
Destiny's call

I was just any other normal person with little to no success in life even though I am good at what I do success just seems out of reach, well it was, until I met a stranger in a bar, more like he met me anyway is it me or does it seem like this stranger know everything about me? Everything he said is happening but how did he know……

DJK805 · Realistic
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29 Chs


"Tonight, Mike. I'm so excited."

Now I was, too. I gave her a tight hug, loving how she fit against me, the top of her head under my chin.

The rest of the afternoon and evening couldn't pass fast enough. Amelia was her usual self, but to me, she was ever more sexy, her bare legs long, her small feet cute, toenails painted sky blue to match her short shorts.

Her cotton top draped suggestively hinting at the delicate mounds of her breasts, and, in a moment of weakness, I cupped one in passing just to check. Amelia laughed brightly and twisted away. Yup. No bra. That only enhanced my desire; they were so firm they hardly moved when she did.

By eight-thirty, I was fidgeting on the couch. Light rain had arrived, enough to tease a parched Los Angeles, but not sate its voracious thirst. It was still light outside. I couldn't wait.

Standing, I grabbed Amelia's hand and pulled her up off the couch. "We're going to bed. Now," I insisted firmly.

Amelia laughed brightly. "Okay." She stood, eyes glistening with amusement. Clearly, she liked being desired.

Waiting in bed, I was partially erect. Amelia had tugged her hand out of mine and disappeared into her room. I was excited and impatient. Rufus trotted into the bedroom, heralding Amelia's arrival, and jumped onto the foot of the bed, tail wagging as he grinned at me, tongue hanging. He chuffed at me. Maybe he was talking, telling me what a lucky bastard I was.

"You're right. I am."

"You're what?" Amelia asked, walking in.

She was gorgeous. She'd put on a pale pink, cotton camisole that hugged her body tight, ending just below her navel. Small matching panties emphasized her slenderness and narrow hips.

Elastic dug deep forming a tight fit against the sexy swell of her pubis, a lush pad. A small fold of cotton hinted at her cleft, and the gap between her thighs showcased the sensual roundness of her vulva.

"You're what?" she repeated, slipping into bed.

Studying her pretty face, full lips, cute nose, and dark, smoky gray eyes, I smiled. "A lucky bastard."

Amelia smiled with pleasure. "You are," she assured me, and then added, "Does that make me a lucky bastard, too?"

Surprised, I answered, "I don't think so. Bastard is used for males."

"No it isn't. It's a name for illegitimate children, boy or girl." She grinned. "See? I learn stuff in school."

Chuckling, I drew her to me, both on our sides. "So I can expect better grades next year?"

Her arm sneaked around me, body pressing against me. "Maaaybe," she said softly. Her eyes seemed to darken. She gently rubbed the tip of her nose against mine. "Eskimo kisses," she whispered.

My heart swelled. Could she be any cuter? How did I get so lucky?

Our lips touched, a light, teasing brush, her mouth soft, her breath wafting against me. My nose picked up her intoxicating scent. Amelia's magical eyes twinkled, then closed slowly. Her tongue teased my closed mouth.

Tongues touched in a caress, and then Amelia opened her mouth with a moan and I drowned, erection surging. I adored her kisses; powerful, sensual, exciting.

It was so arousing to slip my hand inside her little panties and touch her bare bottom; such perfectly shaped buttocks forming a sensual valley, her buttock fitting my hand perfectly, sweet and sexy.

Amelia's kiss intensified. Her knee pushed between my legs and rose to press against my testicles, sending a pulse of desire through me.

I eased the back of her panties down to expose her butt just as she slipped her hand between us, fishing inside my boxers to find my erection, gripping it, squeezing it, assessing her ability to turn me on. God she did, like no one else on earth.

I caressed her gorgeous buttocks, my hand searching, following the valley between her cheeks until I touched her intimately; silky soft pubic hairs at first, then warmth, soft labia. Heart beating, I probed. Labia hugged my fingertip. Moisture. Heat.

Amelia squeezed my erection hard. The kiss broke. Smoky eyes opened and stared. She curled her bottom back and the tip of my finger slipped deep, pressing against the entrance to her vagina. My cock surged in her hand.

Amelia smiled at my response and rubbed the tip of my erection with her thumb. Precum leaked. This was so erotic, so sexy. But too fast.

Withdrawing my hand, I kissed her again, another mind-fogging kiss, desire rolling in like an avalanche, sweeping over me, disorienting. Slowing down was becoming a Herculean task.

Breaking the kiss, I inhaled deeply.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked quietly.

I tried to explain the tumult she brought out in me. "When I kiss you, I drown. All I think about is wanting you now, immediately."

Her finger touched my lips again. "So?"

Combing her shorn, feathery dark hair back behind her ear, I said, "This is our first time. I need to cherish it like a fine wine, like a great movie; for it to be something we'll remember forever. I don't want to rush it and diminish it."

She eyes were locked on mine. I kissed her lips lightly, and continued. "When you kiss me, I come dangerously close to losing control."

A smile emerged, her eyes bright with ... with delight, even pride. "So I'm the best kisser you've ever had?"


"Lucky for you," she observed, eyes twinkling. "I'm the last kisser you'll ever have."

I chuckled. "Lucky me, then."

She laughed softly. "Uh-huh. Maybe, if you stop kissing me it will help you keep control?"

"Never." I kissed her smile. Amelia pressed her mouth against mine, expressing longing and desire. She almost purred, and opened her mouth to me, emptying my brain.

She pressed her slender body against me, her hand now holding my shoulder, her tongue caressing, then wrestling, then probing. And then she moaned into my mouth.

I was lost. Done. Beaten by a kiss.

Easing my hand up from her hip and under her cotton camisole, I cupped her delicate breast, shuddering at its perfection. I teased her nipple. Her tongue, God help me, became frisky and adventurous.

I wanted Amelia naked.

Pushing her camisole up, the intense kiss ended. Her lips looked slightly swollen, sexy. Tugging her top up and off, my eyes locked on her delicate breasts.

I succumbed, bending to kiss one. Opening my mouth, I sucked her areola gently, my hand reaching down to push her panties the rest of the way off.

She kicked them down her legs and my palm settled on her lush pussy, soft pubes tickling, my finger tracing her cleft down. I sucked her breast harder using my tongue to tease her nipple into beaded hardness.

My erection surged, thick and rigid, when I touched Amelia's slippery arousal at the base of her cleft. I wanted her so much it was painful!

Amelia's hand caressed my shoulder, a gentle loving touch. Somehow it calmed me. It cooled the fever of desire I'd tripped into yet again, and I was thankful for it. Blind lust wasn't what I wanted as a memory.

I relaxed and lay next to her. "Don't kiss me like that," I said with a smile. "Your lips are lethal."

Amelia flushed with pleasure. "Kay." Her finger touched my lips. "But you're a pretty good kisser, too." She reached down and tugged at the waist of my boxers.

I helped, shoving them down and kicking them off, and then rolled back to her. A naked, beautiful, slender girl pressed herself against me, sandwiching my erection between us.

"This is much better," she observed. "I like being naked with you."

"Umm-hmm," I murmured kissing her.

She pressed herself against my erection. Precum made her skin slippery and silky. Cupping her bottom, I pulled her against me harder. She writhed, caressing my erection with her stomach, so sexy. It felt so good I thought about being inside her, buried in her, and almost lost control at the storm of desire that surged.

We kissed lightly and writhed together, erection straining, Amelia's hand caressing my back. Her scent filled me, a perfect blend of orange blossoms and sexy young girl. I sucked her lower lip, heart beating hard, and then kissed her again.

Amelia murmured and opened her mouth, the kiss intensifying, sensual, exciting. My cock surged. I rolled, moving on top of her. Amelia cradled me with her thighs. She was so slight under me, almost fragile, so intensely desirable.

Our kiss deepened, lips moving, tongues playing, as we started humping each other. I still held her gorgeous bottom in my hand. I felt her movements, buttocks undulating. Precum made us slide smoothly against each other. Her mons caressed my shaft, thighs holding me, and I shuddered deeply. I was going to have sex with this gorgeous girl!

As if we communicated telepathically, our kiss ended. I looked at her. She smiled softly, a small curl of her lips, eyes full of love, now slightly shy.

I kissed her softly, lips brushing together, her breath fresh and warm, and eased my erection back, the tip slipping over her mons and down along her cleft. I was so achingly hard I needed no hands, the tip gently pressing against her pussy.

Amelia watched me, serious, eyes probing. What was she thinking? As if hearing me, her hands caressed my sides, moving to my waist. She pulled lightly. The tip of my erection pressed to her cleft. I pulsed, my erection harder than I could ever remember. Excitement thrummed through my body, muscles tight and trembling.

I kissed her cheek, kissed her chin, smiled at her, and rubbed my nose against the tip of hers. A beautiful smile blossomed on her face. "Eskimo kisses," she whispered, pressing her pussy at me.

We kissed again, lips brushing lightly. Pressing my erection at her, she responded, pressing her pussy at me. Our kiss deepened; little nibbles of her lower lip, a gentle suck. Amelia reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Gray eyes twinkled and, tilting her head to the side, her enchanting eyes closed, her tongue touched my lips, she opened her mouth. A fog of desire hit me, so strong I inadvertently thrust.

Soft labia hugged my crown. Amelia moaned into my mouth, her tongue caressing, sensual, exciting; too exciting. I thrust again, an automatic body response to my intense arousal and the kiss broke suddenly, Amelia inhaling, a sharp hissing sound of pain, a frown emerging on her face. I froze. Her pain was a bucket of ice water on my arousal.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I told you, you're too young."

Her frown intensified. "I am not," she asserted, and shoved her pussy at me. She winced, and, unbelievably, I penetrated her!

She was so tight, almost excruciating, a warm, moist vise on my crown. My cock throbbed with excitement, but I'd hurt her again. I tried to ease back, lessen the pressure on my crown and ease her pain. Amelia wrapped her legs around my thighs, trapping me. She looked into my eyes and, slowly, very, very slowly, pressed herself at me.

The sensation was exquisite. With small motions, Amelia took me in, her tight pussy slipping down my shaft. I penetrated her deeper and deeper. It felt never-ending, a slow, intense experience, so damn erotic.

I joined her, moving minutely, and slowly, eventually, I was buried inside her slender body, completely buried, held tight in a wonderful velvet grip. My erection flexed making her even tighter.

We both paused, looking at each other. "Does it hurt?" I asked.

Amelia nodded.

"Too much?"

"No. Just wait, please."

I did. I reveled in the feeling of penetrating Amelia. It was so sexy, so arousing, and felt so damn good I didn't feel the desire to move; just stay like this, erection rigid and thick, gripped painfully tight, her pussy a warm, soft embrace. I could feel my tip nudging against her end.

I could feel my crown swelling with each pulse of pleasure; like warm, exciting waves washing through me. Amelia, slender, almost delicate underneath me, excited me even more; her youth somehow adding to the thrill of first-time intercourse.

I kissed her gently. "You feel incredible," I murmured. "So tight, so beautiful."

I kissed her again. "I love being like this, just this; us joined together. I don't need anything more."

Amelia smiled softly. I felt her; her pussy gently tightening even more as she explored the new sensation of being full. It felt utterly fantastic. My cock swelled in response and Amelia's smile broadened.

"I felt that," she observed.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No. But, you feel ten times bigger like this. I'm stuffed."

"You're so tight," I murmured.

"Is that good? Do you like it?" she asked.

"God, yes!"

"Kay," she whispered, pleased.

A flush of love overwhelmed me. She'd given me her most precious treasure - her love. She'd chosen me as her first. She'd graced my life with joy. I loved her so much it hurt.

I smiled and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Amelia."

She pulled my head up, studied my eyes, smiled with satisfaction, moved my face close and rubbed her nose against mine. Her enchanting eyes twinkled and she kissed me, her arms circling my neck in a sexy, sensual move beyond her years.

As we kissed, I started rubbing my pubic bone against her clit, gently. The feeling was astonishing, my crown stimulated deep inside her. She moved, rubbing her pussy against me. With soft kisses, we moved together, just rubbing against each other, my cock straining, stiff, thick, the tip massaged so erotically.

Amelia broke the kiss and whispered, "This feels really good. I like having you inside me." Her eyes lost focus. "I don't hurt anymore."

I was relieved, but didn't feel the urge to stroke into her. I loved this; rubbing against each other sensually, my tip caressed, her pussy such an exquisitely tight grip. It was soft and sexy loving unlike anything I'd experienced before, and I wanted it to last all night. It was perfect for me.

With her legs trapping me, her arms hugging my neck, her smoky gray eyes watching me, we moved slowly, no rush, my erection thick and rigid, feeling so good. And then, I saw her eyes. They narrowed slightly, darkened, losing focus, her brow creasing in a cute frown. Nostrils flared as she breathed harder, our groins grinding gently.

Amelia's eyes regained focus. She looked into mine and said in a loving whisper, "Mike." Her body tensed, legs pulling. She shook, eyes closing. With a cute, soft grunt, Amelia climaxed, her pussy clenching me beautifully, relaxing, clenching, milking me.