
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Test

As the sun rose on the following day, Ron and Bob busied themselves packing their belongings, getting ready to head to the academy. Elizabeth kindly gave them some new clothes for the journey.

When they stepped outside, they saw Edwards waiting for them by a carriage, his eyes gleaming with sleepiness.

After saying goodbye to Gazelle and Olivia, they climbed into the carriage with Edwards, and they set off.

Olivia was one year younger than them so she would attend the academy after a year.

The ride was mostly quiet, except for Bob, who slept the whole time.

Before long, they left the town behind and ventured further north, reaching the central area.

It was bigger and fancier than anything they had seen in Ravenwood.

The streets were filled with shops selling luxurious weapons. They also came across rune sellers on every corner.

Ron's eyes widened with excitement as he observed wands made from different types of wood, like oak, cherry, and even rare elder wood.

Ron spotted a well-stocked weapon smith's shop. It had sturdy racks displaying an array of swords, axes, bows, and other impressive weapons.

The craftsmanship was impressive, with finely honed blades and intricately carved hilts.

Further down the street, Ron noticed a shop decorated with mystical runes and sparkling gemstones. It seemed to attract skilled mages and swordsmen, some of whom were as strong as Gazelle, if not stronger.

Nearby, there was also an arena where mages competed for money and prizes.

"So, how long until we get there?" Ron asked Edward.

Edward replied with a calm tone, "It'll take quite a while."

"Come on, can't you give a straight answer?" Ron insisted.

Edward responded calmly "You'll reach your destination when you reach it. We're on our way, and that's all that matters.


After hours of traveling, they reached a location that resembled a giant kingdom.


"Damn," Bob exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief as he gazed at the enormous building in front of them. It was even larger than Ron had expected, with towering structures and expansive grounds that showcased the immense wealth emanating from within.

The statue of the legendary hero Ethan, brandishing his sword, adorned the front of the building.

Moving into the compound, the two of them followed Edward towards a nearby entrance, where they were greeted by a man holding a pen and paper.

"Could you please state your names?" the man asked, his expression unimpressed.

"I'm Ron Luminar, and this is Bob Luminar," Ron replied as they gave their identity cards.

"Great, now please sign these documents," the man said, handing them two forms along with their ID cards.

"This outfit looks really nice," Bob commented as he slipped the robe over his clothes, admiring its design.

Ron also put on the dark coat, which bore the emblem of the Norhaevn Academy. The robe-like garment had a dark color, resembling a robe, and Ron carefully adjusted it. He knew that these robes were special, woven with Nullium threads and enchanted to protect students from magical attacks.

{Nullium is an element with anti-magic properties, capable of blocking elemental magic to some extent.}

With their coats in place, Ron and Bob walked into the entrance of the building joined by a large crowd of people, so large that they had to stick close to each other to prevent getting lost.

"Wow, there are so many people here," Bob remarked to Ron, taking note of the significant turnout and the mix of nervousness and prayerful expressions among the group.

Everyone in the gathering appeared anxious which can be seen on their face

Ron, however, couldn't help but be intrigued as he looked up and noticed a vast magical spell encompassing the entire academy. It was an impressive protective barrier designed to safeguard the entire building.

Although invisible to the naked eye, Ron could keenly sense the presence of the magic energy emanating from the protective barrier.

But as he looked around, his gaze landed on a captivating girl with red, amber eyes. Her eyes held a mesmerizing depth, like pools of rich warmth. Her skin was clear and flawless, enhancing her natural beauty, while her dark hair cascaded gracefully, drawing attention to all the boys near her.

"Wow, that's Seraphina? she looks like what I read in the novel" Ron said to himself.

Ron continued to search the crowd, but he hadn't found anyone who matched Adam's description yet.


Soon as the exam was about to commence, four figures emerged from the stage on the top of the academy and began addressing the gathered students.

"Welcome to Norhaevn Academy," one of them declared, utilizing wind magic to amplify their voice. "Today, we are here to administer the entrance examination to determine your eligibility for admission to the Norhaen academy."

"This comprehensive test encompasses various assessments, including evaluations of your magical power, control, and other relevant factors," another figure explained, emphasizing the multi-faceted nature of the examination.

"As we call the names please come forward and place your hands on this globe" said another figure pointing to a clear globe sitting on the top of a table.

"If you don't have magic at least 10% of second class, you will fail" continued the figure.

Ron felt the weight of the intense pressure emanating from the four figures before him.

Observing them closely, Ron deduced that all four of them held the rank of 7th class, except for one who stood at the 8th class level.

"So that's the principal of the Norhaevn,Marcus" Thought Ron.

Marcus was tall man with white hair and beard. His deep blue eyes emitted a strong magical presence that could be felt when you looked at him. He exuded authority and confidence, dressed in impressive robes. It was evident that Marcus was highly respected and you can tell if by how he is treated by the other mages. 

"Andrew Rolgade," called out a boy, who nervously stepped forward onto the stage and placed his hands on the globe.

"You've passed with a second-class score of 13%," said one of the officials standing near Marcus.

With an excited smile, the boy returned to his place among the crowd.

"Next," the call came as participants proceeded to take their turns on the stage, one by one.

Finally, it was Bob's turn.

"Bob Luminar," announced the voice.

Hoping for the best, Bob murmured to himself as he made his way onto the stage, a mixture of nerves and anticipation in his demeanour.

"Please place your hands," the woman said, looking directly at Bob.

As Bob laid his hands on the globe, it began to emit a clear and shining light.

"You've achieved a second-class score of 67%," the woman declared.

"Yahooo!" Bob exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement, and he started dancing on the stage.

Later, it was Seraphine's turn to step forward.

"Third class by 10%," the woman announced.

The crowd murmured in response, their voices filled some with surprise, while other with jealousy.

"Third class at such a young age? Impressive!"

"Ah, she must have inherited her father's magical gene, what a bitch."

"Imagine what she'll achieve when she's older, I should try to get on her good side

The spectators exchanged impressed glances and whispered among themselves, acknowledging Seraphine's remarkable achievement and the prestige that came with being the daughter of an archmage.

After a lot of people , Ron finally heard a familiar name

"Adam Valerius," the voice called out.

A boy with luscious red lips and striking emerald hair made his way towards the stage. His hair, an unconventional shade of blue, added a touch of uniqueness to his appearance. As he walked, his lips had a natural rosy hue, lending a hint of softness to his otherwise vibrant features.

As he walked forward, whispers could be heard among the crowd.

"Why is that worthless guy here? His family is already dead," Cain sneered, expressing his deep-seated hatred for Adam.

Cain, an antagonist in the story, harbored a deep grudge against Adam. Later in the plot, he would make a attempt on Adam's life, but however his plans would ultimately crumble in failure.

Adam felt the intensity of Marcus's gaze as he approached the stage. Following the woman's instructions, he reached out and touched the globe. Adam concentrated on releasing his magic at a third-class level, and the globe responded by emitting a brilliant light.

"The result is third class, scoring 20%," the woman announced.

The crowd murmured among themselves, recognizing that Adam had achieved the highest score thus far. However, Other nobles who were tash talking him especially Cain grew agitated, unable to bear the thought of a fallen noble becoming more powerful than him.

Adam's family hailed from a lineage of fallen nobles. Their status was revoked due to his father's misdeeds, now he was just a commoner.

People started gathering around Adam, eager to befriend him, particularly Seraphine and Aria, who would later become his girlfriends.

Marcus rubbed his chin with a smile as he looked at Adam. "Well, I guess there are a lot of talented individuals this year."

Finally, it was Ron's turn to step forward.