
A peaceful journey(7)

(Author: The chapter is over three thousand words, so the next chapter will be next Saturday.)


"Such a shitty situation..."

The rain continued to fall relentlessly on Mark's face, the cold penetrating down to his bones, mixing with the burning pain in his already wounded hands. The skin on his fingers was torn, and his nails were chipped and worn from the friction against the slippery rock. Every breath he managed to take was a wheeze of suffering as he struggled to maintain balance on the narrow ledge. The wind howled through the rocky cliffs, carrying the chill and the roar of the pounding rain, echoing around them like distant thunder.

Looking down, Mark saw Zoe, still unconscious, dangling dangerously below him, held firmly only by his grip. Her face was pale, her wet hair clinging to her forehead, and the blood flowing from her wound mixed with the rain. The sight of his unconscious companion stirred a storm of conflicting emotions within him. Mark's mind flashed back to that damned day, and the sense of helplessness consumed him.

'I can't keep going like this.' -Mark thought, gritting his teeth.

"What do you suggest, go up or down?" - Mark asked the Guide in a hoarse voice, as a flash of lightning split the sky, illuminating for an instant the abyss below them.

When he looked down, he saw nothing but endless darkness, while above, he could barely make out the surface, distant and nearly unreachable in those conditions.

[Descending would naturally be easier, but there are two unknowns: how deep it is and what kind of monsters live there. I recommend climbing up.]

"It's not that simple, you know..." - Mark replied wearily, feeling the effects of 'overload.'

Even though his strength had increased, the idea of climbing a rock face, made slippery by the rain, with an unconscious person with him, an injured hand, and pieces of rock breaking off and falling seemed almost suicidal.

[Just a bit higher, I saw a recess in the rock. You could use it to wait for the rain to calm down or for the girl to recover.]

Mark quickly assessed the Guide's words, his gaze flicking between the darkness below them and the cliff above. He had no other options. With a grunt of effort, he pulled Zoe more securely onto his back, adjusting her body to keep her from slipping. He could feel her dead weight pressing on his shoulders, but the will to not let her fall overcame any fatigue.

"Alright, then let's go…"

With extreme caution, he began to climb the rock face. Every muscle in his body was tense, his arms trembling from the effort, as his fingers searched for holds that were increasingly harder to find. Each time a rock gave way, Mark's heart skipped a beat, but he kept pushing, inch by inch, towards the recess the Guide had pointed out.

The rain didn't relent, but finally, after what seemed like an eternity of effort, Mark managed to grasp the edge of the recess. With one last desperate effort, he hoisted both himself and Zoe inside, collapsing exhausted onto the rocky floor. His breathing was labored, every fiber of his body screaming in pain and exhaustion, but he had made it.

Once he made sure Zoe was in a safe position, Mark collapsed to the ground for a moment, his arms and legs throbbing from the strain, and the cold seemed to have penetrated his bones. The sound of the rain continued relentlessly outside the cave, creating a hammering rhythm that echoed in his ears. Even though he was safe for the moment, the tension didn't leave him.

'Please let this place hold.'

There was still too much distance to the surface, and he doubted he could climb it in his current state.

With the situation somewhat stabilized, Mark approached Zoe to check on her. He could see a cut on her forehead where blood was still trickling out, so he tore a piece of his shirt to wrap around her head, but there was a problem.

"It's freezing."

Even he was starting to feel the cold, and he could see how quickly Zoe's temperature was dropping, judging by the purple tint on her lips.

The main problem lay in their wet clothes, which caused their bodies to lose heat more rapidly. In moments like these, they had to remove the wet clothes, stay close to each other, and remain in a fetal position. The problem was that being half-naked with someone who wasn't Selene filled Mark with a sense of betrayal and guilt.

[You don't have many alternatives. If you leave her like this, I doubt she'll survive the night, though you really don't have a reason to save her.] - The Guide said with cold rationality.

"Seriously..." - Mark massaged his forehead.

Sometimes he forgot that the Guide lacked empathy, but this time it was too much. It was true that he had promised himself he would do whatever it took to reach his goal, but that didn't mean he would let innocent people die. Besides, he had gotten to know Zoe and had become friends with her; he could never abandon her. Otherwise, he wasn't sure he could ever face Astrea.


Mark crouched next to Zoe, his heart heavy as the rain continued to pound outside the cave. The cold was unbearable, and piercing, and he knew he had no other choice. His body trembled as he prepared to do what needed to be done, but the discomfort was tangible, mixed with a sense of guilt that gnawed at his soul.

He bent down, starting to remove Zoe's boots. His hands, cold and unsure, slipped over her skin as he removed her wet clothes. Every movement felt too intimate, too loaded with a tension he couldn't ignore. When he pulled off her tunic, the damp fabric left a slight shiver on her skin, while the cold outside caused her muscles to contract in small tremors.

'This is just to save her… just to save her.' -He repeated to himself, but every gesture made him grit his teeth. As he removed the last of her clothes, he paused for a moment, feeling the residual warmth of her skin against his hand.

Breathing deeply, Mark took off his wet clothes, feeling the cold air hit him like a lash. Curling up next to Zoe, his body pressed against hers, trying to transfer what little heat he could. Her skin was cold to the touch, and he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close to his chest. He could feel every curve of her body against his own, an awareness that made him hold his breath.

His mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn't shake the memory of Selene, but he desperately tried to focus on the current situation. Zoe was there, defenseless, and needed his warmth to survive. He curled up tighter against her, feeling Zoe's faint breaths against his neck.

'Let this end quickly...'

With that thought, he began to focus on growing his inner ring.


'This is...'

Zoe, lost in the darkness of her mind, found herself in a strange place. It seemed like a small park, but there was something surreal about the environment. Tall glass buildings rose majestically around her, while metal carriages moved on their own along unfamiliar roads. The people walking around wore clothes she had never seen as if they belonged to another world. There was a sense of familiarity, but at the same time, everything was distorted by dark patches that made it hard to grasp the details.

'Am I dreaming... again?' -Zoe thought.

She wasn't fully aware. It was as if one part of her was fighting to stay awake, to observe what was happening, while another part was sinking into sleep.

She was sitting on a swing, swaying back and forth, and to her surprise, she could feel the wind ruffling her hair, caressing her face with a tenderness that felt so real.

"This time I'll beat you! I'll jump so far I'll clear the fence!" - She exclaimed, with a voice she didn't recognize but came from her.

It was high-pitched, joyful, typical of a child, and she realized she was speaking to another child next to her, whose face, however, was covered by a strange dark blotch.

"But you never beat me at swing-jumping." - The boy said, laughing.

"Today's different!" - The tone that came from Zoe's mouth was full of challenge, but accompanied by an explosion of childish laughter.

The swing kept going higher and higher. The wind on her face, the speed, and the freedom of movement made her feel light as if she could fly away from everything. Then, at the height of the swing, Zoe jumped. She felt adrenaline burst inside her as she soared through the air, landing gracefully much further ahead than usual.

"Look, I did it!" - She said triumphantly, turning with a bright smile toward the boy, but his face remained shrouded in shadow.

"Your turn."

The boy sighed and, like her, began to swing higher and higher, then jumped and landed much further than Zoe.

"I won." - The boy cheered.

"...I'm not playing with you anymore." - Zoe's child self grumbled, crossing her arms.

The boy laughed again, a sound that echoed in the air like a melody. Despite her pouting, Zoe couldn't stay angry for long. Soon after, the two were walking hand in hand, as if the competition had never happened.

'Is this just a dream?' -Zoe began to wonder.

Inside her, there was a hope that this was a memory, though she didn't have much expectation.

The two children approached two women and ran excitedly toward them.

"Mummy!" (x2)


That word awakened something deep within Zoe's heart. For her, Astrea had always been her only mother, but there were times when she wondered who her real family had been. What had happened to them? Why had they abandoned her?

That name awakened something deep in Zoe's heart. To her, Astrea had always been her only mother, but there were times when she wondered who her family had truly been. What had she done to be abandoned? Why had she been left in the forest? That thought hit her with the force of a fist. 

With her heart in her mouth, Zoe expected that mother to ignore her. But instead, the female figure lifted her into the air, cuddling her with infinite sweetness. The feeling of warmth and safety enveloped her completely. 

"Here's my little S##en#, did you have fun with ###k?" 

Her voice was intermittent, not allowing Zoe to understand what exactly she was saying, but as with Astrea, she could feel endless amounts of motherly affection coming from her. 

As Zoe abandoned herself to this feeling of peace, the figure of her mother began to fade. The details of the buildings and metal carriages became indistinct and confusing. The children's laughter and games faded, and the park dissolved into a sea of ​​shadows and distant sounds. 

'W-Wait, don't end up like this!' 

The last images she saw were of her mother smiling at her affectionately, but soon that memory too faded into darkness.


Zoe woke up, but she was still in a state of confusion. Her head throbbed slightly, and the memories of the dream faded as if they belonged to another life. All she could feel was the cold biting her skin, penetrating deep into her bones. Instinctively, she clung to the source of warmth beside her, seeking comfort.

The sensation was strangely familiar and reassuring. Every time she got closer, she felt that warmth slip away as if it was trying to distance itself from her. This made her tense up, but her tired and numb body acted before her mind could. Without thinking, she pressed herself harder against the figure next to her, trying to hold onto that pleasant feeling.

The warmth was too precious to let go, so Zoe's arms moved on their own, wrapping protectively, almost possessively, around the figure. She could hear a voice calling her, and the source of the warmth stirred, but she didn't loosen her grip.

"For heaven's sake, Zoe, wake up!"

Only gradually, as her senses came into focus, did Zoe begin to realize something was wrong. The hardness of the chest she was resting against, the feel of strong, muscular arms under her hands, the texture of the skin... these weren't the kind of familiar warmth you'd expect from a blanket or an inanimate object.

Zoe suddenly opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the hardness of the chest she was curled up against, warm and solid, very different from the cold outside that had seemed to envelop her until that moment. She heard the steady beat of a heart, a constant sound that reassured her, but at the same time, her mind started processing what was happening.

Her breath caught for a moment. She looked down and saw her hands wrapped around a male figure, the warmth clearly coming from him. The body she was clinging to was none other than Mark's. The cold seemed to have vanished, replaced by a growing awareness of what she was doing.


Zoe's mind was in chaos, realizing the situation she was in, and before she could say anything more, Mark quickly pulled away from her and turned his back, without looking at her for a second.

"I know you're confused, but let me explain. You had passed out and were on the verge of hypothermia. I just want you to know that nothing improper happened." - Mark explained.

Zoe, still overwhelmed by the confusion of what was happening, suddenly sat up, remembering the events before she had passed out.

"My mother! Tell me she's okay!" - Zoe pleaded.

"I'm not 100 percent sure, but she likely is. When we fell, there were no more monsters, and the barrier you raised will protect them."

"Wait, fell?" - Zoe asked, confused.

"You were about to fall off the cliff when I grabbed you, well, in the end, we fell together." - Mark said wryly.

"So... how are we alive?" - Zoe asked, strangely.

Mark raised his injured hand and simply said, - "Let's just say that hands aren't the ideal tool to stop a fall. The fact is, we survived, and I managed to carry you to this hollow in the cliff."

Zoe immediately felt guilty for the trouble Mark had gone through when he pointed out something that had slipped her mind.

"Anyway... not to be awkward, but... could you put your clothes back on?" - Mark said stiffly, still turned away.

When Zoe looked down, she realized she was naked, and after a small sharp cry, she crouched and quickly grabbed her clothes.

"D-Did you see?" - She asked, embarrassed.

In that situation, she knew it was necessary, but that didn't mean she wasn't embarrassed.

"There's no need to worry about that. I made sure not to look... though I did have to touch something." - Mark's tone grew lower.

"You could've avoided saying that!" - Zoe said, embarrassed.

"Haaa, it wouldn't be fair to you, don't you think?"

Mark's tone made Zoe want to bury herself, and she quickly started putting her clothes on, throwing occasional glances at him. He was also without clothes, wearing only underwear. Unconsciously, her gaze slid over his muscular body, and remembering its hardness and warmth made Zoe blush once again.

"D-Done..." - Zoe whispered.

"...You should turn around now." -Said Mark.

"O-Oh, r-right."

When Mark turned around, he could see Zoe's back, and when he noticed her red ears, a deep sigh escaped his lips.

Quickly, he also got dressed, and the two stood facing each other in an awkward silence, where Zoe couldn't even maintain eye contact.

"So... how's your head?" - Mark said, trying to break the atmosphere.


To Mark's surprise, Zoe's bracelet transformed into her spear, and after saying "heal," the wound on her head disappeared.

"You know healing magic?" - Mark asked, surprised.

"...It only works on me... sorry..."


Silence fell between the two again, when something came to Mark's mind, although it would've been better if he had stayed quiet.

"I didn't think you were the type to hug things while sleeping, I mean... yeah! It's adorable."

Zoe seemed to freeze for a moment, then turned toward him, almost on the verge of tears.

"Couldn't you have said something else!?"


"...Do you think if I hit my head hard against a rock, I could forget what happened today?"

"Don't do it, you'd only risk a concussion."

"...Too bad."

After a few more strange exchanges, and with Mark trying to prevent Zoe from doing anything odd, it was time for them to climb up.

"The climb back to the surface should now be-"

"Rock stairs."

Mark was interrupted by Zoe's magic, and under Mark's expressionless gaze, a spiral staircase began to form, leading to the surface.

'Just out of curiosity, this isn't normal, right?'


'Thought so...'

Still shocked, Mark started climbing the stairs, followed closely by Zoe. Both were silent, with only the echo of their footsteps and the wind, when Mark felt his sleeve being tugged.

"Thank you... for saving me, sorry I didn't say it earlier." - Zoe said, looking away.

At the scene, Mark smiled. He could understand Zoe's embarrassment since for girls it was a much more personal matter. For him, it was just enough that she was okay.

"There's no need, after all, wouldn't you have done the same?" - Mark joked, but to his surprise, Zoe reacted much more strongly than he expected.

"Of course I would!" - Zoe said firmly, looking him straight in the eyes and squeezing his hand.

Seeing Mark's expression, Zoe quickly let go of his hand, but to her surprise, shortly after, she saw him smile so genuinely that it caught her off guard.

"Thanks. Now let's go up, your mother must be worried sick." - Mark said, ruffling her hair.


Perhaps it was due to the earlier embarrassment, but Zoe could swear her heart was beating much faster.