
Chapter seven

The wind in the room had become colder alerting me it was nightfall.

Well, it was now or never!

I crept to the door and listened;

It was quiet.

They left me alone! Oh Goodie..

Although it did hurt that they did not think that I could escape.

I slipped the key in the lock and it opened swiftly. Thank the heavens this doors weren't those that alerted every living breathing thing when you touched them .

I retraced my steps from earlier in the day and landed back in that office.

Oh no!

I walked to the doors and it was quiet. Instinctively I pushed the doors but they didn't open.

Well , ok.

I put in the key I had and whispered to karma, please don't let me down.

It clicked! Yipeee!

Going on all fours I crawled to the wall in front of me peeping into the room. I saw a maid cleaning the living room and I removed a breath of relief.

This could either go well or really badly.

I continued crawling hoping not to draw her attention as I headed for the door.

" Senorita?" She called out concerned as I turned to her and pleaded with my eyes for her to be quiet.

She nodded and offered her help but I rejected it. I didn't want her to be in trouble.

I reached the main door or at least the one I hopped to be the main door and retried my key.

It clicked!

The smart son of a **** gave me a master key!

It shouldn't be that easy, my mind reminded me as I stood at the door staring at the gate. Deep down I also knew it had been a bit too easy and I was scared to walk out.

What if they had dogs just waiting for me to come to the open?

Shut up!

I crossed my fingers and stepped outside.


I steadily walked towards the stairs.

Ok Katherine, you just have to make it down the stairs and to the gate. It should be as easy as one two three, right?

I stepped down the first stair carefully then down the second.

Maybe I would actually make it.

I went through the rest with ease and as I finally removed my foot from the last step the lights turned on blinding me and an alarm went off.

Oh shit!

I ran for the gate as two men appeared in front of it preventing me from passing.

Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned forcefully twisting his arm as I used my leg to aim for his face which was unguarded. He fell writhing in pain but I knew that wouldn't keep him down for long.

I elbowed the guy I sensed behind me as I turned and my fist connected with his jaw. He had strong bones I'll give him that then I kicked him right in the crotch making him join the other one on the ground.

Other men had come and they surrounded me not moving. Just ready to fight.

Were they blind?

" Well ,well, well , aren't you a charmer?" The man from earlier appeared from behind them.

" I try my best to be on my best behavior." I spat icely looking straight at him.

" You just refuse to die don't you." He asked casually.

" Let's just say I haven't finished my mission here on this earth."

He hit me with the back of his hand landing me on the ground.

What the actual hell ! Was he even human?!

He kicked me and was about to do it again but I forcefully staved him with the key giving myself time to stand up.

" You little.." I interrupted him by giving him and uppercut which threw him a bit off balance.

"Marcus! Enough!" I heard a feminine voice cut through.

The man looked at who seemed to be his wife angrily and returned his gaze on me.

She walked over to him holding his arm which he openly didn't appreciate."I don't get how you feel thrilled hurting such an innocent girl but you're not going to continue being the monster you are to our son. Game over!" She whisper yelled at him and stared at me apologetically.

" Kneel !" He directed his command at me and I raised my brow.

The woman nodded curtly and I just couldn't believe this . Who did he think he was?!

I did as instructed very half heartedly in case that wasn't obvious and I stared at the man with venom. He was so gonna pay for this.

" This isn't helping mom." I heard Trevor's voice interfer. Mom?!

Turning my head to his direction I noticed Liam , Ernest and Ambrose then a little further Miranda, Malesi and Melissa.

What was happening?

" You take your duties very lightly boy!" The man who I now assumed to be his father spat at him as Trevor came closer to me.

His mother shook her head slowly informing her son to just let it go but he was either playing hero or he failed to notice it.

" The organization never mentioned that we were supposed to handle things the way you carelessly handle them !" Trevor spoke back to his father.

You will have to be blind to not notice his father's flaring nostrils. That hit a nerve!

" I did not make it this far in life by following the rules!"

" Maybe people would respect you rather than fear you if you actually had followed the rules."

" Respect belongs in a family, I lead an empire! Differentiate the two!"

" Well I see nothing to respect!"

" Trevor!" His mother shrieked suggesting he had crossed a line.

His father walked to us roughly hitting Trevor and pulling me aside. He threw a gun at him and signalled for everyone to step back.

" You see , I'm Marcus Kingston one of the shareholders of the quadrant which controls every organization fit to be called a mafia and power like that isn't easily abused in case you all failed to learn that in your time here with me. I'm glad you kids are here actually as leadership will soon be handed to Trevor and you are his council. Today you learn to respect both him and I !" He said proudly as he walked up to me.

" Your father would have been proud of you actually and in different circumstances maybe you would have joined Trevor's council become his wife even. The fault in you is in your name, my gates are not open to a Petrova!" He pulled at my hair making me to fall back.

" Trevor! I'm giving you one chance to end her life or I'll tear her off limb by limb to remind you what your name stands for then feed her to the dogs."

" Don't do this to him." His wife pleaded.

" Shut up Clair! This isn't the first time he is killing!"

I got back to my kneeling position as I stared at my friend's, if we had become that by now.

They were scared to the bone. I could tell by looking at them . It's like they didn't believe this was happening.

Trevor picked up the gun and aimed it to my heart. I was confused. A sure shot is aimed at the head.

That's it!

" Take care of Nessa, she didn't ask for this life ." I muttered low enough for only him to hear.

His eyes searched my approval and I nodded.

Then I heard the gunshot and my head hit the ground.

I couldn't feel my torso but I could feel the blood accumulate in my mouth.

I spit it out strainfully then I felt all my strength leave me as my muscles relaxed.

I hope I see my mother.
