
Destiny's Observer

Leo is a 33-year-old office worker who has been plagued by recurring nightmares for the past month. In these nightmares, he witnesses the enigmatic world of Elysium through the eyes of a young orphan cultivator, shunned by society. However, Leo's life takes an unexpected turn when he dies on Earth and reincarnates as the very same boy he had been seeing in his nightmares, thanks to a mysterious oracle system. Equipped with the power to predict the causes of events that shape destiny, Leo embarks on a journey within the world of Elysium. He uses the oracle system's predictive abilities akin to a skilled gambler, seeking to uncover the underlying causes behind the events unfolding around him. With each successful prediction, Leo grows more powerful, harnessing the system's assistance to identify the factors responsible for reshaping the fate of cultivators and other influential figures. As Leo observes the triumphs and downfalls of the inhabitants of Elysium, he maintains a detached mindset, refraining from interfering in their affairs. His sole focus is on survival and leading a cautious, steady life, steering clear of the tumultuous struggles that grip Elysium. Despite witnessing the grandeur and the tragic consequences of the world he now inhabits, Leo remains distant and indifferent, harboring a resolve to navigate this unfamiliar realm without being drawn into its conflicts.

WriterOfEnd · Eastern
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30 Chs

Examining The System Features

Leo gazed at the screen before him, which clearly displayed his identity and attributes. Intrigued, he began to examine each detail closely. As he perused the information, he came across a column labelled "lifespan," indicating that he had a life expectancy of 80 years.

Leo requested the system to explain the meaning behind this value.

[ Life span is acquired after every breakthrough, following the attainment of the first realm of Qi condensation. The host gained a life span worth 80 years. ]

Leo's attention shifted to the talent column. However, upon discovering that his talent was rated as a mere 10 out of 100, he couldn't help but feel disheartened. 'I had no idea this body possessed such a poor cultivation talent' he thought to himself. Seeking to understand the meaning and implications of his low talent value, he asked the system, "What does the talent value signify, and what effects does it have?" Leo hoped that this would shed some light on the matter and help him make sense of his current predicament.

[ Talent indicates the maximum percentage of Qi that a person can absorb from the air into their body while cultivating. ]

Leo thought to himself, 'I had hoped for a different explanation, but as I feared, my cultivation will be much slower.' He then shifted his attention to the spiritual root column and was surprised to find that it did not indicate that he had no spiritual root at all, but rather that he possessed a mortal spiritual root. Curious about this designation, Leo asked the system, "I thought I didn't have any spiritual root, so what does this 'mortal' description mean?"

[ The term mortal in the spiritual root column refers to the grade of one's spiritual root. If only the grade is written, it indicates that the spiritual root is common. However, if the name of the spiritual root is also written alongside its grade, it suggests that one has a specialized spiritual root ]

Leo contemplated the explanation he had received and realized that he had a mortal-grade spiritual root. As he pondered over this, he looked back at his talent value and couldn't help but think that he had been dealt a poor hand. He then grew curious and decided to ask the system, "Is there any correlation between one's talent and spiritual root?"

[ Yes and no. For a better explanation, please look to the chart below ]


Mortal grade talent: 0-10 → Mortal grade spiritual root

Earth grade talent: 11-30 → Earth grade spiritual root

Heaven grade talent: 31-50 → Heaven grade spiritual root

Divine grade talent: 51-70 → Divine grade spiritual root

Saint grade talent: 71-89 → Saint grade spiritual root

Immortal grade talent: 90-100 → Immortal grade spiritual root


[ In general, a person's talent corresponds to their spiritual grade root. However, in some cases, an individual may possess a higher spiritual root than their level of talent, but the reverse is not possible. This implies that one's innate spiritual capacity is fixed and cannot be changed, but one's talent can be improved through other things ]

After examining the chart and understanding how it worked, Leo realized, 'So that means I can improve my talent but cannot change my spiritual root.' He then asked, "What is the meaning of spiritual root, and what are the benefits of having a superior-grade spiritual root?"

[ One's spiritual roots can determine their affinity for different types of Qi, and the grade of their spiritual root indicates the extent of their affinity. ]

Leo then asked, "Can people use different affinities of Qi from their spiritual root?" He received the answer that they can, but they cannot expect to have high affinities. Leo thought to himself, 'At least I can use all kinds of Qi, even though I have a mortal-grade spiritual root.'

Upon examining his cultivation level and technique, Leo had a sudden realization: "The basic cultivation manual that Young Leo have must have been given to him by the sect when he first joined as a servant." The Heavenly Immortal Sect was known to be one of the most prestigious sects in the East Continent, alongside the Divine Phoenix Sect. They had a strict policy where individuals could work as servants for five years while trying to cultivate. If they failed to reach the required level within that time, they would be expelled from the sect. This policy ensured that only the most dedicated and skilled individuals were admitted to the sect.

However, the recruitment of servants was a sham, as most of the people who worked as servants were mortals with no spiritual root. The Heavenly Immortal Sect did not usually recruit mortals as official members, but they needed free labor, so they began recruiting them. They offered a cultivation technique and a time frame to these individuals, promising them that if they could achieve cultivation while serving as a servant, they would become official members.

Despite this flawed recruitment strategy, Young Leo managed to become an official member and an outer sect disciple. However, due to his previous status as a servant, he was subjected to poor treatment in the sect.

Upon seeing the Martial Arts Techniques column, Leo realized that he possessed a basic sword art manual, which Young Leo had likely chosen as his technique when he joined the sect as a servant and was given the opportunity to select a martial technique from the available options.

Leo turned his attention to the attributes panel, which displayed his basic characteristics. All the attributes, except intelligence, were at two, which made him uneasy. His OCD tendencies made it difficult for him to accept anything out of order, and the high intelligence value stood out like a sore thumb.

Trying to distract himself, Leo asked, "System, I can understand all the attributes except intelligence. What does it indicate, and most importantly, why is its value not two like the others?"

[ All of the attributes are physical values related to the host's body. Intelligence indicates a person's ability to comprehend information quickly and effectively. The typical range for intelligence is between 0 - 10, and it is a person's intelligence and comprehension speed cannot be improved ]

Upon hearing the system's response, Leo thought, 'So, if I compare myself to ordinary people while mastering a technique, I will be three times faster than them.' Leo asked, feeling a little puzzled, "So, you're saying I cannot improve my physical attributes like doing workouts or exercises?"

[ The host can improve their own attributes themselves like any other person in this world by mastering different kinds of techniques. However, they cannot maximize all their attributes before reaching the next level of cultivation and waste all the potential that each realm gives. Additionally, people cannot improve their intelligence. However, with the help of the system, the host can improve their attributes to their maximum potential without needing to master any physical technique. ]