
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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59 Chs

Chapter 15

"Namjoon you are awake. That's a relief" Said Jimin while getting his chair closer to the bed and shaking Yoongi who was on the other chair.

"Ahh... My head... It hurts" Said Namjoon in a low voice and he looked tired.

"Here drink water. You will feel better" Said Jimin while offering him water which Namjoon took and drank up in one go.

"Why did you take the risk of running in between the snake? " Asked Yoongi.

"I was not capable like you all to save Taetae hyungie quickly. Because of me, he suffered. How is he? "Asked Namjoon worried.

" He is fine. He is downstairs with Kookie and Jin hyung helping to make dinner. "Said Jimin while smiling which makes his eyes smaller which was found very adorable by Namjoon.

" Let's go downstairs. You should eat something. It will be good for you" Said Yoongi and he went first while Namjoon and Jimin followed him later.

Yoongi went and took Hoseok away from the group of three who were making dinner and trying to make an excuse for work.

"What happened? Anything wrong? " Asked Hoseok.

"Namjoon's head was paining when he woke up. Why would that happen? He did not say about his injured leg and not about how weak he was feeling due to the poison. Is he immune to poison? But why then the headache? " Asked Yoongi in one breath.

"Don't ask a question like you are rapping in front of me. I also don't know the reasons for his headache. Go help hyung prepare the dinner. " Said Hoseok.

"You... How can you command your hyung like that? " Said Yoongi.

"Why? I can't? Then why do you command your little bab.. I mean your little brother when we are alone. "Asked Hoseok while pouting.

" You... You know the consequences of making cute faces in front of me. And you are still doing it. You have gotten bold. "Said Yoongi while smirking.

" Hmm... I have become bold due to someone. And now you have to obey me. Okay hyung. Now go, help them "said Hoseok while giving his sunshine smile making Yoongi dazed by Hoseok's smile. He then went to help Seokjin and the others while Jimin and Namjoon came down to eat. Namjoon asked Taehyung how his health was and also asked for an apology which Taehyung said that it is okay. Then they all happily ate dinner. Then they gathered in the living room and got themselves comfortable on bean bags and couches and started watching drama on Netflix. Namjoon then asked about what challenges he had to perform tomorrow and Jimin started giving him details.

"Joonie tomorrow you need to get yourselves out of a maze before they catch up with you. The rule is you can't let them bite you. And make it out of the maze in half an hour. " Said Jimin.

" Who can catch up to me? And who will bite me? "Asked Namjoon with wide eyes.

"Blood-sucking vampire bats. They suck your blood very quickly. But one or two can't cause any harm to a person. But if there are twenty in number then it may cause trouble. So you need to be careful. " Said Jimin.

"But isn't it too easy? All of the people must have passed this test, right? " Asked Namjoon.

"I also thought this challenge is very easy. And I underestimated it and had to stay in bed for two days and for a week I was not able to walk properly. "Sighed Jungkook while thinking about how he boasted about how easy the challenge was and how Jimin purposely did not tell about them and how he was surprised but still managed it somehow.

" What is the catch here? "Asked Namjoon.

" You know that a person is likely to take the wrong path while solving a maze. The catch lies when he takes the wrong path. There are traps set for you every time you take the wrong path. And every time the trap is different from the first. And it is not easy to escape once you get the wrong path." said Jimin.

"Woah... You all are so clever. Very good" Said Namjoon while showing thumbs up.

"You are praising us. You always end up getting injured at the end of the day and you still praise us. " Said Hoseok.

"Yeah... I would. It takes effort in thinking of a challenge and then complete it. It takes a lot of effort. "Said Namjoon smiling while showing his dimples.

"You are so sweet. Now let's go to sleep. " Said Hoseok on which Namjoon smiled shyly.

Then they all went to bed. Namjoon's mind was occupied by all that happened from the day he started doing challenges.

It is tiring.... Tiring to continue to put a mask on my face in front of the ones who love me, and care for me.... I don't know when I will be able to remove this mask... It's more challenging than the tests that I perform. I don't know that until the last challenge will I be able to hold myself or not... To lie to our family and close ones is a tiring job.... I want to show and share everything with them.... But I need to hold off till I complete the challenges... Once I complete I will tell all of them everything I know.... They will surely understand and help me... Yes, they will... I believe in them...

Like this, the night became darker and Namjoon's sleep deeper and the night went on.

The next day all the Bangtan members were busy getting ready. While Namjoon was all ready and he was zoning out and in front of him was a notebook and something was scribbled on it.

"Anything wrong Joonie? " Asked Jimin.

"Everything is wrong Jimin hyungie " Said Namjoon and hugged Jimin while sitting from the waist while Jimin was standing.

"Tell hyung. I will help" Said Jimin while ruffling Namjoon's hair.

"I have been thinking of a way to get out of the maze. But every time I am failing. I don't think I will pass today's test. " Said Namjoon while sighing and keeping his head on the table.

"No confidence mainly results in your downfall. I won't make a maze that has no way out. And also all our brothers went and came out. That means there is a way. Giving up just because you are afraid of failure will make you regret it later. " Said Jimin while making Namjoon look into his eyes.

"Hmm.. Sorry, hyung... I had a lot on my mind since yesterday that's why I was feeling so low. " Said Namjoon while smiling making his dimples in full display.

"Now tell me. Maybe I can give you a tip" Said Jimin while giving a wink.

"Hyung in this maze room there are fifteen paths and only one path is the correct one. On all the wrong ones you have put sensors that detect even the slightest movement and if I take the wrong path the traps are activated. Plus there are bats ready to suck me dry. How would I escape? Either I die because of traps or get sucked up by bats. And those bats are forty in number. How can you... How can all of you succeed in this maze?! "Whined Namjoon while banging his head slightly on the table.

" If you can use something to diffuse the sensors and traps then your work will be half done. Won't it? "Asked Jimin while raising his eyebrows.

" What can I do to diffuse the traps...." Namjoon was thinking about the clue that his hyung was giving him. Jimin smiled seeing Namjoon staring at the scribbled book.

"Do you know that those bats sucked your hyungs blood! " Said Jimin.

"WHAT!! Who? How...How dare they!! And how can you still take care of them? " Asked Namjoon being angry forgetting that he has a maze to solve on which his life depends.

"Seokjin hyung and Kookie were hurt and their blood was sucked. Our Kookie was hurt more by them. And about taking care of them.. Joonie I can't kill those bats just because they harmed my family. When they entered the maze room they were just a challenger. So I can't do anything. But I can allow you to use the bats as you wish. I won't say anything. "Said Jimin.

" Then I will make use of those creatures very well.. Just wait and watch" said Namjoon while smirking.

Then all the other members gathered and had their breakfast and then headed off to the building.

In an abandoned house a boy with his coffee mug on the table was seeing the recorded video of Namjoon doing the first challenge.

"Hey, you are still busy with seeing that guy. We need to take him to master. We don't need to know him. Why did you start studying about him" said another boy who came and sat beside him.

" I know. I talked to the boss about him. But I am still hesitant to catch him. I don't know... Ahhh!! I am confused but I don't know why I am confused" said the boy while sighing.

"Don't be confused. Be calm. Take a deep breath " Said a third boy who entered that room.

"Jay B. What brings you here? Did the master give any orders? " Asked the boy.

"No, but I think it's better I came. Our Jackson is confused on this matter, right Mark? " Asked Jay B.

"I am not confused. Just... Just I want to know fully about this boy. He looks just like HIM. But I am not sure about it." said Jackson while pulling his hair.

Mark touched his hair and ruffled them lightly while giving a smile.

" Don't be hard on yourself. Now that Jay B is also with us we are a complete team like before. And we also feel something different about this Namjoon guy. So tell us what to do. "Said Mark.

" Really? But what if Master scolds us? You will be punished because of me. "Said Jackson.

" I also feel that there is some similarity between them. If he is the one we knew before then we can't hand him over to the master at any cost. So we need to confirm our hunch. "Said Jay B.

" Will the others listen and agree to this? "Asked Jackson worried.

" Yes, they will. I have already talked to them. Actually, Mark and Jinyoung told me that you were stressed for a few days and that is the reason I came. And we already know what is going on in your mind. So we all agree." said Jay B with a smile.

"Thank you. We will only wait till Namjoon completes the challenges. We will surely see any habit which will tell us whether our hunch is true or false. Okay? " Asked Jackson. Jay B and Mark showed their thumbs up and smiled at him.

"I will go and tell the others. I am sure all are anxious to know what we were talking about up till now. You both carefully see the video and see if you can see any similarity" Said Jay B.

Both Jackson and Mark nodded and Jay B went downstairs to see Jinyoung, Young-Jae, Bambam, and Yugyeom.

"But the one we knew always had a mask on. We never saw his face. But he saved our lives two times and also saved our two maknaes from the master. How we will confirm that Namjoon is the same guy we knew" Said Mark.

"That is the problem. We need to be sure before we take any decision. And for that we need time. " Said Jackson.

Mark nodded and then they both saw the video carefully to see any similarity between Namjoon and the guy they knew. Jay B said everything to the rest of the members and they all agreed.