
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 44

Jin's footsteps echoed through the hallway, the anticipation building as he approached the scene. The room was alive with laughter and the clinking of utensils against plates, a symphony of joy that seemed to permeate the air. As he entered, a tableau of happiness unfolded before him – a harmonious sight of his friends, smiles adorning their faces, lost in the pleasure of a shared meal.

Little Joonie, the youngest member of their group, had found a cozy spot on Kookie hyung's lap, his innocent laughter resonating with the carefree ambiance. The room was filled with the aroma of the feast, and everyone seemed to be relishing the moment. Yet, as fate would have it, the missing presence of the Got 7 team cast a subtle shadow over the festive gathering.

Earlier, a call had summoned them away, robbing them of the chance to witness the comedic antics of Seokjin and the sharp wit of RM. The empty chairs served as a silent reminder of the missed camaraderie, leaving the room with an unfulfilled void.

Jin, however, pushed aside the storm brewing in his mind, choosing to immerse himself in the distraction of food. The clatter of cutlery against plates mirrored the tempest of conflicting thoughts within him. With each bite, he attempted to silence the inner turmoil, seeking refuge in the simplicity of the act – eating.

Just as he thought the chaotic tempest in his mind was settling, Little Joonie's innocent query shattered the illusion of tranquility.

Big Joonie, why does it feel like you change every time I see you?" inquired the little one, innocence painted across his face.

"Ah, my little prince, your perceptiveness is truly remarkable for someone so young," RM chimed in, not realizing the impending revelation of his well-kept secret to Park Hoon.

"Well, you see, our Joon hyung is quite the adventurer with his hair. He loves experimenting with different styles and colors. He's like a hair chameleon," Jimin quickly explained, concocting a hasty excuse.

"But Joonie wants to try different hair colors too!" the little prince insisted.

"Ah, my little Prince,it's not advisable to dye your hair so much. That's something only adults can do. Look, even we don't change our hair colors," Jin advised with a touch of wisdom.

"That means you're not adults yet! But you're so tall, especially you, Jin hyung," the little one pointed out.

"He's technically an adult, just not mentally," RM slyly remarked.

"Yah! Why do you always have to tease me? Can't I catch a break?" Jin retorted with a sigh, setting off another round of bickering between the two.

"Big Joonie, why did the plushie change its color? It used to be blue with purple eyes, and now it's all red and black. I liked it better before. Why did it change?" questioned little Joonie, his curiosity extending to even the inanimate objects around him.

"Ah, well, you see... I, um, replaced it. The old one, it got dirty, and, uh, accidentally torn by me..i guess. Sorry about that," Jungkook stammered, attempting to navigate the delicate situation with the finesse of a tightrope walker.

"Huh? You tore it? Can I still call you with this one? And can I get the old one back, please? I liked it more," pleaded Little Joonie, his attachment to the previous plushie evident in his tone.

"You can call with a plushie? What kind of magic is that? You even know how to handle a mobile? Wow!" exclaimed Park Hoon, marveling at the unexpected revelation.

RM, caught off guard by the innocence of Little Joonie and unexpected interest in plushie communication by Park Hoon, his mind scrambled to find an explanation.

No, it is a plushie....

"Yes, we gave him a mobile and he calls it a plushie. Don't mind the kid," Jin casually dismissed, Little Joon's rant attempting to downplay the peculiar situation.

However, Park Hoon, a discerning soul not easily swayed by half-baked excuses, found Jin's explanation quite lacking. To him, it was nothing short of a nonsensical attempt to mask the truth. RM, sensing the brewing skepticism, sighed audibly and shook his head, the precursor to what seemed like a revelation.

It's not just a plushie. It's a toy, a wolf plushy, to be exact. I gave it to Little Joon. Now, here's the kicker – the toy comes equipped with a tracker and a voice recorder. It's for his safety," RM disclosed, dropping the bombshell with a mix of seriousness and a hint of humor.

"I told you everything honestly. No need to go hovering around our little Joonie and inspecting the toy," he added, his gaze locking sternly onto Park Hoon. The room fell into a hushed silence, the tension palpable as everyone awaited Park Hoon's response.

The others stared at RM in shock after his candid revelation. He shrugged off their bewildered looks, casually resuming his meal.

"What? He's not an outsider. I'd rather he knows the truth than lurk around trying to figure it out himself," RM stated matter-of-factly.

"No, that's not what we meant. It's just that you dropped all of that out of the blue, and we were caught off guard,"Hoseok chimed in, attempting to lighten the peculiar mood with a half-smile.

As soon as Park Hoon disappeared from sight, chaos erupted among the remaining members. The room transformed into a whirlwind of hushed discussions, furrowed brows, and shared glances laden with unspoken questions. RM's revelation had opened a Pandora's box of uncertainties, and the group found themselves caught in a web of intrigue and confusion.

RM! Why spill the truth? And it wasn't even the whole truth!" Yoongi exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and concern.

"That plushie is crafted with your powers and can summon you. If Hoon hyung finds out you're not human... what then?" Taehyung interjected, his worry adding a dramatic undertone to the conversation.

"Why did we even need to spill the beans? We could've just said it's a plushie we got because the old one was too worn out," Jungkook suggested, his tone reflecting a hint of exasperation.

"That's precisely my point!" RM defended himself, a touch of urgency in his voice.

"Huh?" echoed through the room as puzzled expressions adorned their faces, a collective sign of confusion.

"I meant that Kookie hyung's excuse was pretty solid. You should've just gone with that. Why spill the beans? The excuse was a mobile – a plushie named mobile! Who would buy that, except for the little Prince? So, I had to tell the truth," RM explained, his words laced with a hint of frustration.

"Hoon hyung practically guessed it was a mobile the moment he heard the word 'call.' We tried to perfect the lie, but it backfired. My bad. Sorry," Jin admitted, a touch of remorse in his voice. The room transformed into a stage for conflicting emotions, drama unfolding as the group grappled with the consequences of their failed attempt at deception.

"Why is it always your fault?" RM questioned, the accusation hanging in the air like an unresolved melody.

"Uhh!??" Jin stuttered, confusion etched on his face. The others shared glances, equally perplexed by RM's sudden blame on Jin. What had he done to deserve this accusation?

"Why do you always take the blame for things that you haven't done, or that aren't your fault?" RM continued, his words carrying a weight that lingered in the room, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding drama.

As RM's question echoed, a mixture of relief and apprehension settled among the group. Relief, as others realized they weren't target of RM's discontent, and apprehension, as Jin processed the unexpected defense.

A subtle wave of relief swept through the others, but it left Jin feeling a mix of emotions. He was glad not to be scolded by RM, yet a frown crept upon his face, realizing the burden of avoiding disappointment had inadvertently intensified.

"I'm the eldest; why should I be upset if RM scolds or taunts me? I should scold him,but..i am unable to do so" Jin wondered silently, wrestling with the unspoken dynamics of their relationship

But again, you also don't blame yourself for the things that ARE your fault!" RM pointed out. The statement hung in the air, and a collective gasp of shock escaped everyone's lips.

"What do you mean by that, RM?" Yoongi asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

In response, RM glanced towards Little Joonie, a small smile playing on his lips. "Hey, little buddy, how about you go to your room and enjoy some cartoons?" he suggested, redirecting the attention away from the serious discussion.

Little Joonie's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of watching his favorite cartoons. Without hesitation, he giggled and scampered off towards his room, plushies in tow.

"My meaning was crystal clear, Seokjin-ssi," RM declared, pointedly avoiding the usual 'hyung' title. The absence of the familiar address made Jin's chest tighten with an unexpected pang.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Jin stammered, his voice betraying a mix of confusion and hurt.

"Why? Don't you see that you're taking me for granted? I've been on the brink of death three times, and it's all because of YOU!" RM's words cut through the air with harsh precision, creating a tense and dramatic atmosphere that hung heavily in the room

It wasn't Jin hyung's fault. The situation was like that. You can't blame hyung for the misfortune that befell you," Taehyung retorted, his anger evident as he defended Jin against the unfounded accusations.

"Why shouldn't I? Then tell me, how did I get shot three times?" RM roared, his frustration cutting through the air like a sharp blade.

The room fell into a stunned silence, everyone unable to find the words to respond.

"The first time, it was because of the doubts lingering in Jin's mind. He shot without thinking. The second time, it happened suddenly, though he claims to have a reason. But the third time, no one is to blame. They got hurt in the fight. Anyone could have been in his place. That's not a reason to get angry," Yoongi pondered silently, observing the tension in the room.

"Yahh!! Today's incident has nothing to do with Jin hyung. Why are you falsely accusing him?" Yoongi finally spoke up, trying to dispel the unjust blame.

"Hyung!! Directly or indirectly, HE IS the reason. If he hadn't argued with me for an outsider, Tae hyung and Hobi hyung wouldn't have ventured outside, resulting in their kidnapping and the fight," RM declared abruptly, standing up and intensifying the already tense situation. The air became charged with unspoken emotions, as the group grappled with the weight of accusations and the looming consequences of their tangled relationships.

That was just the situation! You're falsely accusing our hyung for the situation. It was just an abrupt action. Don't blame him for that," Yoongi retorted, standing up, unwilling to back down in the heated argument.

"ENOUGH! Don't shout in our house. I admit my mistakes. If you want to punish, do as you like. But no fighting!" Seokjin declared, his authoritative tone cutting through the escalating tension.

RM halted, locking eyes with Jin and then glancing at Yoongi, who was struggling to contain his anger. The room held its breath, waiting for the next move in this intense standoff.

RM, with an enigmatic smile, approached Seokjin until they were so close they could hear each other's heartbeats and breath. Then, unexpectedly, RM gave a sly smile, breaking the tension, and walked away, leaving everyone in the room dumbfounded and trying to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. The lingering silence spoke volumes, reflecting the complexities and unresolved issues within the group.

"What is wrong with this nutjob? He gets angry one minute, then smiles the next, and then goes away like nothing happened," Yoongi exclaimed, expressing his confusion at RM's unpredictable behavior.

Inside his room, RM couldn't help but laugh at the bewilderment he left behind.

I just wanted to shake them up a bit, make them realize their actions are too erratic for the roles they play. They need to be more calculated around enemies and less emotional to avoid falling into unnecessary trouble. I'll delve into the details tomorrow. If I tried now, Tiger Tae, Lion Yoongi, and the protective Muscle Bunny Kook wouldn't let me get a word in," RM explained with a mysterious glint in his eyes as he prepared for a bath, leaving the others in a state of heightened curiosity and tension.

After changing into his night suit, RM explored the unfamiliar room, discovering various items that hinted at a past he couldn't quite remember. As he rummaged through the belongings, his hands brushed against a familiar object — a diary.

"Ah,!! this diary. I recognize it, but the details are a bit hazy. Well, decoding it will piece everything together, revealing my past. What a relief. Finally, the puzzle pieces will fit together, painting a clear picture," RM thought aloud as he opened the diary, starting directly with the last page.

23rd April

12 23 15 21 18 6 21 12 20.

9 20 9 23 1 19 1 11 12 5 4.

9 11 9 12 12 5 4 13 9 12 11 9 12 12 5 4.

9 4 15 14 9 15 20 2 12 15 11 5 4 13 9 15 11 9 11 9 12 12 5 4.

9 13 13 9 12 8 8 5 8 12 12 12 2 18 15 11 5.

9 8 15 21 12 4 1 15 16 12 23 9 11.

I 2 18 15 11 5 9 4 11 9 12 9 12 12 25 3 8 8 9 12 8 2 5 4.

I 13 5 3 16 4 7 8 8 9 6 1 5 5 8 15 21 4 1 9 14 9 10 11.

I 18 5 1 8 15 15 15 8 9 15 4 8 15 18 4.

I 19 8 15 21 12 4 1 13 5 14 8 15 17 9 12 1 4.

I 11 9 12 12 5 4 13 9 13 10 1 13 9 12 9 5 12 8 18 15 11 5.

I 9 7 11 13 9 12 5 1 11 11 2 18 5 1 11 15 6 7 11.

I 19 8 15 21 4 15 9 1 12 12 9 12 12.

I 4 1 11 15 2 9 5 11 4 9 6 9 5 4.

I 9 1 13 5 9 12 9 12 11 9 9 2 13 8 8 8 8 2 9 16 18 9 2 9 5 4.

I 9 3 1 13 11 1 13 11 18 9 3 1 10 4 9 5 15 6 7 11.

(The meaning of the coded language)

23rd April

- It was all my fault.

- I caused her death.

- I killed my own family.

- I do not deserve this.

- I broke the promise.

- I should amend my mistakes.

As RM processed the coded revelations in the diary, confusion and fear twisted in his gut like a coiled serpent. The weight of an unknown guilt pressed upon him, and a chilling realization crept over his senses. He felt an inexplicable dampness on his cheeks, and when he reached up, his fingers came away wet with tears – silent witnesses to the turmoil within.

"What the hell did I do? And what happened exactly? Did... Did I really kill a person?" RM's mind raced with questions, the suspense tightening around him like an invisible vice. The room seemed to echo with unanswered secrets, leaving him suspended in a limbo of uncertainty and foreboding. The coded revelations had unraveled a Pandora's box of haunting doubts, and the truth, shrouded in mystery, danced just out of reach.