
Destiny Enchanted

When a millennial darkness is awakened, it's up to a playboy and his friends to stop darkness itself. But he's oblivious of his inevitable future! What could be written in his fate? What would be the outcome of challenging the AGELESS DANGER? ************* "In you lies the future". "What do you mean?". "You possess the seed of Godan and the extremities of Sizzetov. The power you choose most will become your being". ***************** "So literally, you are going to fight your elder brother?". "Yes, as the son of Hell" I replied. ************* "What have you done?". "It was a mistake, I swear". "That's gonna cost your world, pureblood". "You just released Vladimir, father of Dracula. Now you'll have to stop him from ripping the worlds apart". ***************** "So the US government knows about you people?". "Not just them, but some other governments. We stopped being their weapons since the World War II". *************** "How is my hard earned money being spent?". "Very well, sir!". "Is the prototype ready?". "Yes, Mr. President". .......................... "He shall be my weapon of ultimate destruction. Ragnarok 2.0; the end of all gods, heaven or earth!". **************** "Mr. President, we finally cracked the puzzle. We accessed the magical realm". "Good, let's send our old friends a new message". **************** "A masked vigilante goes around killing magical beings. He calls himself Ragnarok". ************* "Who are you then?" His answer made me to look up in shock. "I am Merlin!". *************** I couldn't believe my eyes. The sea of bodies everywhere; all in vain! Sizzetov won at last! *************** "Thank you for your sacrifice, my son. Now, Godan's next!". "You are just a psycho, Sizzetov!". I closed my eyes, succumbing to eternal rest. Discord link: https://discord.gg/A8NsYKrqhG

CommanderHugo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


<p>"... Understand? Oh, no you don't. You lost just a father and you are claiming camaraderie?".<br/><br/>She looked at me, very distraught, straight in the eye.<br/><br/>"Never say so again. You don't fucking understand. You can't deceive me like that traitor".<br/><br/>"You know what? I'm done talking. Just kill the boy".<br/><br/>The crowd started to surge towards me from all sides.<br/><br/>She went the opposite way and disappeared into the crowd.<br/><br/>Rachel snapped her fingers and an enchantment encircled me.<br/>They started to chant a somewhat ritualistic song.<br/><br/>They grabbed me and took me to the elevated platform of the hall.<br/><br/>"No, please understand. I promise to help. I don't want this violence too".<br/><br/>I tried to speak desperately but my voice was swallowed up in the chants.<br/>I could barely hear myself.<br/><br/>Suddenly a drum-bursting voice yelled.<br/><br/>"STOP!!!".<br/><br/>We all looked to the direction of the voice.<br/>It was Merlin.<br/><br/>He walked past them and moved forward to meet Cleopatra.<br/><br/>"The traitor finally shows up".<br/><br/>"Cleo, stop this madness".<br/><br/>"Madness, you say? It wasn't madness when you sided with the vampires to wipe us out, huh?".<br/><br/>"That is a mistake I'll regret for the entirety of my existence. But don't make a mistake you'll regret".<br/><br/>"A mistake? You charted this path, Merlin. We are just following it".<br/><br/>"The vampires pledged a great price to the Council. They couldn't resist it".<br/><br/>"At our expense? Just because we refused to give up our essence? What an offer indeed".<br/><br/>"And about Devin, I'm...".<br/><br/>"Don't you dare call his name, you bastard".<br/><br/>"You killed your own, just because of a bloody offer".<br/><br/>"He attacked first, which is against the law".<br/><br/>"You pushed his hand. He had no other choice, just the way we don't".<br/><br/>"Why am I even talking to you? So you'll trick me, Merlin?".<br/><br/>She turned to us.<br/><br/>"Kill the boy".<br/><br/>They continued with their chants.<br/>Merlin continued persuading her, but much of their conversation couldn't be heard.<br/><br/>Rachel brought the knife and handed it over to Cleo.<br/><br/>"Save him if you can, Merlin. Oh, I forgot, you're just a wisp of a spirit now".<br/><br/>She advanced towards me with the knife.<br/>The chants got louder and louder.<br/><br/>She got to where I was. I tried to beg her but she snapped her fingers. I became mute.<br/><br/>She raised the knife to cut out my heart.<br/><br/>Just then, his voice thundered!<br/><br/>"YOUR DAUGHTER IS ALIVE!!!".</p>