
Chapter Six

" I'm scared Katy" Nessa's hazel eyes stared back at me as a tear slipped from them.


This couldn't be happening!

I tried to get to her but a heavy platform pinned me to the ground. The building had probably exploded that's why everything was out of its place.


Maybe we could get help.

I mastered all the strength I had and called out to whoever it was for help.

As the footsteps approached Nessa's fright heightened as she mouthed to me ..

' I love you '

Then a gunshot was fired.



A powerful sting on my cheek brought me back to the present as I scanned what seemed like a dark room. I could tell I was hurt by the throbbing headache I was having.

My cheek was connected with a fist in yet another blow as this time the bitter taste of blood filled my mouth.

" Enough! She's awake!"I heard a voice from beside me, not just any voice...


"So you are the famous Katarina Petrova" the guy said to me ignoring Trevor's comment.

He lifted my head enough to see his smug expression before punching me again.

Oh you gotta be kidding me!

" You weren't ordered to kill her bastard!" Trevor sounded pissed as he addressed the moron and the guy turned his attention to him.

" Well if you weren't so bad at being your father's son we wouldn't be in this situation!" He spat.

I took advantage of their argument to undo the ropes. How stupid was this guy!

"Don't get so ahead of yourself. I'm still your boss and I could easily kill you." Trevor said with a devilish grin and I hit the guy with my chair which wasn't so lucky as it broke due to the force I used.

Trevor looked up to me impressed as he undid his own ropes not once breaking eye contact.

Show off!

" Good news I know where we are." He told me without any excitement.

" And the bad news?"

" Where we are is the problem. Can you handle yourself?"

I scoffed walking ahead of him and he grabbed my wrist pulling me to him.

" Taurus, this is not some game you can play in your head and go to the next level. I need you to assure me you will not get distracted and your number one priority is to stay alive." He said barely a whisper and I could tell he was genuinely worried, so against my bitch culture I gave him a Curt nod and proceeded across the hallway and up some stairs.

I entered an elegantly furnished room that looked more of an office which pointed out that this must be the study of the house we were in.

We heard voices from the other side and Trevor put his finger on his perfectly curved lips motioning for me to be quiet.

He walked over to a drawer which seemed to be filled with keys and rumaged through it.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and signalled Trevor to stop looking for whatever he was looking for as we both stood behind the door awaiting for what was coming.

A man who was as well built as Trevor but way older and in a tan suit strolled right through and

locked eyes with me making me notice his darker sapphire eyes before moving his gaze to Trevor and closing the doors behind him casually.

I noticed a change in mood in Trevor's features , a little anxiety , sadness , anger but not fear, he never seemed to be scared. This look almost seemed like what I had when my mother was murdered, almost seemed like .....hate.

" You just keep on disobeying me , don't you?" The man roared as he walked over and poured himself a drink which I assumed to be alcohol.

" I told you she had nothing to do with this." Trevor said to him in a strained voice, like he was preventing himself from sounding rude.

Then I put the pieces together. This guy who seemed to be somehow related to Trevor is who beat him up or at least send someone to beat him up and he must have been watching him cause we talked for barely a minute and here we were kidnapped.

" How do you feel watching your girl paying for your mistakes?!" The man said arrogantly referring to my bruised face. I'm sure u didn't look that bad though but Trevor seemed like whatever was happening went beyond this day and this man was trying so hard to make it worse. Someone had to put him in his face.

" Hold up there junkie ! Your very Coward boytoy hit me while I was barely conscious so that doesn't give him a bonus. You want me to pay for his mistakes? Go ahead... let's do this a fair fight, you and me ,here , now, or you can't hit a girl?" I laced that last part with sarcasm as I took my mark wiping the arrogance out of the man's features.

"Your as daring as your father Petrova but I don't have time for your heart felt love drama. Lock her up." The man said looking straight at us and two men walked in grabbing me.

"Can I at least say goodbye?" Trevor asked the man and he waved him off.

He embraced me sending chills up my spine as I inhaled his scent. His eyes locked with mine and I could see his apology in his eyes then he kissed me.

It wasn't passionate, it wasn't needy, it was a message and I wasn't sure I got it. He passed me a key with his tongue then broke the kiss.

" Don't fight Taurus, run." He whispered before he let go and walked away.

The men dragged me to a different part of where we were locked up and threw me in.

" I would enjoy slitting your throat pretty face." One of the men said as the other locked the door.

I sat at a corner of the room trying to register all that had happened. The man mentioned my father meaning he knows him. But how? Was he involved in my mother's murder? Then Trevor subtly asked me not to fight. I took the key out of my mouth and stared at it.

Holy shit!

They were going to kill me!