
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Slave's Cry

Sam soon opened his eyes to find himself in complete darkness. He felt as if he was covered with something, he tried to move his arm but something rough and damp was blocking him.

"I can't move," Sam thought as he attempted to wiggle his arms and legs trying to get free. Faint sounds of people talking reached his ears, but he couldn't make out the words. 

Anxiety gripped Sam as he questioned, 'Wait, I'm not inside, am I?' It's not as though everyone gets to experience their own birth. Abruptly, an unseen force pressed down on his body, pushing him downward. After hours of relentless struggle, Sam finally emerged into the open.

Upon opening his eyes, Sam immediately noticed that the atmosphere differed significantly from the modern world. The room was lit by lanterns with no signs of electricity and the worn-off brick walls made him feel like he had been transported to a house from medieval time. 

Later, realizing he was covered in blood and fluid, Sam looked at the woman on the bed. Unresponsive, she had a smile on her face.

As Sam saw her a strange feeling squeezed in his little chest. It wasn't the warm, comforting sensation associated with milk and warmth. This was different. While he didn't feel love for her, he couldn't shake the sadness that she had passed away before holding her own baby.

The nurses were worried about Sam because he wasn't crying. However, as soon as he started kicking his legs and arms, they understood he was fine. 

One of the nurse then came towards Sam, pointing her fingers at him. Her eyes started to glow blue like in the ocean, and a puddle popped up, covering Sam and cleaning him up, leaving him cool and refreshed. Sam was amazed, realizing he was in a magical world. His puppy eyes widened, silently asking the nurse to do it again. 

After a few minutes of showing her magic to Sam, the nurse got tired. She snugly wrapped him in a soft blanket, feeling his small fingers curling and uncurling. The nurse watched over him for a while before leaving him alone in the room. 

As he looked around for something interesting, Sam spotted another baby on the bed opposite his. Before long, he felt hunger, and unable to control his emotions, he started crying.

Soon a woman entered the room with two bottles of milk. She approached the baby next to Sam, feeding him from the bottle.

After that it was his turn, so she approached Sam and cradled him in her arms. She gently placed a bottle of warm milk in his mouth.

Feeling hungry as a baby, he eagerly started drinking the bottle of milk with a soft "noom noom" sound. As he drank, he looked up at the nurse with big, innocent eyes.

The nurse smiled down at him and gently patted his back as he finished the bottle.

"There, there, little one. All better now," she cooed, before placing him back in his bed with the other babies.

Feeling a sense of comfort and warmth, Sam snuggled into his bed, content after his meal. He observed the other baby in the room peacefully sleeping, and soon, he too drifted off to sleep, feeling tired. 


Years passed, and now Ron was 4 years old (the name he went by in this world). Trying to understand more about this place, he realized his bad luck from before still haunted him. It turned out he was a slave, just like his parents.

Since his parents were slaves their titles was passed down to him as he was their son.

"I'm really unlucky," he grumbled, sitting down on Claire's lap next to Bob, who was born at the same time along with him. Even though they weren't related, they were treated like brothers and were the same age.

"It's not your fault you're a slave," Claire reassured Ron as he lay on her lap.

Claire, a nurse helping sick and injured slaves in the camp, played an important role. She often gave Ron and Bob milk and food, saying they needed it to grow. This annoyed other slaves who couldn't get the same treatment.

Ron and Bob were the only kids in the entire camp. In this place, only people around the age of 8 could work, so Ron had plenty of free time. During his free moments, he either read the books available in the camp or watched Claire treat the injured with her magic.

Claire was busy preparing medicine for the sick individuals in the camp. She raised her hand and started heating up the mixture using her fire magic.

Seeing this, Ron began thinking how he could learn how to use magic. He learned from Claire that people in this world were born with a certain amount of magic, but despite his efforts since childhood, he couldn't sense any magic within him.

"This isn't fair, man," he grumbled. Without magic, he believed he'd never catch up to the protagonist, let alone survive in the future.

Since he made no progress in feeling magic, Ron absorbed a lot of knowledge about herbs and medical practices from Claire, assisting her in treating others. 

As time flew by, Ron's life underwent significant changes, although he didn't realize it.