
Destiny's Shadows: To the End of All Beginnings

Curses and Blessings In a world where these two have collided for thousands upon thousands of years, by the great battles between Devils and Angels, their descendants will take their place and inherit powers that transcend and defy reality itself. This bears fruit to different supernatural beings, some competing for power while others are fighting for freedom. Has the destiny of those born with curses and blessings already been determined? Their fate sealed, born only to continue a seemingly never-ending battle between the two? Or will they release themselves from the chains of history, break the cycle, and ultimately shape their own identities? Follow the story of Loveless Luci, one of the most prominent and powerful vampires to have ever lived, as he tries to survive in this cruel world where he and his kind are seen as monsters, despised by other beings. Witness the journey of someone who is simply in a pursuit of a normal life, far from bloodshed. Will he be able to escape his past, and become more than a monster? Or will he succumb to the hatred to him and his kind, and let himself become what the rest of the world thinks they are?

Cinna_4 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A savior

Both carriages sat still just outside the woods.

Luci looks inside of the second carriage, processing what's inside of it.

He then ponders after a few moments.

'All too young indeed', gripping his fists tightly. 'You angels are really something.'

Despite having seen multiple humans being transported to other covers, with mainly fear in their eyes, Luci never seen this type of transaction.

Humans being transported are typically adults, mostly in their mid twenties to late thirties. Because of this, he immediately knew thay transporting a bunch of kids, and very young ones at that, definitely has a big agenda behind it.

Luci, now taking his eyes off the carriage and looking straight into the woods, understood the gravity of this situation he was dealing with right now.

Something big is going to happen, and its not going to be good.


'Didnt expect him to get so far away this quickly'

After dismantling over fifty of the dark-robed group, and the leader of the group wearing white and checking the carriages, Luci is now sprinting through the woods. His body leaned far to the front, fully stretching his arms, alternating back and forth in quick succession, as though trying to grab something in front of him.

Every single leaf in the woods bends to the direction he is running whenever he passes them, as if being pulled by a powerful magnet.

Luci kept his focus forward, trying to get a glimpse of the dark robed man that entered the woods earlier. Instead of simply killing the man, he decided to keep him alive for whatever he has planned.

'The screaming has stopped'

Suddenly his enhanced senses felt a shift in the surrounding.

'That smell', Luci now picked up a different smell in the surrounding.

A smell that he is all too familiar with.

'Blood.', he says to himself.

And with that, as if on cue, Luci passes multiple bodies lying on the ground. He was only able to glance with them for a fraction of a second, but that was more than enough for him to analyze the situation. And by analyze, its more like he was judging the cuts that the humans have received.

'Distasteful. Must have been quite the rampage he is going on.'

Luci then catches a few of the horses still running at full speed, seemingly still terrified of the loud noises being made earlier.

He then tries to come up with any plans he might have for the horses.

'Well, I guess I'm going to need some of you to pull the carriage filled with kids,' he says to himself, glancing back and forth between six horses still running.

Luci changes his direction to the left, until all the horses are on his right side.

'There are still two of you up in front.'

Luci stretches his right arm, pointing at the horses with all of his fingers.

His fingernails then grew longer immediately, arched slightly downwards.

A few seconds later, the fingernails separate themselves from his hands, flying through the air freely, then almost instantly hits the horses at the left side of their necks. Since there are six horses here, after firing the nail on his index finger, Luci then regrows it and fires it onto the neck of one of the horses.

The horses were bewildered, groaning and neighing loudly, obviously disturbed by the feeling of the fingernails cutting through their skin.

After a few moments though, each one of the horses started to calm down, their gallops now turning into light jogs. And after a few more seconds, they all come to a stop, lie down and fell asleep instantly. Almost as if nothing bad was happening just over a minute ago.

'There there, just stay here for a while. I'll be back for you guys.', Luci bow turns his head forward and continues his full sprint towards the man he's been following.

The woods turned silent again.

However, that silence would not last for long, as the screams of a woman can now be heard in front of Luci, reverberating throughout the woods.

That was the last straw for him.

All this time he had been enhancing his hearing to be able to quickly discern where the remaining survivors could be. And in doing so, his ears has been violated by the sounds of non stop screaming all morning.

Though known to be very careful and calculated, even he still had his limits.

'This is getting annoying right now', Luci sighs inwardly, now getting rid of his enhanced hearing.

He then quickens his pace a bit, but not too much so that the other vampire does not figure out his location.

Luci jumps high into the air, the wind brushing itself onto him quickly, but calmly.

Luci lands on top of a tree branch, about thirteen meters high up. The trees in these woods were indeed very massive.

He then crouches down onto the branch, keeping a low profile, he stalks the two figures he sees on the ground.

One was a woman, leaning on one of the trees on her back. The left side of her dark hair has now been tainted by the red of blood, flowing down the sides of head, and falling to the roots of the tree she is leaning on. The woman has both eyes and mouth wide open, as she looks in horror, towards the sight of the creature slwoly making its way towards her.

Its bones extended to the outside of its body, covering most of it. Yet despite that, the extremely large muscles on its biceps and legs really stand out. It's facial bones has also extended outside of its face, as though begging to be freed from it.

The creature was staring at the woman with fury, its eyes, almost being covered by the bones surrounding the outside of its face, burns a brighter red than even the blood trickling down the woman's head.

"No, please!", the woman pleads to the creature, speaking slowly now, the tiredness and stress from her entire being now being fully evident.

" I don't even believe in them! Those angels are frauds! I was just following orders! I swear!", the woman kept begging, desperation and fear now taking control of her body.

The creature doesn't seem to care even a tiny bit. One look at its shape, and any normal person would immediately think that this thing is not capable of feeling mercy, or anything slightly good in general.

"KRRRRRRHHHHH", the creature let's out a logn growl at the woman, accentuating its massive fangs, sharp enough to cut through the toughest of metals.

The woman then sobs weakly. Its obvious at this point that she has lost all hope if living.

Just after that, the creature lunges towards the woman, its big and long arms stretched towards her as she closes her eyes.

Then suddenly...


The sound of bone crunching was heard in the area.

The woman then opens her eyes immediately after hearing the sound.

To her surprise, she was fine. And more than that, she was saved.

She glances up despite the pain searing deep into her brain.

A dark-robed figure now stood in front of her.

The figure was slightly bent down, his right arm stretched out, making a fist, with his upper body turned to the left.

It looked like he had just punched something.

And it did seem like it.

The woman turns her head to the left, and is even more surprised to see the creature rolling to a tree several meters away.

Shocked, she closed her eyes and opened it again, trying to see whether she was dreaming or not.

But no, this was very real. She was alive. She had been saved once again.

Tears continued to flow out of her eyes, this time, not because of fear or hopelessness, but because of the opposite.

She had never been so happy in her life.

The figure in black turns around and meets her gaze.

'A human?', she asks herself.

She stared at the man in front of her.

Brown skin, black hair, round face, dark eyes, analyzing his features, she tried to confirm if this man in front of her was actually a human.

She almost questioned how it would have been possible for a man to have done such a feat like what she just saw. But after having convinced herself that she was done for, and being wrong, she latched onto this newfound hope of hers. Whoever this man was didn't matter.

He saved her life. And that's all she could think of.

She gives the man a weak smile, her eyes now slowly closing. Still, she tried to fight the feeling of sleepiness.

"Rest for now", the man says to her, both of them still staring into each other's eyes. His voice deep. His tone cold.

The woman felt like she was being given orders, but she didn't care at all.

" Yeah...I'd like to have some of that.", she says softly, as she began to doze off.

We saving cus we good fr

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