
Chapter 34 : Before the staircase, am I alone

They arrived at the capital and Komoni left to report to Finn while the others went to their castle.

"So you think your coachman was also part of the children of fallen?"Finn asked after listening to komoni's report

"Yes my Lord" she answered with her head down

"And the whole forest turned dry after it released you? Why did he release you?"

"Yes , he said something about it being his bloodscape that's keeping the forest alive and he said nothing is for free before turning into a puddle of blood and seeping into the ground and my Lord if I may add I think it went into Timothy" komoni quickly explained

"Why do you think that CAPTAIN"Finn stressed the last part as the air around him became hot

Komoni Immediately noticed the change around Finn as soon as she mentioned Timothy , so she quickly began explaining all the strange things that happened during their mission and how in almost all of their victories he was involved , Finn smirked as he listened to komoni's explanation

I'm sorry my Lord but I don't trust him" she added at the end

"It sounds to me like you are jealous of him outshining you captain .don't worry there will be other instances for you to shine, but I have to warn you now never ever speak anything bad about him because his the only person I can trust with my life " Finn spoke in a stern tone

She immediately apologized and left after Finn dismissed her leaving him alone in the tnron room

"Your progress is the most exciting to watch" Finn thought to himself


In a small village hidden deep in the icey mountains , A man was sitting inside a small hut made of wood with no furniture except for a table and the bed he sat on , he was wearing white robes and tie on leather sandals , his clothes was the exact opposite a normal person would wear in that freezing environment but the man looked fine

"I have travelled from village to village for the past 2 months I think it's time to enter the world's stage again ....Mmmmh? I need scars "the man immediately ripped off his own arm with hesitation . Blood sprayed everywhere covering the little room , the man didn't look bothered as his wound was already healing but then he stopped channeling and the accelerated healing stopped .

"Uh oh? I almost forgot about you two , I'm sorry you had to witness such a traumatic event" the man spoke looking at the two kids hurdled together under the table , both of the kids were shuddering and on their left a headless body of a woman lay there 

"Thank you two for housing me here take this as compensation" he took out two coins that had a man holding a Battle-axe and a shield , it was not a man but the deity Zebha and the two coins are called god coins. He left the coins on top of the table they were hiding under and left the small hut . Even after he left the two kids remained hurdled under the table as both of them stared at the empty bed 


Back in their castle's training hall , Timothy and Lus were sparring while the others watched and Timothy was the one losing .He kept attacking but Lus defense seemed impenetrable and whenever he countered he would always hit , this went on until Timothy gave up and laid down on the cold concrete floor 

"What fighting style do you use? Your defense is basically impenetrable , If I remember correctly you even used the same style while fighting with your great sword against Trevor am I right?"he asked the quiet boy beside him

"Complete vortex control defense art , It combines the best techniques from a wide range of fighting style to create the ultimate unpredictable effective fighting method. This self-defense system will teach you hand-to-hand comba but you can also add some of it's element when you are fighting using a weapon" Lus explained 

"Oh I see , so it's basically an unorthodox fighting style that you have mastered over the years?" Timoyhy spoke after picking up what Lus really meant , Lus nodded and left the training hall 

"Want another round?" Jake asked Timothy 

"Go to hell" Timothy rolled his eyes 

"The king said I should inform you that we will be leaving the kingdom in two weeks time to got to La'faura so we should really work hard on our Rune and elemental training" komoni spoke without keeping her eyes of Timothy 

"What's so special about you anyways" she thought to herself

Before they could answer four women entered the training hall 

"Greetings princesses , Lady Elaine"Dan and Komoni bowed 

"Yes yes greetings to you too" Carolyn spoke and she looked at Timothy who was laying on the ground and then at Jake who was sitted on the bench and smiled"you guys look like crap" Carolyn laughed 

"Hello princesses , Elaine and you too Ver" Timothy and Jake greeted the group with a smile 

"Uh captain if that is all we will be leaving " Jake looked komoni who seemed dumbstruck and she nodded 

They left and went to Timothy's room to catch up, Elaine rushed in the kitchen to prepare food for them while Ver was helping Timothy clean his thigh wound which hadn't healed yet 

"And thanks to this guy we made it out alive'"Jake finished explaining to them what they went through , the girls were shocked 

"Why are you telling them the details of our mission, if captain heard what you have just told them you'd be in trouble "Timothy gave Jake the "shut the hell up" look 

"Stop worrying too much , besides do you think the princess would use any of this information" Jake laughed 

Timothy failed to answer Jake choosing to ignore him and look away

"So Ver are you going to tell them or should I do it for you?" Carolyn said with a wry smile on her face that made Sydney giggle

"What is it?" Jake asked 

"Oh it's nothing serious it's just that my brother derrick has fallen for her but she refuses his advances saying her heart belongs to another" Ver Immediately blushed as Carolyn finished explaining

"Huh? For real? I've never had Carolyn speak or mention a lover or have you?" Jake looked towards Timothy who shook his head denying

"I just said that to get him off my back you guys" ver spoke clearly embarrassed as she kept her head down but she was saved by Elaine who entered carrying a tray full of different dishes followed by the rest of Timothy's teammates

"I invited them to come sit with us" Elaine placed the dishes down as she spoke 

Komoni and the other two introduced themselves before sitting down on the carpet 

"We know who you are already , and I would like to say it's an honor to be able to sit with you here , especially you captain you are such an inspiration to us women as you are one of the very few women who have broken the stereotypes of our kingdom that women are not meant to be anything besides sex tools and baby makers ."Carolyn looked at komoni as she spoke , shocking even Elaine who knew her to be more of jokester 

"She speaks the truth ,even us princesses we are not spared from those stereotypes . We can never inherit the throne and we are only used as bargaining chips for an agreement or alliances amongst other things " Sydney added and the whole room went quiet 

"But things will change now"they all turned around and saw Finn leaning on the door 

They immediately stood up but Finn raised his hand and shook his head indicating that there was no need for formalities

"No need for that but I do wonder why wasn't I invited to this get together ?"Finn looked at Elaine who seemed unbothered by his stare 

"You can continue standing there and watch us as we eat or you can join us ....my Lord " Elaine spoke without looking at him 

Finn scratched the back of his head and took of his crown throwing it on top of Timothy's bed before sitting down with the others as they began chatting and eating

"So brother have you heard from our little sister?"Sydney asked 

"Yeah she has visited me in my dreams quite a bit these past few weeks , she said she has found what she was looking for and she will return soon " Finn spoke with a smile 

"I can't wait for you guys to meet her , I swear to you she is the best "Carolyn said with a beaming smile that would melt the hearts of many 

"Yeah she is" Elaine added , and they stayed up until late before leaving Timothy alone in his room staring at the ceiling until sleep got the better of him 

Opening his eyes he found himself standing before a huge staircase in the middle of nothing , Timothy smiled before taking a step

"It's been long , Concilia" with that he disappeared but someone else appeared Infront of the staricase after he left and stepped onto the steps disappearing just like he did...