
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 49

Jungkook stirred from his slumber, only to succumb once more to the grips of lethargy. The others breathed a collective sigh of relief after Dr. Choi assured them that he was out of immediate danger. Jimin, too, received reassurance from Dr. Choi that his injuries were minor, albeit with a hint of concern that he needs rest as much as he can.

Namjoon had secluded himself in his room since the previous night, and his absence lingered like a shadow over the group. As the hours passed, worry gnawed at their hearts, but before they could dwell on it, a wave of anger and disappointment swept over them, drowning out any space for concern.

In the evening, when Jungkook finally stirred awake, Seokjin summoned everyone to his room, including Namjoon.

"We have new rules to enforce," Seokjin announced, his voice heavy with gravity. "Due to RM's grave error, he is forbidden from participating in or influencing our decisions. His words hold no weight, and he will face consequences if he defies our orders."

"But his mistake wasn't that severe," Jimin interjected, his voice tinged with desperation.

"If his mistake wasn't grave, then do you want someone to pay with their life because of him for his mistake to become one? " Yoongi's voice thundered, his disappointment palpable.

"Hyung, what are you saying?" Jimin's voice wavered, fear dancing in his eyes under Yoongi's intense gaze.

"I accept the conditions," RM's voice cut through the heavy air, laden with self-blame. "It was my fault that Jungkook hyung got kidnapped. I'm sorry."

Silence engulfed the room, suffocating them all with its weight. RM's self-condemnation hung in the air, a heavy burden no one knew how to lift. They were trapped in a web of conflicting emotions, unable to find a way out.

RM slipped out of the room, his shoulders burdened with the weight of his guilt. Outside the mansion, he found solace in the garden built. He roamed around thinking about all that happened. The stabbing pain was still their but he ignored it thinking that he deserve it. While roaming around the garden, he heard a few guards talking among themselves.

Guard 1: "Did you hear that Namjoon was the reason Master JK got kidnapped?"

Guard 2: "Yeah, I heard. Can't believe we have someone like him here. Doesn't do anything but still lives off their generosity."

Guard 1: "Exactly. He's a freeloader if you ask me. I don't know why they keep him around."

RM listens quietly, feeling the weight of their words. "Maybe they're right. Maybe I am just a burden. I need talk about this with the others" Saying this RM messages to in the group that he needs to discuss something.

As RM sat with his friends, the weight of their collective gaze bore down on him, but he found a newfound resolve within himself.

"I understand the consequences of my actions and i agree to it," he began, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "If I'm not allowed to participate in our meetings or be involved in our deals, then I want to be independent. I'll find part-time jobs to support myself."

His friends exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering in their eyes.

"And," RM continued, his voice unwavering, "I want to contribute to the household expenses. I'll pay monthly rent for living in the mansion."

His words hung in the air, the weight of his determination palpable despite the pain throbbing in his side where the knife had pierced him. But RM pushed aside the discomfort, ignoring the twinge of agony as he focused on his newfound resolve.

"You can't just go out there on your own," Seokjin admonished, his tone firm. "The mafias have already seen you. It's too dangerous. We can't risk your safety."

RM's shoulders sagged with disappointment, but he remained resolute. "I won't bother you if anything happens," he insisted, his words tinged with a hint of bitterness at the wedge that had formed between him and his brothers.

Hoseok, who had been silent until now, spoke up in a rare moment of agreement. "He can do whatever he wants," he said, his voice tinged with resignation. "You will be free the whole day since you are not allowed in meetings and do the deals. So it's better you do something and take some time to think rather than sitting idle and drowning in self-guilt.

RM bowed his head in a formal gesture of thanks to Hoseok, the distance between them a stark reminder of the growing divide among the brothers.

Jungkook and Jimin interjected, their voices filled with concern. "Joonie, you can't do this," Jungkook pleaded, his eyes pleading for RM to reconsider. "It's too risky."

Jimin nodded in agreement, his worry etched across his features. "Please, don't put yourself in harm's way," he implored.

Meanwhile, Taehyung remained a silent spectator, his expression unreadable as he observed the growing tension within their group.

RM turned to Jungkook and Jimin, his expression softening with reassurance. "Guys, it's not like I can't defend myself," he said, his voice calm but firm. "And besides, no one knows that I'll be working at a supermarket. There's no need to be afraid."

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged a hesitant glance, still unconvinced, but RM's confidence began to chip away at their worries.

"And," RM continued, his tone gentler now, "I just need some time alone to sort things out. This isn't about abandoning you guys. It's about finding my own path and taking responsibility for my actions."

With a small smile, he placed a reassuring hand on Jungkook's shoulder, his gaze meeting Jimin's with sincerity. "I'll be fine hyung.Trust me."

Though hesitant, Jungkook and Jimin nodded in reluctant agreement, their worry still lingering but tempered by RM's conviction.

RM found the part-time job listing online and wasted no time in applying. As he arrived at the supermarket for his first shift, he couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity when he noticed Jackson and Mark entering a nearby café. They seemed familiar to him but he remained silent, focusing on his duties and ignoring the pang of remorse towards his life that tugged at his heart.

Despite his efforts to stay focused, the pain from his injury flared up once again, causing him to wince involuntarily. He discreetly glanced down at his side, where blood stained his shirt, thankful that the dark fabric concealed the evidence of his injury. Hastily, he shrugged off his jacket, replacing it with another one from his bag, determined not to let his discomfort interfere with his work.

Meanwhile, Seokjin and Yoongi had discreetly followed RM to his workplace, their concern evident in their furrowed brows and hushed conversation.

"Should we tell the others where he's working?" Seokjin whispered, glancing around cautiously to ensure no one overheard them.

Yoongi shook his head, his expression grave. "Not yet. They care too much about him, and they might overwhelm him if they all show up at once. Let's give him some space to figure things out on his own."

Seokjin nodded in agreement, though his worry for RM was palpable. "But what if something happens? What if he gets hurt again?"

Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We'll keep an eye on him from a distance. He needs to learn from his mistakes, but we won't let anything happen to him."

Back at the supermarket, RM pushed through the pain, his determination unwavering as he focused on his duties. Each customer served and every task completed served as a reminder of his commitment to redeeming himself in the eyes of his brothers, even if it meant facing his challenges alone. And the day went like that in a whoosh.

As RM walked out of the supermarket, his mind buzzed with the day's events. The weight of his first earned wage in his pocket felt both comforting and daunting. He thanked the old man, the owner of the supermarket, with a nod before stepping out into the chilly night.

His footsteps echoed against the quiet streets as he made his way home, the dim glow of streetlights casting long shadows. It had been a day of new experiences, from assisting customers to moments of idleness. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, but he had spent half of his entire day's wages on a single pack of instant noodles.

Lost in his thoughts, RM barely noticed Jackson and Mark approaching until they were right in front of him. He looked up, surprised, as they waved in greeting. RM returned the gesture with a small smile, about to continue on his way when Jackson halted him midway.

"Hey, RM, are you okay?" Jackson's concern was evident in his voice, catching RM off guard. He hadn't expected someone he considered an outsider to notice his inner turmoil.

RM hesitated, unsure whether to confide in Jackson. But something in the way Jackson looked at him, a glint of understanding in his eyes, urged him to speak. With a heavy sigh, RM opened up about the fight and the growing rift between him and his brothers. Listening this, Mark pats on Jackson's shoulder indicating that he should talk with him alone,it would be better. . Jackson nods with a smile . Then RM and Jackson sat on a bench beside the cafe.

Jackson listened intently, his expression empathetic. "I know it's tough, RM, but you've got to stay strong. Your mates, they care about you more than you know. Believe in them."

Surprised by Jackson's words of wisdom, RM couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. "But why are you helping me? We barely know each other."

Jackson's lips curled into a small smile. "Actually, we do. We were friends in the past, RM. And even though things have changed, some bonds remain."

As RM stood there, his mind a whirlwind of confusion, Jackson's revelation hit him like a ton of bricks. "Friends? But... I don't remember."

Jackson's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "It's okay, RM. You've been through a lot. But trust me, we were friends. And I know more than you think."

RM's brow furrowed, a glimmer of hope mingled with apprehension. "Do you... do you know about my past? About the things I've forgotten?"

Jackson nodded solemnly. "Some things. But there are few things in particular... about your life, your skills,your diary and other few stuffs....all that I know because you shared with me, with us."

RM's heart skipped a beat. "You know about that coded diary?

As RM stood there, his mind racing with a mixture of anticipation and dread, Jackson's confirmation about the diary sent shivers down his spine. "You knew about the diary? Do you know how to break the codes?" RM's voice trembled with a hint of desperation, his past trauma lingering in the depths of his memory.

Jackson's gaze softened, his expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry, RM. I don't know how to break the codes. But there might be another way to read it."

RM's eyes widened with intrigue. "Another way? How?"

Jackson hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Your diary... it's special. Don't you remember about it? "

RM shakes his head as nothing recalled in bis memories.

Jackson continued, "It's not just any diary. It's made with special ink. Whatever you wrote with that ink... it's invisible. But on a full moon night, when the moonlight falls on the book, the words appear."

RM's breath caught in his throat, the revelation sinking in. "Full moon night... But then why did I write the coded language in it? ."

"You wanted to fool others. Because if Byung-ho read it and asked you can show it him and fool him by showing wrong way of solving it".

" But is it for real? Ink that shows up in moonlight?

Jackson nodded solemnly. "Exactly. Your sister wanted to keep your secrets safe. She especially brought it for you as you liked to maintain a diary but were forced ny Byung-ho not to"

RM's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions." I had a sister?? I don't remember her? Show a she? What was her name? "

"Ummm... Sorry. We were friends but not so close. And you never told us that you had a sister. You just said when you showed the diary and it was a gift from your sister"

"Ohh.....But... but what if everything I wrote is true? What if I... I really did something unforgivable?"RM asks trying to calm his sea of emotions forming.

Jackson placed a comforting hand on RM's shoulder. "RM, it's your diary. Whatever you wrote, it's a part of you. And deep down, you know the truth. Whatever it is, we'll face it together. You can cone for my help anytime. "

As RM wrestled with his inner demons, a blurry image flashed through his mind—a fleeting glimpse of a girl, her face obscured by shadows. He couldn't make out her features, couldn't recall who she was, but something about her tugged at his heartstrings, stirring a sense of longing deep within him.

Lost in his thoughts, RM's mind raced with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. Who was the girl he saw? And what secrets lay hidden within the pages of his diary, waiting to be unearthed under the light of the full moon?

As RM wandered through the familiar halls of the mansion, his mind swirled with confusion and unease. The weight of his forgotten past hung heavy on his shoulders, casting a shadow over his every step. With each passing moment, the nagging sense of dread grew stronger, gnawing at his insides like a relentless beast.

Feeling drawn to the studio, a place he never gave heed to enter before, RM pushed open the door with trembling hands. His heart pounded in his chest as he stepped inside, greeted by an array of musical instruments and electronic equipment. But it was the photograph on the wall that caught his eye—a picture of six smiling faces, along with a couple holding a newborn baby.

"The best thing that happened to us -Park Joon-wo" ,the sentence etched on the back of the photograph—sent a shiver down RM's spine. A person's figure he couldn't quite place, yet one that seemed to hold a profound significance. And then, like a bolt of lightning, a memory surged through his mind, vivid and brutal.

In the memory, RM stood before a woman, her tear-streaked face twisted in anguish as she gazed up at him with pleading eyes. In her arms, she cradled a newborn baby—the same infant from the photograph. And in RM's hand, a katana sword gleamed with fresh blood, a damning testament to his guilt.Pain seared through RM's skull as the memory threatened to consume him, his vision blurring and his nose dripping with blood. He staggered backward, his breath coming in ragged gasps, as the truth of his past loomed ominously before him.

Is the person written on his diary who died because of him...is the lady.....Joon-wo's mother....did he really kill Joon-wo's parents? The thought sent a wave of nausea crashing over him, bile rising in his throat. He tried to grasp at the fragments of his memories, to make sense of the blood-soaked truth, but all he found was darkness and despair.As the room spun around him, RM's strength faltered, his legs giving way beneath him as he crumpled to the floor. And in that moment of agonizing clarity, he knew that his past sins would haunt him forever, a specter of guilt and remorse that could never be erased.