
Destiny's call

I was just any other normal person with little to no success in life even though I am good at what I do success just seems out of reach, well it was, until I met a stranger in a bar, more like he met me anyway is it me or does it seem like this stranger know everything about me? Everything he said is happening but how did he know……

DJK805 · Realistic
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29 Chs


Thinking about it, I saw Amelia in different outfits, a constantly changing appearance. Why hadn't I noticed before?

"How much money have you spent on her?" I asked, thinking I'd reimburse him.

"Nothing, except for parking and gas," Peter responded with a laugh. "She buys her own clothes."

"With what?"

"Well, money is the coin of the realm."

"What money?" I asked, increasingly confused.

"Mike, money is kept in a bank account. When needed, it's withdrawn..."

"Shut up. I've never taken her to a bank."

Peter sighed deeply. "Amelia pays with her iPhone."


Peter grinned broadly. "Mike, you're the most technologically challenged person on the planet.

There's more to computers than that Mac you use for video editing at home." His grin expanded into his eyes.

"Amelia transfers funds to her iWallet and pays with her iPhone."

"You can do that?" I remembered her trust fund, an annual allowance transferred every month. That must be it. Then Peter's earlier comment hit me like a ton of bricks. "She talks to you about me?"

Peter nodded. "Who am I to judge if she's attracted to an older man? I'm gay. It's nature, weird but nature."

"But you don't prance around or..."

"Act gay?" Peter finished.

"Sorry. I don't care one way or the other. You know that. You're entitled to your private life."

"As are you. I'm just saying, Amelia deserves the best, so be the best."

Relaxing, I smiled. "Did she tell you about her song?"

"What song?"

I shoved the Smartphone across the table. "You should watch it."

Peter's eyes opened wide. "You videotaped it? You? How did you figure it out?" He grinned at me.

"Smartass. Watch it."

He picked up the cell, thumb swiping and tapping. Familiar music started. Her voice rose.

One minute later, Peter whispered, "Ho-lee-shit." Amelia's voice, even tinny, sent shivers up my spine. The video ended. Peter looked at me, his eyes moist. "Holy shit, Mike!"

"I know."

"Email the video to me." He noticed my expression and laughed. "You don't know how, do you?"

"Just take the frigging phone."

An hour later Amelia hugged me, releasing much of my stress. "I missed you," she informed me.

"Get ready to go out," I suggested after inhaling her scent.

"Where are we going?"

"You and that unruly dog are going to advanced obedience class."

"Kay!" she said brightly. "Rufus!"

Rufus, no longer a puppy, came barreling around the corner, all fifty-five pounds of him banging into my legs as he skidded to a stop, his tail wagging like crazy.

I ruffled his head. More of my stress melted away. Dogs are such special beings, capable of endless love and affection, never demanding, a source of amusement, and, ultimately, a faithful companion unlike any other.

I was sure all dogs must go to Heaven. How could such pure love and devotion go anywhere else?

Perhaps it was Rufus' operation. Perhaps Amelia was maturing in leaps and bounds. But, over the next four weeks, she and Rufus became a team. Rufus paid devoted attention to her every move, look, and command, joyous when rewarded with her affection.

I knew how he felt. Amelia grew as well, finding confidence in her ability to communicate with Rufus. When she'd congratulate him, she'd sing to him, a song of love and admiration. I wasn't jealous ... not really.

Our relationship blossomed. Amelia stopped blushing at intimacy, only blushing when she'd suggest something new. And she did, much to my pleasure.

In spite of the wonderful sexy play we had, and the amazing orgasms she'd bring on every time, it was her kisses I loved to death.

It was the way she'd rub the tip of her nose against mine, smile, and whisper "Eskimo kisses." It was so sweet. And it was the way she'd melt into the kiss, her lips pressing, mouth opening, her tongue titillating me. I'd never tire of them.

But, one night, as we cuddled naked together and kissed and fondled, as I groped her scrumptious bum and traced the sexy valley between gorgeous buttocks, and as she fondled me, Amelia ended the kiss.

She looked at me and blushed slightly. I knew she had something in mind.

"I heard guys like oral sex. Is it true?"

Smiling, I assured her I loved giving oral sex, excited by the prospect.

Amelia shook her head. "That's not what I mean. I mean ... um ... me giving you oral sex."

My erection surged in her hand. She smiled. "Is that a yes?"

Arousal swayed my decision. I nodded.

She said, "I'm not sure how good I can do it. Will you tell me if I do it wrong?"

My heart rate spiked. I nodded.

She pushed me onto my back, rose to her knees at my side, resplendent in her naked glory, and drew the sheet down. My erection bobbed up off my stomach.

Amelia studied it, then gently took it in hand. She brought it upright, squeezed it gently as if testing my rigidity, smiled shyly and bent, her lips kissing the tip.

I found the sight of a young girl kissing my erection profoundly erotic. She glanced at me when my erection flexed, her eyes twinkling, bent again and kissed it. She stroked my shaft carefully and, in an exquisite move, pressed her lips to the tip. Her mouth opened.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she took the crown into her mouth, warm, moist heat making me shudder. She sucked lightly, cheeks indenting, and I groaned when her tongue gently caressed me.

She backed off. "Am I doing it right?" she asked, looking at me.

Not trusting my voice, I nodded.

Amelia shuffled down from my side to settle between my legs. She raised my erection and repeated herself, pressing her lips against the tip, slowly opening her mouth, my cock oozing into her mouth. Did she know how erotic it was? How arousing it was?

Her tongue teased the tip, and caressed my crown. She stroked my shaft and took more in. God it felt good. No. It felt fantastic, the visual and physical stimuli almost overwhelming.

When Amelia took even more in, the tip of my erection touching the back of her mouth, and looked up at me, her mouth stretched wide, I reached down and eased her off.

It was too much. I was close to cumming in her mouth, faster than I would have believed possible.

"Did I do it wrong?" she asked.

"No. God no. But..."

She stroked my erection and I came, semen spurting onto my stomach. Amelia smiled with satisfaction and stroked my shaft faster.

My cock swelled. A massive spurt of cum launched out hitting my chest, pleasure pounding me.

I came again, gasping, and again, semen spurting, Amelia stroking me, bliss hitting. My stomach tensed, orgasm cresting, and each pulse of semen weakened leaving me gasping for breath.

Amelia moved up to my side, cuddling. I caressed her bare back while trying to recover, eventually reaching out to grab some tissue and clean myself.

"Was it really okay?" Amelia asked.

"Did you see how fast I came?"

She glanced at me from the crook of my shoulder. "Would you like it more if I let you cum in my mouth?"

I combed fingers through her short, shorn hair. "Maybe someday. I like it just fine this way. You didn't have to do it."

"I know. But..." She paused, then continued, " ... if we're going to be together forever, I want you to be happy, like me."

"I'd be happy just to have you in my life, Amelia, even without sexy play."

"But, it's better with sexy stuff, don't you think?" She snuggled against me. "Besides, I want to try everything with you." In a softer voice, she added, "I like sex with you."

Rolling her onto her back, I rose onto my elbow. "My turn," I announced.

"Your turn to what?"

With a feather-light touch, I teased her areola, liking how it stippled in response. "To do this," I answered, bending to kiss her other delicate breast. "And this," I added, sucking her areola, tongue caressing an awakening nipple.

"And this," I murmured, kissing her soft stomach. "And this," I whispered, my lips gently touching her mons, silken, wavy pubic hairs tickling me. I caught her scent, a hint of earthiness with something more.

Amelia watched me when I moved down, easing her legs apart, knees up, and settling between them. She returned my smile, eyes attentive.

Beautiful breasts mounded proudly on her chest, topped by sexy dark pink areolae, tiny nipples. I looked down and admired her pussy. It was beautiful, small yet so sexy.

Her wavy, dark pubes, silken and sexy, didn't cover the swell of her mons, a plush, arousing pad. Rounded labia cradled her clitoral hood, and below, her cleft parting just enough to give me a glimpse of moist pinkness.

Nestled deep at the base, I saw the dark entrance to her vagina, so incredibly small. Amelia's pussy was so damn sexy, dark pubic hair decorating the edges of her labia;

On the cusp of bursting into full maturity. Below her pussy, compact buttocks bulged where they pressed to the bed. I found the sight profoundly erotic.

With her eyes still watching me, I smiled and bent in, kissing the top of her mons, her scent more pronounced; sex, arousal, a hint of earthiness yet clean.

Her mons yielded to the pressure of my lips, bulging seductively. I kissed the top of her cleft, my hands caressing silky thighs. Amelia trembled slightly when I kissed the tip of her clit, and I finally tasted her.

She was delicious, the ambrosia of sex, light tasting. It was an intense experience that had me trembling, excited. Opening my mouth, I covered her cleft almost completely, sucked gently, and, with my heart rate elevated, caressed inside her cleft with my tongue.

She was silky smooth, slippery, and warm, very warm. Her thighs trembled, eyes narrowing, expression serious.

I probed at the entrance to her vagina, tasting her beautiful arousal and feeling how small she was; a tight entrance still protected by her hymen. Drawing my tongue up, I teased her clit, brought my lips together and sucked.

Amelia groaned quietly, thighs shaking, her eyes closing. Watching her, with my mouth glued to her clit, I reached up from under her thighs to cup her breasts, squeezing and caressing them, rewarded with a moan of pleasure, a little twitch of her pelvis, her pussy pressing up against my lips.

For minutes I sucked and licked, enjoying her response; a slow, steady increase in pelvic curls, eyes closing tightly, her nostrils flaring. Then she opened her mouth to pant, groan almost silently.

Her hands curled into fists. I sucked her clit harder and she tipped into her climax with a louder grunt, body curling, a brief pause, then all Hell broke loose, her body heaving, scrubbing her pussy against my mouth, an expression of pain on her face.

She moaned and gasped, a sheen of perspiration emerging on her face, her pussy undulating and suddenly moist, very moist.

When she peaked, as I sucked her clit and teased it with my tongue, her body shook and shivered almost violently. She cried out cutely.

"Stop!" she gasped, reaching down to push my head away.

Amelia rolled and curled up into a small ball, her body still wracked with hard tremors, the frequency slowing.

Moving up, I hugged her from behind. I could feel residual waves of her climax pass through her. Eventually, she calmed. She snuggled back into me like a kitten seeking warmth.

Her heart was still thumping. She smelled different; stronger, orange blossoms mixed with sexual arousal, and it was a heady aroma, indeed.

Eventually she spoke.

"That was painful. Is that how it is for you?" she asked quietly.

I was quite sure she'd just experienced a full body orgasm. "No. I think yours was stronger."

"I'm tired now."

As she slipped towards sleep, she whispered, "I love you, Mike."

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