
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Sam blinked in astonishment as he found himself transported to a picturesque grassland. The scenery stretched endlessly, with lush green grass carpeting the land and an abundance of majestic trees creating a natural canopy overhead.

The rivers meandered gracefully, their crystal-clear waters reflecting the vibrant colours of the surrounding landscape.

The sheer beauty of the place took Sam's breath away as he could appreciate himself how beautiful the place was.

The gentle rustling of leaves and the melodic sounds of flowing water added a serene ambiance to the environment making Sam feel like he could spend an eternity there.

But as he was lost in admiring the beauty a strange figure appeared behind him

"Hello Sam" replied the figure. 

As he turned around he saw that the figure was a women, but it would be the most beautiful women he had ever met in this life. She had long brown hair and stunning curve and shining golden eyes. She had a serene smile on her face, and was draped in a long, flowing robe and had a serene and peaceful expression on her face.

"Who are you?" Sam asked the woman.

"I am Avalora, goddess of reincarnation, and this is my domain," she replied with a smile.

Sam realized that this was a pivotal moment, and his years of reading novels led him to a single conclusion, hitting him hard.

"So, I'm dead, huh?" murmured Sam.

"You got it," she replied.

"So, what should I do now? Are you going to list my sins or something?" Sam inquired.

"Well, there are two options for you. One, you can be reborn without memories, where you'll be given a better life than your previous one. Or two, you can be reborn again with your memories, but there's no guarantee your life will be any better," explained Avalora. 

Without much hesitation, Sam made up his mind. "I'll go with the second option," he stated. He wanted his memories, Sam wanted to remember so that he could do better in his next life and avoid the mistakes he made before. 

"Very well," Avalora replied, producing four golden cards before her. "I'll give you four cards, and each of them has special powers. You may choose one."

Just as Sam was about to choose a card, a question popped into his mind immediately.

"Why me? There are billions of people in the world. Why did I get the opportunity to reincarnate?" asked Sam, questioning the goddess.

The goddess then replied to Sam with a smirk, "Yes, you're right. Only certain people are always selected by me to reincarnate, and there is a reason why you're chosen."

The goddess lifted her hand, which was shining golden, and suddenly Sam felt like he was in an illusion.

"This is what happened after you died."

Sam saw the girl who he help along with the police, crying as she looked at his corpse.

"So, she went to call for help," thought Sam.

Then he saw two figures crying beside where he was lying. It was his parents, whom he hadn't met for years. As Sam saw them he started to feel a tightening sensation, even though he didn't have a physical body.

"That's your soul" replied the goddess.

"Even though you had such loving parents, you failed to realize the love they had for you, and also, you are pretty foolish for throwing away your life for a girl. I admire that," the goddess replied with a smirk. 

"So, I wanted to give you a second chance like you asked, but it is up to you whether you can achieve what you want in that chance," the goddess explained. 

"Now, I have more idiots waiting, so please come forward and pick a card," said the goddess.

After a silent moment, Sam stepped closer, his hand grazing his chin as he weighed his options. Given his history of unfortunate luck, he decided to rely on intuition. Closing his eyes, he reached out and selected a card.

As he turned over the chosen card, it revealed...

{Skill : Purity(Legendary)}

{Inspect : ?????}

{Status : Passive}

Sam's confusion grew, and he couldn't help but voice his scepticism. "What does this shit do, and what's with the question marks?" he bluntly asked the goddess.

Maintaining her gentle smile, she responded, "Now, it's time for you to choose the world you'll be reborn into."

Excitement filled Sam's voice as he replied, "Yes, here it comes," his mind drifting to the stories he had read before.

Raising both arms, the goddess emitted a radiant glow, causing Sam's body to shine brightly. As the light gradually faded, the goddess fixed her gaze on him once more.

"Listen carefully," she spoke with a soothing tone, as gentle as a breeze. "The world you'll be reborn into will be determined by the last thing you read before coming here."

Confusion washed over Sam's face, unsure of what she meant. "What do you mean by what I read last?" he asked.

The goddess's enigmatic smile persisted. "The final book, article, or even tweet you read before your demise will shape the nature of your next life," she explained.

Sam felt a mixture of confusion and frustration bubbling up within him. "Wait, so I don't have any say in where I go?" he questioned.

The goddess turned towards him, her eyes reflecting both amusement and irritation.

"You have been given a rare opportunity," she said. "Why do you assume you can fucking choose your own path when you've been granted this gift free of charge?"

Sam thought to himself, "Oi, oi, this isn't how it's supposed to go in novels."

Just as he turned around, he noticed a door opening behind him. The door appeared translucent and shimmering, welcoming him with an aura of love.

As he was starting at the door the goddess approached him from behind and pushed him towards the door, but Sam managed to catch its edge, holding onto it tightly, preventing himself from plunging into the vast, glowing realm beyond.

"Wait, please! All I want is a happy life, nothing else. Pretty please?" Sam pleaded desperately.

"Don't worry, what I gave you is an invaluable skill, make sure to use it well" the goddess reassured him with a smile as she bent down, meeting Sam's gaze.

Before he could protest any further, the goddess swiftly kicked him with her leg, causing him to lose his grip and tumble into the radiant realm beyond the door.

"You cheeky goddess! What do you mean I won't remember?" Sam exclaimed as he descended.

"Embrace the unknown and trust in the journey ahead!" the goddess shouted as the door closed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sam's voice echoed, filled with despair, as he disappeared into the depths of the glowing realm.


Sam felt weightless and unbound by his physical form. He was falling into the void, surrounded by a sea of stars and galaxies. He had no sense of time or direction, but he didn't feel lost or scared.

As he fell, he saw flashes of different worlds and different lives, each one more ridiculous than the last. In one, he saw a talking duck who fought crime with a team of other talking animals. In another, he saw a vampire who solved mysteries with a plucky teenage sidekick.

But however, as he feels, he became aware of a faint light in the distance. It grew brighter and brighter until his eyes opened up.