosity piqued.

"I understand that you have numerous uncertainties about everything happening around us. But regardless, our primary concern is always survival in this world"

"I'm starting to realize that everyone is fighting to survive."

"Yes, when we have no other choice..."

"By the way, I've noticed more and more people coming out onto the streets. Are they also heading to the square?"

"Exactly. I suppose everyone can't wait to catch a glimpse of the real heroes."

"So, the special people you wanted me to see are these heroes?"

"You're right."

"Who are they?"

"They're considered the three greatest warriors in Kothern. They recently embarked on a mission to assist our allied neighbors and successfully defeated the invaders."

"I see. So, they excel in war."

"Not just war. They've also been aiding the poor and even the exiled."

"Soldiers helping the exiled?"

"They are truly exceptional. They're not your ordinary soldiers. Due to their significant contributions to the country, our President granted them special privileges. They can act freely as long as they fight for our nation."

"So, they not only fight wars but also help the vulnerable. They are truly admirable."

"That's right, everyone in this country admires them, including myself. Even though they're just three individuals, they can always turn the tide on the battlefield."

"No wonder the crowd looks so excited along the way."

"To be honest, they are my living dream."

"You also aspire to become like them?"

"Yes, I hope to become as strong as them and use all my strength to change the world, eliminating war and enabling everyone to live in peace."

"What an amazing dream. By your side, I can sense that the day you envision will definitely come."

"Trust me!"

"Yes, I have faith in you."

As they walked and chatted, they arrived at the square without even realizing it. The square was bustling with activity, and people lined up to welcome the return of the heroes.

"Here they come!"

The crowd erupted in fervent cheers as the people desperately welcomed the heroes. Vermilion looked towards the centre of the square and saw two men and a woman walking proudly, waving to the people. They wore handsome military uniforms that set them apart from other soldiers and senior officials.

"They're so impressive, even their way of walking is captivating. Even from this distance, I can feel their strength and presence. I can see why you admire them so much," Vermilion exclaimed.

"I'm not exaggerating, right? They're amazing just to look at," Lyon replied.

"Yeah, now I understand why you hold them in such high regard."

As the backs of the three warriors gradually disappeared from their sight, the crowd dispersed.

"Where are the heroes heading to? Another battlefield?"

"They are actually heading to the capital city in the west. It just so happens that today they are passing through our city."

"I see."

"They've gone, I'll show you around the city right now."

Lyon was about to take Vermilion on a tour when she noticed someone she had seen before.

"Why is that woman still standing there, gazing at the empty square? The heroes have already left..." Vermilion wondered.

"What's wrong?" Lyon asked.

"The woman looks so familiar to me..."


"Over there, she's all alone..."

The woman seemed to sense something and slowly shifted her gaze towards Vermilion. When Vermilion caught the woman's gaze, she immediately recognized her.

"It's her! The one who killed the soldiers and jumped off the train!" Vermilion quickly looked away, avoiding any eye contact with the woman.