
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 19

Namjoon was sleeping in his bed while doctor Choi checked on him.

"He is okay. He was just exhausted. He needs rest, that's all" Said Doctor Choi.

"He also has memory loss. He remembers something and then faints but when he wakes up he doesn't remember a thing that happened or anything of his past. Why is this happening? " Asked Hoseok.

"Maybe the incidents occurring trigger his lost memories. Before he was under the effect of medicine so he remembered something painful and exhausting for him. This time the water and crocodiles must have triggered his memory. I think he had a similar encounter before that was scary for him, so he remembered it. "Said Doctor Choi.

"But when can he regain his memory fully? It's tiring for him as well as us. " Said Yoongi.

"Normally if the person stays in the same environment before his memory loss, it is regained very quickly. But we don't know his environment or his home, so it will take more time. Tell him to focus on his mind and memories. But remember, forcing him can cause dangerous problems. So don't ever force him" Said Doctor Choi.

All the members nodded and then the Doctor left.

"In the midst of all this, we forgot that our Joonie passed this test. Now he has only two tests left and then he is our family. Also, our mission on drug dealing is completed. We all can finally go to our real house and give Joonie every comfort we can. " Said Taehyung excitedly.

"I wonder what it is to live a life when you don't know what type of person you were, who was your family? Even if we bring the whole world to Namjoon won't he ask where and what is his own little world? " Asked Yoongi.

"Hyung, I was trying to uplift everyone's mode, why do you need to spoil it? " Whined Taehyung making a pouty face.

"Am I saying anything wrong? Tell me and I will apologize to you right away! " Roared Yoongi.

"Don't speak loudly and don't fight. Namjoon is sleeping, don't disturb him" Said Seokjin

Seokjin knew that if he did not speak now then they will start fighting and that will cause a disturbance to Namjoon. And if he used his reasons then they will not be quiet and will fight more but everyone cherishes Namjoon so his excuse was the best to make them quiet.

Evening came and Namjoon woke up but as usual, he forgot what triggered him and his last memory was that he climbed on the first plank and then fell into the water. How did he run across it and he won breaking the record of his own hyungs, he had no idea at all.

"Joonie, you don't remember even a little bit of your past. Anything, you do not even how you feel when you think of your past? " Asked Jimin.

Namjoon was thinking hard and was trying to recall even a tiny bit of memory because that was what defined who he was, that memory will only guide him further as to what to do. But his mind kept revolving around a girl's figure dressed in purple but it was all hazy her face was not visible and Namjoon can't help but think who she is. Is she her sister? Or someone else?

"No, hyung nothing comes out. But one thing is clear. You mention that every time I trigger my memories after that I have a panic attack and then I faint out. That means I am afraid of my past. There is something I don't want to remember and my brain is trying to suppress it. But some incidents which made an impact on my mind get triggered due to similar situations and that leads me to remember but as I am afraid if it I forget when I faint out" Said Namjoon thinking of any more explanation he could give.

"Wow, Joonie your IQ is something. You should be in college and studying. You will be very successful. Tell hyung in what field are you interested and I will send you to college" Said Hoseok cheerfully.

Namjoon smiled and said,

"I want entry into a college where all of you can teach me martial arts like king fu, tai-chi, etc. Will you send me to the Bangtan College? " Asked Namjoon.

Hoseok was surprised by the answer while Jimin and Taehyung chuckled. Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin had gone to bring food from the restaurant as everyone was tired to make food at home.

"I can. But little Joonie needs to pass two more tests in order to get admission to the Bangtan College. Will you be able to pass? " Asked Hoseok double crossing Namjoon.

"Yes sir. I will pass the remaining test. Don't worry" Said Namjoon confidently. Jimin and Taehyung clapped in excitement while Hoseok smiled seeing the calming and cheerful smile Namjoon gave.

Meanwhile, the other three while waiting for their food to prepare in a restaurant while having sips of their coffee.

"Hyung, will Joon be able to pass your test? " Asked Jungkook worried about his little brother.

"You are talking like he passed my test. Remember my challenge is very difficult. " Said Yoongi getting offended that Jungkook was not giving importance to the challenge of Yoongi which Namjoon has to perform tomorrow. Instead, he is talking about the challenge of the day after tomorrow.

Jungkook knew that his hyung is offended but still he wants to tease and agitate his hyung.

"Who is worried about whether Joonie will pass your test? The test was so easy, I passed within ten minutes. I am sure that when Seokjin hyung told you to prepare for the challenge you were probably half asleep. " Said Jungkook.

"You brat... You barely passed my challenge and whined after completing it as to why I made it so difficult. And now you are saying that I was sleeping while making this challenge. How dare you. If you are so talented why not take that challenge again" Snarled Yoongi.

Jungkook gulped as what his hyung said was hundred percent right and he would not dare to take up the challenge again, not even in his dreams. So he did not reply and kept slurping his coffee while looking outside.

"What happened now? Has the cat got your tongue? " Asked Yoongi

"You... It's not like that... I was... "

"Alright, don't start a fight here, we are in a restaurant. And Jungkook being naughty is okay but within limits, and Yoongi you knew that he was teasing you why did you speak more to turn a simple tease into a fight. " Said Seokjin and that was enough to stop the two from bickering.

After taking their order they went home while listening to songs on their way. On the way, Seokjin had a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello, it's Seokjin. The work is done. Thank you. I will come tomorrow" Said Seokjin and cut the call.

"Who was it hyung? We don't have any work pending. Then whose call it is? " Asked Jungkook.

"Nothing, just a random person. I gave him some work to do which is completed. I will tell you afterward" Said Seokjin and Jungkook just nodded. That was the belief of Bangtan boys in each other. They never questioned each other. The boys reached home and everyone enjoyed chicken with soju and some noodles.

At Got7's place,

"I don't think we can just approach him and tell him to befriend us. We need to make a situation in which he is forced to trust us and then we help him and that will mark the beginning of our friendship. " Said Jinyoung while sharing a pack of gummies with Bambam and all others nodded.

"But what situation? We can't fight against Bangtan, we will break all our bones. We are no match for them." Said Bambam and others shuddered to imagine what will happen to them.

"We are also unable to find any voids which can relate HIM and Namjoon. " Said Mark.

"If only I knew something that only he knows then it would be of great help" Sighed Jackson and laid down on the couch.

"The diary! Jackson, you know the coded language of his personal diary. He taught you once! " Said Jay B

"Ahh... But... But I don't where the diary is. And also even if I find it, he lost his memory. Do you think he knows what is written in it? " Asked Jackson.

"That will be even better. That he will know that you and he were friends and he will listen to you and then we can know more about him. " Said Jay B.

All others got excited at the idea and agreed.

"Okay, great plan hyung, where is the diary? " Asked Yugyeom while staring at his hyungs with big eyes.

"Ahh.. That.... It is... No one knows! " Said Jackson and pulled his hair a little in frustration.

All of them sighed thinking that they again reached to a dead end.

Bambam started playing a game as they had nothing left to discuss when a message from Byung-ho their master popped up.

"Yah!! Master gave a message" Shouted Bambam and everyone gathered behind Bambam while Jay B sat beside him.

"Catch that boy on the day when he completes the last challenge - the happiest day for Bangtan will become the worst nightmare due to me. Do it otherwise I won't leave any of you. " Said the message.

All of the Got7 members looked at each other tensed up. What will happen on the day after tomorrow?