
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Lost Dreams

The circle was adorned with complex symbols, made up of shining magical runes and intricate patterns, each line and curve precisely placed.

Magical runes are one of the essential items during summoning as it can provide continuous magic.

Raze asked both of them to step into the magic circle and began to explain, "In order to make a pact with a devil, you have to be half dead and half alive."

"Okay, that sounds suspicious, but what does that mean?" asked Ron.

"You're going to have to die," said Raze.

"WHATTT??" said both of them in union.

"Don't worry, these two behind me are mages, expert in healing magic, they will heal you after you fall unconscious, so you won't die".

Ron and Bob were still wary of Raze. As fiends, they knew that Raze was no different from a devil - brutal and filled with malice.

Ron realized that Raze had the power to kill them both easily, but he couldn't harm Ron due to their contract. "I don't know about Bob, though," he thought.

With a heavy heart, Bob dropped to his knees into the middle of the circle, his hands clasped tightly together "Dear God, if you're listening, please make sure the devil has good call service so we can chat about this pact I'm about to make, Amen".

Ron then took a deep breath walked into his circle. He couldn't believe he was about to make a pact with a devil, but he didn't see any other option.

One of the men beside Raze said "Sir, are you sure these two punks are good for the job?"

Raze looked at the man with a stern expression and replied, "They may not look like much, but trust me, they're the only ones crazy enough to take on this job."

Then the two men beside Raze stepped forward, their knees behind both of them. "We're going to cut your throats," one of them said, "It will be excruciatingly painful, but don't worry, you won't die... not yet at least." With that, they drew their blades and made slow, cuts across the captives' throats, blood trickling down their chests as they gasped for air.

As the blades sliced through their flesh, Ron and Bob's bodies convulsed with pain and fear. Their minds raced, trying to process what was happening to them. They felt a hot, searing pain in their throats and struggled to breathe, gasping for air as their blood poured out onto the ground.

Both of their thoughts were a jumbled mess as they tried to focus on anything other than the pain. They both thought of his family, his friends, all the things they wished and things they had done differently. They felt regret and sadness wash over them, mixed with a sense of resignation that this was the end.

As their blood fell onto the intricate patterns of the circle, it began to glow with an eerie light. The blood seemed to seep into the grooves of the symbols, as if being absorbed into the very fabric of the design. As more and more blood dripped onto the circle, the light grew brighter and more intense, until it was almost blinding.

"Remember, you have to use your willpower. Don't let it take hold of you. It all depends on the determination of the person—" Ron heard Raze shouting as the darkness consumed him.


"Where am I? What am I doing here?" Ron asked, looking around at the complete darkness that enveloped him.

At first, he felt as if he was in a dream, unable to grasp what or why he was there. His senses were dulled, and his thoughts were muddled. Panic began to set in as he remembered why he was there.

"Oh yea,the devil," he muttered, trying to gather his wits.

A metallic scent filled the air, making Ron's nose twitch with revulsion. As he looked around, he noticed a dark liquid covering the ground, and the feeling of dread began to creep up his spine.

"Is this blood?" he whispered to himself, looking at his red-stained hands. The smell was so strong that Ron covered his nose.

Looking around at the darkness that engulfed him, Ron shouted, "Is anyone here?". His voice echoed through the darkness, bouncing off the walls of the unknown place he found himself in. But there was no response, only silence that seemed to amplify the sound of his own heartbeat.

He stood still for a moment, until he heard a low growl, the sound echoing through the chamber like a soft rumble. It was a sound that sent shivers down his spine and made his heart race with fear.

The growl was followed by a deep, heavy breathing, as if some massive creature was taking slow, measured breaths.

Suddenly Ron's fight and flight kicked in. He strained his eyes in the darkness, trying to catch a glimpse of the source of the sound, but he could see nothing but the black void.

Ron's attention was drawn upward as drops of a foul-smelling liquid fell from above, hitting the ground with a sickening plop. As he looked up. He saw 6 red eyes shining above him.

As Ron's eyes adjusted with the darkness he could see clearly

The demon before Ron was a towering figure, easily standing over 7 feet tall. Its skin was a sickly pale colour, stretched tightly over its muscular frame. Its face was twisted into a grotesque grin, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that glinted in the dim light. Its eyes were a fiery red, seeming to glow with an otherworldly intensity, and two curved horns jutted out from its forehead, framing its horned skull.

Ron who got scared started running "Cmon, man how do you expect me to fight that".

The demon seeing him run screeched so loud that Ron left his ear were about to bust. Then it started running towards him at terrifying speed.

The demon whipped it's arm trying to grab Ron, but he quickly jumped back to avoid getting caught in its grasp.

"So fast," Ron thought as he felt the rush of wind as the demon's massive hand swiped past him. Without the training given by Raze, Ron knew he wouldn't survive for even a minute.

The demon's blade-like tongue shot out at a lightning speed, slicing through the air with a deadly precision. Ron tried to dodge it, but it was too fast.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" he cried out in pain as the demon's blade-like tongue whipped through his arm and slammed him to the ground.

"I don't think there is a way to defeat this thing, even though it's a dream it would be impossible to kill such a thing".

The demon grinned, as it took Ron by its arm then bringing it close to its mouth, the thing was so disgusting that Ron felt like he would vomit any minute. He could see the long, thick tongue writhed and twisted inside its mouth and its face was mottled and rough, with ridges and bumps that looked like they could burst open at any moment.

Ron felt a surge of pain as the demon's grip tightened around him, but as the creature opened its mouth, He used his hand to get himself out but to no await.

At this time Ron was hit by a flood of memories. He saw himself as a child, being scolded by his parents for not being good enough, and the countless times he had been belittled and called a failure. The weight of all these memories crashed down on him like a wave, threatening to drown him in despair.

Suddenly he remembered Raze's words, telling him that this was not real and to use his will power. All the pain and regret in his heart turned into a fierce determination to live. He didn't want to go back to who he was before. With a new found resolve and determination in his eyes, Ron stared back at the demon.

The demon let out a blood-curdling screech as it suddenly released its grip on Ron.

Ron gritted his teeth as he landed hard on the ground, feeling the impact reverberate through his body. He quickly regained his footing and braced himself for the demon's next attack.

It then shot out its bladed tongue once again, this time with the aim to kill Ron. However, Ron found the wipe to be slow and easy to dodge, allowing him to move out of its way with ease.

"I see," Ron said as he realized something. "These things feed on fear. The more fear you have, the more powerful they become." With this realization, he formed a sword in his hand and moved forward.

Seeing Ron easily avoid it, the demon swung its sharp claws in an attempt to cut him.

Ron deftly sidestepped the demon's attack and leaped forward, his hands emanating a radiant glow as a sword form in his hand. He noticed that every time the demon attacked, it left an opening in its defence.

He exerted all his strength and swung his sword with full force, striking the demon's chest with a loud clang. A deep gash was left on the demon's skin, but it was too shallow to inflict any serious damage.

The demon howled in pain as Ron's sword struck true, but the wound was still not deep enough to bring it down. It retaliated with a powerful blow that sent Ron flying.

Ron felt a searing pain shoot through his body as he was sent flying through the air. His ribs and back ached from the impact as he crashed onto the hard ground. He struggled to catch his breath as the pain throbbed through his entire being, making it hard for him to move.

"Damn it, I can't reach that far," Ron said, frustrated as he looked at the demon. Despite his efforts, the deep wound on its chest was not enough to stop it.

The demon continued its relentless attacks, using its whip and trying to crush Ron with its massive hands.

The demon's whip sliced through Ron's torso, tearing off a sizable portion of flesh. Ron gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the searing pain as he focused on his goal. With all his might, he swung his sword at the demon's legs, severing them from its body. The demon lost its balance and fell with a loud splash into the pool of blood.

Without wasting any time, Ron rushed towards the demon's chest, where he had previously left a deep gash.

He drove his sword into the wound with all his strength, causing the demon to squeal in pain before it finally stopped moving and fell into the pool of blood

Now it was silence once again.

[Man, finally this chapter is over, God..]

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