
Destiny's Spirals

"I want you to move on with your life." Tears rolled down my eyes and I had no words to say, just listened to him. "Do whatever you feel is right, I just want you to be happy. I'll always watch you and protect you. And I'll love you, forever and always." With that, he was no longer with me. I've lost him forever.

blue_pearls · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

The next morning had passed in a complete rush. I woke up late and reached work very late. Spilled coffee on my clothes and important files. It seemed the day couldn't have gone any wrong when I tripped and fell from the stairs. I swear I never experienced such a bad day in my whole life.

I reached home, feeling completely exhausted. As I laid on my couch, there was a beeping sound coming from my cell phone. I groaned and saw Edward texted me. "I hope you're ready ;))". I had forgotten about our date. I checked the time and saw it already fifteen minutes passed six thirty. I started panicking, I only had fifteen minutes to reach the restaurant.

I quickly went to the washroom, washed my face and applied light make up. I opened my closet and planned on wearing a white floral summer dress, since it was quite hot in San Diego. I took my purse and rushed to my car. In no time I reached the restaurant Edward decided, which was surprisingly near the La Jolla Cove beach. I entered the restaurant and searched for the familiar green eyes.

I went further inside the restaurant and saw him sitting near the window and staring outside. He was just sitting peacefully and yet without putting any effort, he still looked so handsome. I slowly made my way towards the table. He looked up and smiled widely seeing me. I smiled back and sat across him.

"I'm apologise for coming late." I told him. He just smiled and nodded. "It's absolutely alright. You look beautiful though." I blushed at his remark. "You don't look bad yourself." He wore a white striped shirt, accompanied with black jeans. Few buttons were undone, revealing his toned skin filled with tattoos and also a cross pendant hanging from his neck.

I snapped from my daydream by the waiter asking for our order. I waiter left us alone after taking our order. "So, tell me something about yourself." Said Edward. "What do you want to know?" I asked him while taking a sip of water. He just smiled.

"Let us play twenty questions. In that way, we can know each other. What do you say?" I suggested. "Let's get started." he replied while clapping his hands.

"Where are you from? You are definitely not from America." I asked. He nodded and said," Good question. I'm actually from England. I always wanted to work in America. After finishing my graduation at UCL London, I applied for a job here and I got it, so I packed everything and came here to San Diego." I smiled at this.

The whole dinner was comprised of questions about our lives in general. We made our way towards the beach after finishing our dinner, just strolling on the warm beach sand while talking and watching the beautiful sunset. It was an amazing evening so far. I had enjoyed it thoroughly.

"Edward" he hummed in response. "Is this a date?" I don't why did I ask this but I wanted to know, if he felt the same way I felt towards him. "If you want to consider it as a date, I'm quite fine with it because to me, it definitely was." I sincerely said. I looked up to him and saw him smiling widely and his eyes shining. I smiled back and hugged him.

He was shocked when I hugged him but didn't move away. His arms wrapped around my waist and hugged me tight. I've never felt this secure in anyone's arms as I felt in Edward's.

Soon, we left the beach and I started driving to my apartment with Edward following behind. I reached my doorstep and entered my house when Edward said, "I would really like to go on a second date with you, if you don't mind. I really enjoyed today."

"I would love to go on a second date with you." I replied to him with a wide smile plastered on my face and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. My stomach fluttered at his sweet gesture. "I should get going, Ava. Goodnight and take care."

I watched him make his way towards his car and waved at me. I waved him back and went inside my apartment and leaned against my door. I felt my heart beat rapidly inside my chest and and fely giddy inside my tummy. Deep down in my heart, I knew that my bond with Edward will definitely turn into something more, which I could've never anticipated.